forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Heteronormativity, dude. If someone is raised in a house hold, or an environment, that is very straight, with almost no representation, then they're gonna think they're straight. I thought I was straight for years(not my mom's fault, more I just didn't know anyone not straight), up until I met a lesbian in sixth grade. Meeting someone who wasn't straight helped me realize that I wasn't, either.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You can at least acknowledge it in a more respectful way than OH MAYBE WE DON'T HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY TO SEE GAYNESS IN SOMEONE LMAO


Well without that we also can't prove that people are gay from birth so you're not the only one disappointed.

What the physical fucking hell is wrong with you?

Many things, but that is neither here nor there.
Think about it. If we could prove people are gay from birth I might join your side. Wouldn't that be pleasant?


Already proven, specifically in trans people. Their brain chemistry doesn’t match their body from birth, as a defect caused them to produce the wrong gender hormone instead of the right one

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom, since the only argument you seem to be making is sending links to YouTube videos, I suggest sitting down and watching The Laramie Project to broaden your horizons.

Oh man. Got called out by the cheesy as hell move of YouTube.
That right there is a perfect Genetic Fallacy.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Already proven, specifically in trans people. Their brain chemistry doesn’t match their body from birth, as a defect caused them to produce the wrong gender hormone instead of the right one

And you think that is right? In fact it was a trans person describing the same things that told me it was in fact a disease. And I believed them.

Deleted user

Many things, but that is neither here nor there.
Think about it. If we could prove people are gay from birth I might join your side. Wouldn't that be pleasant?

I'll think as much as you are in this situation, not at all.

Also, why would that make you stop hating gay men and lesbian women? What does that have to prove? Are you suggesting that ohhhh it gets marked down that they're gay and they get sent somewhere?

What good would this do? It's blatant discrimination is what you're suggesting at it goes 100% against America's values.

Deleted user

Just read through (most) of that and wow….I can’t believe how wrong some people think i am. what did i ever do to you, or your god, huh?

Deleted user

If the soul is perfect it cannot be diseased.

I am correct.

And you assume the soul is perfect. Something you cannot give evidence for. That doesn't look like anything but preaching to the believers. And you ended that by saying "I am correct." Isn't the whole point in debate to discover and learn instead of just assert you are correct?

Doesn't the old book say that souls are a piece of God? Is God not perfect according to the same text? Is it not safe to assume that then the soul is free of imperfections?

There is no argument against what I said. My evidence is irrefutable, therefore I am correct. Spock would agree.

@HighPockets group

Dom, since the only argument you seem to be making is sending links to YouTube videos, I suggest sitting down and watching The Laramie Project to broaden your horizons.

Oh man. Got called out by the cheesy as hell move of YouTube.
That right there is a perfect Genetic Fallacy.

I really don't give a fuck what you think.
And if we're getting technical, a ton of your arguments have logical fallacies, so…..

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

How would you feel if you went out in public with a wife or girlfriend and people were constantly glaring at you, covering their kid's eyes when you walked by and whispering slurs under their breath. What if you wouldn't go to Homecoming or Prom with your girlfriend because you were afraid of what your friends and classmates would say? What if you couldn't bring her home without risking being beaten or kicked out? What if a person walked up to you, saw you with her, and threatened to sexually assault you so you can see what it's like to be a 'real man'? Every movie you go to, every book you read or television show you watch has a character who loves the way you do.
Look at the hate crime against Matthew Shepard and tell me again how homophobia isn't real.
Look at the Orlando shooting and tell me that homophobia is fake and made up.
You're straight, and you will never understand how hard it is not to be, so at least show some damn sympathy and support for those who happen to love a different way.

Um. I never said it didn't exist. I just stated that the word was dumb. If it was called gayhate or something like that I would be fine. (Well except that I believe it would still be thrown around at people who merely disagree.) I think it exists. Of course it does. There's a hate group for everyone. Some of the people who hate gays would also want to execute my mom.

Again, how is beating a 21 year old to death with the only reasoning being 'he's gay' just a disagreement? How is conditioning children that the only person they can love is someone of the opposite sex, no matter how they feel? How is shooting up a gay club not considered having a fear of gay people? Most hate crimes are based off of 'gay panic', aka when a straight person feels threatened by the presence of a gay person. So it is literally fear of a homosexual person, or homophobia.

You misunderstand. Why would I think that was only a disagreement? That is hate. We can all agree with that. (Well the first example anyways.)
Hmm. I may change my mind on the word homophobe. Good job. But there are still many (like myself) that do not hate and yet people assume they do and slander them to the world.


