forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Oh my fucking god! You just don't understand! That's literally from 10+ pages ago!

Yeah, and I brought it up to respond to it. Ignore it and chill.

Maybe I would chill if you weren't such an idiot.

All I'm asking is that if the post annoys you, ignore it.
Ever heard the expression "takes one to know one?"

But I'm pretty sure the post will annoy more people than just me.

Are you suggesting that I'm on your level? Not to be an asshole, but I'm not.

I think you gave up on trying not to be an asshole a long time ago.

Deleted user

Yeah, mainly because you, and a lot more people I dislike are here.

Pretty sure I can express myself, thanks.

Deleted user

Yeah, mainly because you, and a lot more people are here.

Pretty sure I can express myself, thanks.

But when I try to defend myself, it's against the rules.
And don't blame who you are on me. I've seen you around looong before this chat started. You have the power to change yourself into someone more positive, but not by blaming who you are on other people.

Deleted user

Yes because it's from pages ago and you refuse to understand that quoting something from literally 10 pages ago is against the rules.
I do have the power to put on another mask, but does that mean I can't be rude to people I dislike here? I'm not blaming anyone, I just dislike a lot of people.


Yeah, Emi, you aren’t on her level. She treats others nicely like a decent human being and doesn’t snap at or curse out everyone she disagrees with

Can we not fight about this again? (Oh look, I’m not Eris but I’m making a suggestion… oH nO eLLa YoUrE nOt SuPpoSeD tO dO tHaT!!!1!1!1!111)

Deleted user

Yeah, Emi, you aren’t on her level. She treats others nicely like a decent human being and doesn’t snap at or curse out everyone she disagrees with

Can we not fight about this again? (Oh look, I’m not Eris but I’m making a suggestion… oH nO eLLa YoUrE nOt SuPpoSeD tO dO tHaT!!!1!1!1!111)

eLlA wHy YoU aRe sO aNnOyInG sHuT uP!11!!!!!1!!!1!!!
(JK my dude, love ya. Just what people tend to do here :)

Deleted user

Yes because it's from pages ago and you refuse to understand that quoting something from literally 10 pages ago is against the rules.
I do have the power to put on another mask, but does that mean I can't be rude to people I dislike here? I'm not blaming anyone, I just dislike a lot of people.

That's not in the rules. And plus, I wasn't online when it happened, so I'm just dealing with it now.

Deleted user

I'm just gonna stop fighting a stupid war.

Ella, fuck you. I feel like you've crossed a line with saying that shit, and if you had caught me on a different day with that (perhaps a couple days ago), my reaction would have been totally different.

Also, if you're going to say it, don't fucking hide it.


Well, to be fair, Eris did make it an official rule a few days ago. You weren’t there and didn’t know, so you’re okay this time, but try to avoid it in the future.

Deleted user

Ignore what Emi is saying, Ella. I know how you feel…


Ignore what Emi is saying, Ella. I know how you feel…

I couldn’t care less what she says about me. Ever since I joined the site she’s shown me nothing but hatred and toxicity, I’m done listening. At this point, her words mean about as much to me as the dead fly in my windowsill.

Deleted user

Ignore what Emi is saying, Ella. I know how you feel…

I couldn’t care less what she says about me. Ever since I joined the site she’s shown me nothing but hatred and toxicity, I’m done listening. At this point, her words mean about as much to me as the dead fly in my windowsill.

Honestly, same. Unfortunately, she fails to see that and keeps trying to get to me.

Deleted user

Do you guys notice that we get in (more or less) this exact fight every fucking day? Grammar queen brings up the same old issue every time she logs online, Ella leaps to her defense for reasons unknown, Emi gets mad (for good reason) and then it’s 2 hours before either (a) the subject changes or (b) Eris comes in to make y’all stop.
it’s the same every time why must we do it again


MooooooOooooOoOooOoving oooonnnnnnnnnn…

My sisters have been destroying my room and living like absolute pigs for months, justifying it by saying “it’s our room too”. Guess what I found in my room today?

A living, moving, cockroach.

I’m so freaking done with this place

Deleted user

Do you guys notice that certain people cause the same problem every day? Grammar Queen replies to people saying things about her every time she logs online in an attempt to defend herself because she's actually not the worst person on this site (gasp, I know. Who would've thought?), Ella leaps to her defense because she's a kind person and if she agrees with Grammar Queen, has the right to voice her opinion, Emi gets mad (because she takes replying to an old post personally and has admitted she strongly dislikes Grammar Queen), Moony comes in and says some offensive stuff, and then it’s two hours before either (a) the subject changes or (b) Eris comes in to make y’all stop.

I fixed it up for you

Deleted user

I sometimes wonder why I follow this chat.
Anyhow, I'm not Eris, but could we please stop arguing over the same thing?

Deleted user

Just shut up why don't ya, Grammar Queen? Moony has a point.

Deleted user

MooooooOooooOoOooOoving oooonnnnnnnnnn…

My sisters have been destroying my room and living like absolute pigs for months, justifying it by saying “it’s our room too”. Guess what I found in my room today?

A living, moving, cockroach.

I’m so freaking done with this place

Ew, I hate cockroaches.

Deleted user

Do you guys notice that certain people cause the same problem every day? Grammar Queen replies to people saying things about her every time she logs online in an attempt to defend herself because she's actually not the worst person on this site (gasp, I know. Who would've thought?), Ella leaps to her defense because she's a kind person and if she agrees with Grammar Queen, has the right to voice her opinion, Emi gets mad (because she takes replying to an old post personally and has admitted she strongly dislikes Grammar Queen), Moony comes in and says some offensive stuff, and then it’s two hours before either (a) the subject changes or (b) Eris comes in to make y’all stop.

I fixed it up for you

hey uh :)) can you not :))) edit what i said :))) to make it look like :))) i said something else :))) to prove your argument :))) because that’s super fucked up :))) and i have had bad experiences with that in the past :))) and it’s really upsetting :))) so how about you fuck off :))


oh my fucking god, alright, first of all why the fuck are people still on this shit? move along motherfuckers, stop being so goddamn repetitive. second of all, Emi can be mad if she wants! look, I'm a really understanding person, so I could get why GrammarQueen kept bringing stuff up randomly from like 10 pages ago to respond, at least at first. but after a point, it gets a little annoying, especially when the conversation of the forum has moved on. there's a certain point where it's just obnoxious. we've reached that point. and oh my god, don't fucking edit people's posts. period. it's not cool, it makes people look like they said something completely different, and it's just not okay. thanks for coming to my ted talk

Deleted user

oh my fucking god, alright, first of all why the fuck are people still on this shit? move along motherfuckers, stop being so goddamn repetitive. second of all, Emi can be mad if she wants! look, I'm a really understanding person, so I could get why GrammarQueen kept bringing stuff up randomly from like 10 pages ago to respond, at least at first. but after a point, it gets a little annoying, especially when the conversation of the forum has moved on. there's a certain point where it's just obnoxious. we've reached that point. and oh my god, don't fucking edit people's posts. period. it's not cool, it makes people look like they said something completely different, and it's just not okay. thanks for coming to my ted talk

I loved the entire post especially the thanks for coming to my Ted talk part lol

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

MooooooOooooOoOooOoving oooonnnnnnnnnn…

My sisters have been destroying my room and living like absolute pigs for months, justifying it by saying “it’s our room too”. Guess what I found in my room today?

A living, moving, cockroach.

I’m so freaking done with this place

Ew, I hate cockroaches.



If they're causing literal goddamn cockroaches to move in, you best talk to a parental or something dude. At least to get them to start cleaning up after themselves.