forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Finals: coming up
Pass: maybe..?

pff im sooooooooo dead. Im totally failing one of them ATLEAST

Same. Math is… sighs

Deleted user

guys, just ignore her. she’s not going to stop doing it, even if we all get upset and mad. don’t give her any attention.


Fine. Fricking whatever. Who else wants to discuss where I've messed up? I'm always down for that.

Everything's fine, calm down…

Is it bad that every time someone messes up it makes me want to be their friend even more because of how much I can relate?

Deleted user

guys, just ignore her. she’s not going to stop doing it, even if we all get upset and mad. don’t give her any attention.

For the love of fricking gravy, look who's pulling the 'ignore them' card. I'm literally talking about finals. Is that not changing the subject? Because it looks to me like you're the one bringing it back up.

Deleted user


what class is everyone best at?

reading tbh. it’s all i’m good at


I don't really have classes but from my homeschool books, I'm best at spelling, art, religion, and reading, but I'm a failure at math and have the handwriting of a 3rd grader.

Deleted user

Good. Moony is moving on.
I'm gonna boast for a second
I'm in the 98th percentile in my state for reading
I'm actually really proud, but my anxiety is telling me that next week (finals weeks for me) I'm gonna lose that place


i'm just gonna assume that most of us here are pretty good at reading, considering the fact that we all like books and writing and stuff.

Deleted user

A child screaming into the void of people ignoring her. Wow. Lol.

Shut up. This is what I mean when I say that the only thing you do on here is bring people down for attention. You're the only one 'ignoring' me, and even you're talking about me, sooo… We've moved on. Catch. Up.

Deleted user

99% of language, 96 for math, 97 for reading.
Loving being smart rn

Nice!!! My goal is 99% in language. I mean, like I said, I'm 98% rn as of last year, so I feel like 99% is a pretty realistic goal…? Idk. I think I'm like, 30% or 40% in math. It's no bueno XD
You have 'Language' and Reading?!? We only have ELA!

Deleted user

I love art and theatre, right now I'm putting together a portfolio for a really good Art Magnet at a high school with a bunch of theatre and theatre tech classses.


alrighty, I gotta rant for a sec:
I AM SO MAD ABOUT THIS. So, I've liked art since like 5th grade. And i had a goal of taking art in middle school. But I never got to do that. WHY??? Because my father was insistent that i took up band instead, which took up my slot that art was supposed to go in. He just has this idea in his mind that I have to be like him. Actually, I started out wanting to do band, but he put a bad taste in my mouth from it. And now, I'm in high school (Dual enrollment and home school for high school) because of my mom. I didn't get a choice in the homeschooling part either, which means I'm never gonna take an art class at school (I'm not allowed to be an art major). I am really frustrated about that. All of this means that I've got to either pay for art classes, teach myself (which is what ive been doing so far) or go to youtube.


what class is everyone best at?

art and math

I think i read something somewhere about you liking math tests?
