forum Don't Be Suspicious
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yeah, like I thought I was straight but after I sorta tried dating one of my dude friends I realized I just don't like them in the way I like girls. I also used to think my dysphoria was just extreme self hate caused by depression, but now I know that I'm most certainly not cis. people are allowed to question their sexuality, but you don't just immediately turn lgbt as soon as you leave a religious area. hell, I'm still stuck with a bunch of strict christians, with two of my family members telling me they'd kill anyone, even one of our family members, if they were gay, especially if they were trans. but I'm still gay and still trans, and was even before I converted entirely out of christianity into deism/confucianism. whoops ig lmao

also goddamn is typing one handed hard. fucking jagua takes forever to dry

Deleted user

May i just say, that…
If you are NB and look feminine, you are valid
If you're NB and look masc. You are valid.
If you wear makeup and dont identify as feminine, you ARE STILL VALID.
I've had about seventeen people look at me weirdly becuase I prefer male pronouns and I'm wearing makeup right now.
It doesn't matter if I like to wear makeup, what matters is that you use my correct pronouns and dont purposely misgender me just becuase I'm wearing makeup.

Deleted user

hi have things calmed down

Just saying

gone for 5 hours

left this chat

didn't read like, the 7 pages but it seems to be the same


I've thought about that possibility multiple times, and I was going to give this long, dramatic speech about all the possible inner conflict or what decisions I'd make but if we're going to be realistic here, I'd probably just become a nun and move on with my life.

but….nuns are women and are surrounded by women… how would that help if you were a lesbian?

Multiple ways,

  • Nun (Hahahaha, it's a pun, get it? I'm so funny) of them would ever be interested in me, so nothing would ever really happen
  • Can't get married because you're already dedicating your life to the lord
  • Very busy lifestyle, no time for romantic mushy garbage
  • Most of them would be way older than me (enough said)
  • Must be celibate
  • Multiple other things I was going to list but I'm bored and got distracted by the amazing world of YouTube

Making this small because if I don’t, someone’s going to get ticked off… There’s also the fact that nuns get to go to confession frequently, which is one of the best, most effective ways to fight off sinful temptations. …I know this from experience, mind you.

Let's not forget the other perks that would come with it

  • I could follow my dream of never ever ever having children or dealing with them without being a complete disappointment to my family :D Oh wait, I'm already one

…And that's about it

However, based on my taste in K-pop music videos (along with many other things that would actually help me determine my sexuality and not just my taste in music), the possibility of me being gay is extremely low.
I might become a nun anyway, but that's a different story.

Wait a minute… Nuns are women and usually surrounded by priests, who are men… gasp hoW woUld ThiS hELp iF i'M stRaiGHt?!?!?!1!11!11
(I'm currently in a "must make bad comedy that only I would ever laugh at" type of mood, ignore me)


hi have things calmed down

Just saying

gone for 5 hours

left this chat

didn't read like, the 7 pages but it seems to be the same

It's calmed down for the most part. A little bit of arguing here and there but not much.

Deleted user

Since this is my chat and I made the rules imma just say that was probably the most annoying this I have ever read.

My curiosity got the better of me. Instant regret

Deleted user

Me whenever I encounter a my little pony lewd fanart in my instagram explore page and scroll past the NSFW warning without thinking about my Actions.
(i might be cursed.)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It doesn't…it doesn't work like that.
At all. You think we haven't tried to do that? Those of us from super religious families that would shun us for being 'abominations'? I still haven't come out entirely to my own family because I'm afraid that they'd take my cousins/ nieces and nephews away from me. You can't just make something about yourself, your very heart, go away just by ignoring it. A gay man cannot be taught or forced to love a woman as he would a man and vise versa. It doesn't work like that.


I don't believe that. Which is stupid, I know. Just because I have not had the experience I cannot understand. Based on what I know you can. So… We are at an impasse here.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Here's a better example.
What if, at a meeting for disabled people, an able-bodied person walked in and said that in their opinion, ramps are useless. In the context, his opinion is thoroughly irrelevant because he doesn't have the experiences they do.

But are we arguing on the feelings of those people? I think we all think that lesbians actually love each other and that they face oppression we don't understand. The argument is about the validity of saying it is wrong from a moral standpoint. We can't argue about what it is to be a lesbian. But we can talk about how our moral views have value. Your thoughts?


It doesn't…it doesn't work like that.
At all. You think we haven't tried to do that? Those of us from super religious families that would shun us for being 'abominations'? I still haven't come out entirely to my own family because I'm afraid that they'd take my cousins/ nieces and nephews away from me. You can't just make something about yourself, your very heart, go away just by ignoring it. A gay man cannot be taught or forced to love a woman as he would a man and vise versa. It doesn't work like that.


