forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


Predominantly white people. Your point? (Please forgive my mental sluggishness.)

You keep using 'White people shouldn't have helped out then I guess. Whoops.' as a counter argument. They wouldn't have had to help if they hadn't fucking enslaved entire races.


Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.

i dont get it

God told Moses a bunch of laws the Isrealites had to follow in order to get into heaven. If they broke any of these laws, they had to sacrafice an animal. When Jesus died on the cross, these laws no longer mattered because Jesus died for our sins. One of these was apparently "man lying with another man". Since Jesus died however, we no longer have to follow them and saying we still do is disrespectful

But there are scriptures in 1 Cor and Romans that say the same thing

Which weren't said by Jesus.

yeah but they were said by paul and put in the bible, and they're in the new testament. Besides that, Jesus quoted the Hebrew scriptures all the time, so there are certain things in there that still apply.

Deleted user

whispers it was white people….no surprise
that’s like when dudes go “women wouldn’t have rights without us!1!1!1” like bro , men limited our rights in the first place lmao

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Here's a better example.
What if, at a meeting for disabled people, an able-bodied person walked in and said that in their opinion, ramps are useless. In the context, his opinion is thoroughly irrelevant because he doesn't have the experiences they do.

But are we arguing on the feelings of those people? I think we all think that lesbians actually love each other and that they face oppression we don't understand. The argument is about the validity of saying it is wrong from a moral standpoint. We can't argue about what it is to be a lesbian. But we can talk about how our moral views have value. Your thoughts?


Predominantly white people. Your point? (Please forgive my mental sluggishness.)

You keep using 'White people shouldn't have helped out then I guess. Whoops.' as a counter argument. They wouldn't have had to help if they hadn't fucking enslaved entire races.

Are you saying they should still be enslaving races? I don't really see what you mean here.


Lemme explain this. Unless you are part of the community (as in any minority community), your opinion doesn't matter. You don't have the same experiences that the minority does. And you can't understand what happens. Your experiences aren't universal and you won't have the same understanding that someone who is part of the community will.

so white people who have opinions on racism dont matter? People who haven't been stolen from but say that stealing is wrong should just shut up? Kids can't say anything when adults do something they think is wrong?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Lemme explain this. Unless you are part of the community (as in any minority community), your opinion doesn't matter. You don't have the same experiences that the minority does. And you can't understand what happens. Your experiences aren't universal and you won't have the same understanding that someone who is part of the community will.

so white people who have opinions on racism dont matter? People who haven't been stolen from but say that stealing is wrong should just shut up? Kids can't say anything when adults do something they think is wrong?

Nicely said!


Predominantly white people. Your point? (Please forgive my mental sluggishness.)

You keep using 'White people shouldn't have helped out then I guess. Whoops.' as a counter argument. They wouldn't have had to help if they hadn't fucking enslaved entire races.

Are you saying they should still be enslaving races? I don't really see what you mean here.

I'm saying it's a bad argument, because for someone to be freed form oppression, there had to be an oppressor. In this case, it was the same damn people, and nobody should have had to rely on them to be freed.


Lemme explain this. Unless you are part of the community (as in any minority community), your opinion doesn't matter. You don't have the same experiences that the minority does. And you can't understand what happens. Your experiences aren't universal and you won't have the same understanding that someone who is part of the community will.

so white people who have opinions on racism dont matter? People who haven't been stolen from but say that stealing is wrong should just shut up? Kids can't say anything when adults do something they think is wrong?

Nicely said!

agree to disagree

edit: wait fuck i think i read that wrong. carry on

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay this is starting to stress me out. Imma leave this chat for the time being. Happy arguing!

Good luck to you as well. If we have really stressed you out, go take care of yourself. Maybe some relaxing music.


I think that the most important thing is this: Live your life the way that you think is morally acceptable. If you really don't believe something is true, then I would be wrong in telling you to do it anyway. But nobody should hate anybody for something like this, and hate crimes, no matter what provokes them, are wrong.


I think that the most important thing is this: Live your life the way that you think is morally acceptable. If you really don't believe something is true, then I would be wrong in telling you to do it anyway. But nobody should hate anybody for something like this, and hate crimes, no matter what provokes them, are wrong.


Deleted user

You kinda just assumed I'm not a minority, which I've noticed tends to be looked upon as homophobic.

I want to make it clear really quick that being a part of the community doesn't make you a 'minority'.
'Minority' has to do with race.