forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

This topic of the LGBTQA+ might be a sensitive topic for some and while this is a rudeness chat, it seems this is getting a large amount of hate, that isn’t needed. I’m just saying before we moved to this specific topic it was a lot more fun to be on and a little more calm/collective. I for one, am a proud member of the LGBT community, but I’m beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with the on and off arguing about our community. I think we could at least bring it down a notch. I hope I’m not being over excessive.

I respect your opinion and thank you for bringing your discomfort to my attention. I have yet to see anything that has alerted me that we have crossed a line just yet, but then again my bar is very high, to say the least. With that being said, this chat isn't really supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be a n open forum for people to express how they truly feel with zero filters, sometimes it can be really tough and rude.

Life is full of unpleasantries and as you said you are a proud member, so you will have to get used to people fighting over these topics, especially as you get older have have to vote on these issues. Sometimes you will face the unpleasant and harsh realities of being a said proud member. This is only a tiny bit of the actual discrimination that we face.

Now that I am done lecturing, guys take a tiny chill pill and a deep breath. Ya feel?

As you were. :)

Thank you for saying this Eris!


You're straight.
If you get a boyfriend, you will always be able to go to Prom with him.
You'll be able to go on dates and hold hands and kiss in public without people threatening you.
You can get married anywhere in the world without fear.
You will not be beaten, or kicked out, or disowned, or killed.
People won't sneer and swear at you for being a girl with a boyfriend.
You can go to just about any form of media and find a straight man and a straight woman in a relationship.
When you say 'my boyfriend', nobody looks at you oddly or with disgust.
Gay, bi, pan, and poly people don't get that.
You're cis.
You can go outside in a dress or a skirt and no one will laugh at you.
You can wear whatever makeup you want.
You can have long or short hair without being mocked.
People don't react uncomfortably when you talk to them.
They don't turn little kids away from you.
You complain about having boobs and yet so many transgirls would love to have boobs if only to pass better.
People don't tell you that you're faking it.
Trans, genderfluid, and NB people don't get that.

I know they don't, and that's a terrible thing. They should be treated as equals, and just because I think they're sinful doesn't mean they deserve any of this hatred. I'm a sinful person, you're a sinful person, everyone who's ever lived is a sinful person, and I don't understand why those "sins" get more violence and mockery than other, way more serious ones.

Also, just because I happen to be straight/cis doesn't mean I can't have an opinion.

b o i y o u a r e 1 3 y o u ‘ r e a n e m b r y o a c t i n l i k e a w h o l e a s s s c h o l a r

s o m e t i m e s 1 3 y e a r o l d s w h o h a v e b a r e l y b e e n a r o u n d d o n ‘ t n e e d a n o p i n i o n o n o t h e r p e o p l e ‘ s l i v e s t h a t d o n ‘ t a f f e c t t h e m

Deleted user

I know they don't, and that's a terrible thing. They should be treated as equals, and just because I think they're sinful doesn't mean they deserve any of this hatred. I'm a sinful person, you're a sinful person, everyone who's ever lived is a sinful person, and I don't understand why those "sins" get more violence and mockery than other, way more serious ones.

Also, just because I happen to be straight/cis doesn't mean I can't have an opinion.

I don't think I'm sinful because I don't think I've done anything wrong. My heart is clear. So please don't waste time worrying over my trip to Hell. Your people think that I am a straight Satan worshiper so…. there's that.

Deleted user

y o u ‘ r e a n e m b r y o a c t i n l i k e a w h o l e a s s s c h o l a r

I'm…..gonna steal this forever because I'm older than all of you (and some of you combined)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Are denying harmful experiences that users have already specified as hate?

For real?

Hate. Intense hostility and aversion.
If the person doesn't have this they are not hating.
I do not hate Eris or Shuri. I even love them some.
Someone saying you are wrong isn't hate. Someone threatening or killing is.
Differences are important.


You're allo.
You don't have people try to force themselves on you to 'fix' you.
You don't have people call you broken for not feeling romantic and/or sexual attraction.
You don't get discredited for your identity.
You don't get forced into relationships against your will.
You don't feel like you can't be in a relationship because of your lack of romantic or sexual attraction.
You don't have to live with the constant nagging feeling that maybe you don't love your partner because you're not romantically and/or sexually attracted to them.
Aces and aros don't get that.

Well, actually, I have never had any sort of crush or anything to tell me if I'm ace/aro/etc, so…
You kinda just assumed I'm not a minority, which I've noticed tends to be looked upon as homophobic.

Also, I'm willing to use my pencils to stab any of those idiots who think you're not valid simply for not feeling sexual/romantic attraction.


Lemme explain this. Unless you are part of the community (as in any minority community), your opinion doesn't matter. You don't have the same experiences that the minority does. And you can't understand what happens. Your experiences aren't universal and you won't have the same understanding that someone who is part of the community will.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Lemme explain this. Unless you are part of the community (as in any minority community), your opinion doesn't matter. You don't have the same experiences that the minority does. And you can't understand what happens. Your experiences aren't universal and you won't have the same understanding that someone who is part of the community will.

You're right. How dare white people in the times of abolition dare have views on slavery. The weren't black! What ignorance!

@HighPockets group

Lemme explain this. Unless you are part of the community (as in any minority community), your opinion doesn't matter. You don't have the same experiences that the minority does. And you can't understand what happens. Your experiences aren't universal and you won't have the same understanding that someone who is part of the community will.

You're right. How dare white people in the times of abolition dare have views on slavery. The weren't black! What ignorance!

Is that really what you're going to counter with?
Here's a better example.
What if, at a meeting for disabled people, an able-bodied person walked in and said that in their opinion, ramps are useless. In the context, his opinion is thoroughly irrelevant because he doesn't have the experiences they do.


Look, I know these people's lives have nothing to do with mine, and I know I can't understand their pain. So I will quote my first post once again:

However, you know what else is considered sinful in the Bible? Judgment, hatred, wrath, lack of compassion, an unforgiving heart… Etc. Which is why I will never see anyone as any less of a person for being gay, no matter how wrong I think it is. You're still humans no matter how sinful, and you deserve to be treated equally.

I do not in any way condone the hate and discrimination that's brought to LGBT+ people, and I don't think I've made that clear enough.

@Moxie group

It's not that they shouldn't exist. It's the fact that their opinions dont matter. You will never experience what we do (and before you get on me for this, I'm not saying heterosexual, cisgender, allosexual people do not experience oppression. They do. I'm just saying they will never experience the same oppression), so your opinions on what is right and wrong when it comes to us do not matter