I don't believe that. Which is stupid, I know. Just because I have not had the experience I cannot understand. Based on what I know you can. So… We are at an impasse here.

My man my dude, there was a point in time where I hated myself for being pan/ace, and nonbinary. I lost someone I considered a friend after coming out, directly because of it, and it killed me. I still struggle with it today, finding myself wishing I could be "normal" every time family comes over, so that I didn't have to keep secrets from the people who should love me, their family, despite almost anything. There are people who have killed themselves, literally, trying to cut off, smother, or pretend that part of them doesn't exist. I've cut myself trying to get rid of those feelings, and I've had friends who turned to violence, alcohol, and other things in an attempt to get rid of the pain that it causes them. Just google it, and the stories you'll find are horrible and heartbreaking.


It doesn't…it doesn't work like that.
At all. You think we haven't tried to do that? Those of us from super religious families that would shun us for being 'abominations'? I still haven't come out entirely to my own family because I'm afraid that they'd take my cousins/ nieces and nephews away from me. You can't just make something about yourself, your very heart, go away just by ignoring it. A gay man cannot be taught or forced to love a woman as he would a man and vise versa. It doesn't work like that.


I don't believe that. Which is stupid, I know. Just because I have not had the experience I cannot understand. Based on what I know you can. So… We are at an impasse here.

I know that this is a chat of livid rudeness, and I'm aware i'm the one who started the whole 'hate against homophobes' thing, but I genuinely hope one day you will find someone or live in an experience that changes your perspective on the LGBTQ+ community a bit. I myself am asexual (I'm not sexually attracted to anyone), which from what I've heard is the easiest for anti-LGBTQ+ people to get over. See me as a human who is selective of who they share their romanticism with, do the same for other asexuals. Maybe from then you can grow. I wish the best for you. No. More. Hate. 🏳‍🌈✌❤

@HighPockets group

It doesn't…it doesn't work like that.
At all. You think we haven't tried to do that? Those of us from super religious families that would shun us for being 'abominations'? I still haven't come out entirely to my own family because I'm afraid that they'd take my cousins/ nieces and nephews away from me. You can't just make something about yourself, your very heart, go away just by ignoring it. A gay man cannot be taught or forced to love a woman as he would a man and vise versa. It doesn't work like that.


I don't believe that. Which is stupid, I know. Just because I have not had the experience I cannot understand. Based on what I know you can. So… We are at an impasse here.

It does for this, pal. You will literally never understand the difficulties of being LGBTQA+, so stop trying to discredit us. That is exactly why people say that straight people's opinion's don't matter on this issue.


(I just googled something and apparently we’d both be considered “straight allies” because despite our religious beliefs, we still think LGBT people should be considered equals…
I’ll probably never refer to myself as an ally though)

Deleted user

Guys, leave Grammar Queen alone. You've been unnecessarily bitter towards her and it's starting to make me angry…

Up to a point, yes. But bringing up old issues from pages ago clogs up the chat, and annoys people, especially if someone does it every time they log on it’s unnecessary, and it should be taken to pm if it’s actually that big of a deal.

You know what else clogs the chat? Gifs

Deleted user

Oh my fucking god! You just don't understand! That's literally from 10+ pages ago!

Deleted user

Thanks for trying to defend me though, Ella. I honestly am not sure why it keeps coming back to me.

Deleted user

Oh my fucking god! You just don't understand! That's literally from 10+ pages ago!

Yeah, and I brought it up to respond to it. Ignore it and chill.

Deleted user

Oh my fucking god! You just don't understand! That's literally from 10+ pages ago!

Yeah, and I brought it up to respond to it. Ignore it and chill.

Maybe I would chill if you weren't such an idiot.

Deleted user

Oh my fucking god! You just don't understand! That's literally from 10+ pages ago!

Yeah, and I brought it up to respond to it. Ignore it and chill.

Maybe I would chill if you weren't such an idiot.

All I'm asking is that if the post annoys you, ignore it.
Ever heard the expression "takes one to know one?"

Deleted user

Oh my fucking god! You just don't understand! That's literally from 10+ pages ago!

Yeah, and I brought it up to respond to it. Ignore it and chill.

Maybe I would chill if you weren't such an idiot.

All I'm asking is that if the post annoys you, ignore it.
Ever heard the expression "takes one to know one?"

But I'm pretty sure the post will annoy more people than just me.

Are you suggesting that I'm on your level? Not to be an asshole, but I'm not.