forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Who here is in pretty good control of their emotions?

Me, technicly.
I have meds for it.

Same man. jazz hands meds buddies

Aye, what ones do you have?

Two different ones. One controls my hormones. The other controls my adrenaline output. Basically: no mood swings, and helps with anti-anxiety shit.

I ment like the names, I'm on Abilfy

Deleted user

@The Grammar Queen please stop. I know you're just responding, but it interuppts the flow. Please don't yell at me.

I understand, but I'm not responding to anything. I'm simply saying that I want this whole "Grammar Queen sucks and is a problem and is mean and disruptive" and all to end.


@The Grammar Queen please stop. I know you're just responding, but it interuppts the flow. Please don't yell at me.

I understand, but I'm not responding to anything. I'm simply saying that I want this whole "Grammar Queen sucks and is a problem and is mean and disruptive" and all to end.

ok, so since this is the rudeness chat, I'm just gonna say this: Did you ever think about what anybody else wants? Literally everybody has been trying to get you to quit, and you keep bringing stuff up only to please yourself. If you really want people to like you that much, just say sorry and move on. Geez


Most of us don't have anything against you, the only problem is when you respond to posts from days and days ago, interrupting current conversations. That's really all it is.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

@The Grammar Queen please stop. I know you're just responding, but it interuppts the flow. Please don't yell at me.

I understand, but I'm not responding to anything. I'm simply saying that I want this whole "Grammar Queen sucks and is a problem and is mean and disruptive" and all to end.

I honestly think you are a good person, but you can be disruptive sometimes. I had a bad introduction to this chat, but I apologized, and now I'm having good conversations here that only get mean sometimes.


hugs Grammar Queen I actually think you're pretty awesome, so please don't let any of the overexaggerated rudeness stuff/insults get to you. Okay?

Deleted user

It's called apologizing, Miriam.

I did apologize!

No one called you a horrible person?
They just pointed out mistakes you made, and if that makes you feel insecure, that's on you, not them.

All I know is that every time I'm on here, someone is pointing out a mistake I made. Then they get mad at me for being a problem. Multiple people have sworn at me and told me they don't like me. I'm simply trying to stop this stupid, useless conflict. It's making me consider quitting.

@"The Grammar Queen"

I made a rule specifically asking people not to bring up issues from many pages ago, as it was starting to anger many people. This is more than twice now you have ignored this rule. If this happens again, I will ask you to leave.

We have all moved past this issue and are no longer heated about it. Your insistence at bringing it up every time you log on instead of moving past it, along with everyone else, is starting to irritate me as well. I told you before, if you have issues that continue on, please PM the person you have beef with.

To everyone: I will not be nice the next time this comes up.

3 strikes and you're out.

Deleted user

A) It was from one page ago.
B) I'm just trying to get this whole thing to stop!!! Do you think it's fun logging on only to see that, just like every day, people are responding to something you said without trying to hurt anyone and saying that it's wrong and shouldn't have happened? It's not. All I'm saying is that I don't want to be the one everyone hates anymore!!!

Deleted user

Hun, you're not trying to hurt people, we know.
Just let the issue go and no one will bring it up again.
You're doing this to yourself.


page 105 is 4 pages ago. And people will hate you if you keep bringing this up. So please stop. For the record, I don't hate you either.

Deleted user

@The Grammar Queen please stop. I know you're just responding, but it interuppts the flow. Please don't yell at me.

I understand, but I'm not responding to anything. I'm simply saying that I want this whole "Grammar Queen sucks and is a problem and is mean and disruptive" and all to end.

ok, so since this is the rudeness chat, I'm just gonna say this: Did you ever think about what anybody else wants? Literally everybody has been trying to get you to quit, and you keep bringing stuff up only to please yourself. If you really want people to like you that much, just say sorry and move on. Geez

  1. Nobody is trying to get me to quit except apparently you. People are just generally not being the nicest, which makes me want to leave. Fae literally said that if you have beef, PM. If you want me to quit, fricking PM me and we can work it out there.
  2. Yeah, I think about other people. Nobody enjoys drama, which is why I'm trying to end this.

Deleted user

page 105 is 4 pages ago. And people will hate you if you keep bringing this up. So please stop. For the record, I don't hate you either.

Really? You just told me you want me to quit! If you don't hate me, try being a little nice!


I know I'm not Eris and therefore I'm not allowed to make suggestions ever but CAN WE PLEASE END THIS ONGOING ARGUMENT.
No more mindless hate towards Grammar Queen, and no more bringing up stuff from pages upon pages upon pages ago.


Deleted user

Literally no one was responding to what you said until you re-posted/ replied to it.
I am asking you now to stop.


alrighty, im done with this. Eris said to pm if we have issues (which i dont have anything i need to say to you but please feel free to pm me). Lets talk about something else.


another fucking child throwing a tantrum.

maybe people would respect you more if you didn't act so childish.

Deleted user

Fine. Fricking whatever. Who else wants to discuss where I've messed up? I'm always down for that.

Deleted user

another fucking child throwing a tantrum.

maybe people would respect you more if you didn't act so childish.

Every time you're online, all you do is start fights, hurt feelings, make people mad and act more entitled than anyone else. But sure, I'm the childish one.