forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Then, she is not in a mental hospital and you are most likely making it up for either attention or sympathy.


…Or maybe they just don’t know all the details of the story considering it didn’t happen to them specifically and are telling things truthfully the way they remember?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Ella is correct. I heard this from one of my friends, who is supposedly in contact with her, but I haven't heard from her in a little less than a year. She basically just disappeared one day, no longer has a school account, and a rumor went around that she had killed herself.

I'm honestly just clinging to the idea that she's not dead.


Dear universe:
Can you please, for the love of all breakfast foods, invent a magical way for me to learn to draw human anatomy without being either scarred for life or exposed to all sorts of pornography/awful garbage from across the dark web?
People wonder why I don't draw guys, and the answer is simple: I don't want to freaking google photos of naked men just so I can draw my one male OC fully clothed with somewhat decent anatomy.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I would suggest finding using manga for the beginner by christopher hart he does a great job a good how to draw book for younger people. Still, even art colleges are like, "Let's hire people to sit naked all day and traumatize freshmen!"

Deleted user

But that is the best way to accurately learn how to draw anatomy.

Honestly, people need to stop being so prude. It's a body, you have one too. The human body is beautiful and unique, not something to be shamed or hidden.

Deleted user

Yeah, my drawing style of anatomy is too cartoony to use naked bodies as models, but still… It's just a naked body.


There's a difference in the underlying reasons for being naked. With art, it's not anything sexual, it just…is. The model is naked, and that's that.

Deleted user

Then why is it illegal to be naked in public?

Because people are dumb as fuck and shame something that should not be shamed. I just said that.


Actually, I can think of many, many reasons why people shouldn't be naked in public, but that's beside the point.

I don't mind having to actually look at photos of humans in order to draw them properly, however… When you google those types of drawing references, you don't actually get many drawing references when compared to the… uhh… "other stuff" that pops up… Which is why I simply don't google things and use broken 3D models and other people's sketches as reference instead. Is my art suffering because of that? Probably.

I know, I know, I'm a chicken for wanting to avoid the things that make me severely uncomfortable.


I mean I had to read a wholeass article on how tits move with clothes to figure out how to properly draw female figure. I still accidentally give characters wide hips regardless of gender in art, if only because narrow hips look really weird to me a lot of times

Deleted user

I mean I had to read a wholeass article on how tits move with clothes to figure out how to properly draw female figure. I still accidentally give characters wide hips regardless of gender in art, if only because narrow hips look really weird to me a lot of times

I actually prefer to do this as well. It just looks more natural to me? Idk if you feel the same way. It's not even about making the female more 'sexy', it's just about making the body look more….like a body.

Deleted user

Rant time:
Why the fuck is everyone so toxic to each other?! If you don't like each other, just don't fucking talk to them!!


Because everyone in the world is a petty bitch. (no offence intended)


flashbacks to the multiple times where I've gotten "compliments" that started out saying something like "you're possibly the most annoying person ever" or "I absolutely freaking hate you"


I mean I had to read a wholeass article on how tits move with clothes to figure out how to properly draw female figure. I still accidentally give characters wide hips regardless of gender in art, if only because narrow hips look really weird to me a lot of times

I actually prefer to do this as well. It just looks more natural to me? Idk if you feel the same way. It's not even about making the female more 'sexy', it's just about making the body look more….like a body.

I mean with some characters it helps to reference specific more “attractive” body types but otherwise it’s just for making it look like a body lmao.

but oh god, never again am I animating a female character with bigger boobs. That shit was h e l l and I watched like an hour of how they move just to attempt it

Deleted user

I mean I had to read a wholeass article on how tits move with clothes to figure out how to properly draw female figure. I still accidentally give characters wide hips regardless of gender in art, if only because narrow hips look really weird to me a lot of times

I actually prefer to do this as well. It just looks more natural to me? Idk if you feel the same way. It's not even about making the female more 'sexy', it's just about making the body look more….like a body.

I mean with some characters it helps to reference specific more “attractive” body types but otherwise it’s just for making it look like a body lmao.

but oh god, never again am I animating a female character with bigger boobs. That shit was h e l l and I watched like an hour of how they move just to attempt it

I feel this pain so hard. Now I just main minimal boobage so that I do not have to suffer. YAY PEAR BODY TYPE)

Deleted user

Rant time:
Why the fuck is everyone so toxic to each other?! If you don't like each other, just don't fucking talk to them!!

It's fun.