forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It doesn't…it doesn't work like that.
At all. You think we haven't tried to do that? Those of us from super religious families that would shun us for being 'abominations'? I still haven't come out entirely to my own family because I'm afraid that they'd take my cousins/ nieces and nephews away from me. You can't just make something about yourself, your very heart, go away just by ignoring it. A gay man cannot be taught or forced to love a woman as he would a man and vise versa. It doesn't work like that.


I don't believe that. Which is stupid, I know. Just because I have not had the experience I cannot understand. Based on what I know you can. So… We are at an impasse here.

It does for this, pal. You will literally never understand the difficulties of being LGBTQA+, so stop trying to discredit us. That is exactly why people say that straight people's opinion's don't matter on this issue.

I was not trying to discredit you. (Rudeness chat, so I felt like I could say that.)

Deleted user

oh my fucking god, alright, first of all why the fuck are people still on this shit? move along motherfuckers, stop being so goddamn repetitive. second of all, Emi can be mad if she wants! look, I'm a really understanding person, so I could get why GrammarQueen kept bringing stuff up randomly from like 10 pages ago to respond, at least at first. but after a point, it gets a little annoying, especially when the conversation of the forum has moved on. there's a certain point where it's just obnoxious. we've reached that point. and oh my god, don't fucking edit people's posts. period. it's not cool, it makes people look like they said something completely different, and it's just not okay. thanks for coming to my ted talk

I specified that I changed it.

hey uh :)) can you not :))) edit what i said :))) to make it look like :))) i said something else :))) to prove your argument :))) because that’s super fucked up :))) and i have had bad experiences with that in the past :))) and it’s really upsetting :))) so how about you fuck off :))

I specified that I changed it.

Deleted user

Jazz hands Not everything is Miriam's fault. Could we please stop acting like it is? It gets really annoying and hurtful.


If they're causing literal goddamn cockroaches to move in, you best talk to a parental or something dude. At least to get them to start cleaning up after themselves.

I’ve tried… My mom is just as horrified as I am, but then again, one of my sisters is only 3 so she can’t do much. The other, however, is perfectly capable of cleaning after herself, she just doesn’t. Yaaaay siblings!!!


My sister is such a slob too man. We've shared a room since forever, and all my clothes and things have this particular funky smell that I've only ever found in the damn room. At least I don't have cockroaches….

Deleted user

oh my fucking god, alright, first of all why the fuck are people still on this shit? move along motherfuckers, stop being so goddamn repetitive. second of all, Emi can be mad if she wants! look, I'm a really understanding person, so I could get why GrammarQueen kept bringing stuff up randomly from like 10 pages ago to respond, at least at first. but after a point, it gets a little annoying, especially when the conversation of the forum has moved on. there's a certain point where it's just obnoxious. we've reached that point. and oh my god, don't fucking edit people's posts. period. it's not cool, it makes people look like they said something completely different, and it's just not okay. thanks for coming to my ted talk

I specified that I changed it.

hey uh :)) can you not :))) edit what i said :))) to make it look like :))) i said something else :))) to prove your argument :))) because that’s super fucked up :))) and i have had bad experiences with that in the past :))) and it’s really upsetting :))) so how about you fuck off :))

I specified that I changed it.

i do not give a single fuck. you are not allowed to manipulate my words to prove your point. It does not matter that you sPeCIFiEd, it matters that you’re an asshole. just leave me alone???


(Can we move on from that topic? I agree that we shouldn’t quote things from days ago or edit other people’s comments but I also think that maybe we should probably calm down. Also, she made a mistake, that doesn’t make her an a—hole. Save names like that for the people who truly deserve them… looks at a specific family member)

Deleted user

(Can we move on from that topic? I agree that we shouldn’t quote things from days ago or edit other people’s comments but I also think that maybe we should probably calm down. Also, she made a mistake, that doesn’t make her an a—hole. Save names like that for the people who truly deserve them… looks at a specific family member)

okay, agreed, but i am really upset. i’ve had some really unpleasant experiences before with people changing my words around, and here she is doing it again, without an apology no less. and she tried to justify her actions by saying “i specified that i changed it” as if that made it better. we can move on, but i am mad


I agree that we should move on, this whole thing is getting really tired, but Moony has every right to be mad. It's a shit move to fuck with someone's words like that, regardless of specifications.


Snape was a terrible person and no one can convince me otherwise no matter how they argue it. He was a good character and an important character but he sucked as a person. My friend and I are arguing debating this right now and I cannot see Snape as a good person.
i realize this is rather random but seeing as how this is the rudeness chat, i don't really care

@HighPockets group

I like Snape as a character, he's compelling and fun to read about, but he was by no means a good person and that's why he's such a good character, he does awful things and doesn't feel bad about it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I like Snape as a character, he's compelling and fun to read about, but he was by no means a good person and that's why he's such a good character, he does awful things and doesn't feel bad about it.

I agree.

Deleted user

he was mean to a bunch of kids because he had a weird crush on his childhood bestfriend.


So one of the other arguments is that Snape was ultimately trying to help Harry (and even Draco too) by not becoming too close to him so as not to cause suspicion while still watching over him. He and Dumbledore did whatever they could to keep Draco from performing an unforgivable curse which he'd regret and let Draco have a normalish life after.
Not my argument. These are my friend's words


Another thing that was said was that Snape wanted to be a good person and he tried to be but he ultimately couldn't, because sometimes no matter how hard you try, you still fail.
Once again. I'm not taking credit for my friend's words

Deleted user

alright last words on the matter:

Please respect my rules. I put them in place for a reason.
I saw a little hostility on the pages before that has been going on for sometime, which is great because that is the reason that I created this chat BUT things are starting to become toxic and harmful to those that are just trying to make it stop. If this continues with any users I will ask you to leave the chat for good. (we cannot ban people from the chats yet, but I feel the update coming and I will be sure to utilize it, but for the mean time respect that I asked you to leave gracefully.)

Thank you.

Deleted user

On topic:

Snap and Dumbledore are abusers and no one can convince me otherwise. Harry was lucky that he turned out stronger than their influence.

Deleted user

Okay, apparently what I did wasn't right. Cool. But seriously, can we try to make it a little less like I'm such a horrible person? I'm not and I know that.


Okay, apparently what I did wasn't right. Cool. But seriously, can we try to make it a little less like I'm such a horrible person? I'm not and I know that.

It's called apologizing, Miriam.

@HighPockets group

No one called you a horrible person?
They just pointed out mistakes you made, and if that makes you feel insecure, that's on you, not them.