Already proven, specifically in trans people. Their brain chemistry doesn’t match their body from birth, as a defect caused them to produce the wrong gender hormone instead of the right one

And you think that is right? In fact it was a trans person describing the same things that told me it was in fact a disease. And I believed them.

Yeah, I think that’s fuckin right considering I’m trans. Dysphoria itself is a disease, not being trans. I’ve felt like I’ve been in the wrong body too long to think I myself am the disease and not the shitty hand I was dealt

@HighPockets group

Please explain to me how telling someone that they're sick and going to Hell for something that they cannot choose nor control doesn't count as hate.
Maybe my brain is too full of the gayness that 'technology can't identify' because I just saw the new Star Wars trailer and Daisy Ridley is really cute, but I can't connect those particular dots.

Deleted user

"Good job." You sound like such a pretentious asshole, man.

Because he is.

Deleted user

"Good job." You sound like such a pretentious asshole, man.

Because he is.

He really isn't.

And you're twelve.

Get out of this debate.

@HighPockets group

"Good job"?
You're damn right I did a good job, I'm in forensics and have done years of mock trial, I don't need your condescending confirmation.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Many things, but that is neither here nor there.
Think about it. If we could prove people are gay from birth I might join your side. Wouldn't that be pleasant?

I'll think as much as you are in this situation, not at all.

Also, why would that make you stop hating gay men and lesbian women? What does that have to prove? Are you suggesting that ohhhh it gets marked down that they're gay and they get sent somewhere?

What good would this do? It's blatant discrimination is what you're suggesting at it goes 100% against America's values.

Whoa. You just assumed a lot and made unnecessary personal attacks. Please refrain from that in the future.
Explain you first statement.
I. Do. Not. Hate. Gay. People. Or bi for that matter. Winks at Eris
The Hitler reference was not cool. Chill yourself. If you can't debate without such things you should leave.
Discrimination is not inherently bad. You discriminate when you make a difference between a rapist and a friend when you decide who should be a babysitter. Discrimination is necessary. It is also a tool that can be used for good or great evil. Fire is not evil because of what happened in California.


"Good job." You sound like such a pretentious asshole, man.

Because he is.

He really isn't.

And you're twelve.

Get out of this debate.

And you're not even an adult. Get out of this debate.

I'm allowed to have an opinion even if you disagree.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If the soul is perfect it cannot be diseased.

I am correct.

And you assume the soul is perfect. Something you cannot give evidence for. That doesn't look like anything but preaching to the believers. And you ended that by saying "I am correct." Isn't the whole point in debate to discover and learn instead of just assert you are correct?

Doesn't the old book say that souls are a piece of God? Is God not perfect according to the same text? Is it not safe to assume that then the soul is free of imperfections?

There is no argument against what I said. My evidence is irrefutable, therefore I am correct. Spock would agree.

Not anywhere I have seen.

Spock again. Fair.

Deleted user

Many things, but that is neither here nor there.
Think about it. If we could prove people are gay from birth I might join your side. Wouldn't that be pleasant?

I'll think as much as you are in this situation, not at all.

Also, why would that make you stop hating gay men and lesbian women? What does that have to prove? Are you suggesting that ohhhh it gets marked down that they're gay and they get sent somewhere?

What good would this do? It's blatant discrimination is what you're suggesting at it goes 100% against America's values.

Whoa. You just assumed a lot and made unnecessary personal attacks. Please refrain from that in the future.
Explain you first statement.
I. Do. Not. Hate. Gay. People. Or bi for that matter. Winks at Eris
The Hitler reference was not cool. Chill yourself. If you can't debate without such things you should leave.
Discrimination is not inherently bad. You discriminate when you make a difference between a rapist and a friend when you decide who should be a babysitter. Discrimination is necessary. It is also a tool that can be used for good or great evil. Fire is not evil because of what happened in California.

Ahhhhhh assumption has been warped in your mind with what I took from your suggestion of tech making sure small babies aren't gay. I'm sorry, it'll never happen again.

Also, I was not suggesting Nazism mainly because that was discriminated towards a group that– wait! WAS MINDING THEIR OWN BUINESS

wow i woulda never guessed.

You discriminate, sir. Not me. I give back, perhaps.

Deleted user

"Four female ghostbusters? The feminists are taking over!"

And that is my opinion? How would you know. (And you are wrong.)

~I'm an adult virgin~

Deleted user

Please explain to me how telling someone that they're sick and going to Hell for something that they cannot choose nor control doesn't count as hate.
Maybe my brain is too full of the gayness that 'technology can't identify' because I just saw the new Star Wars trailer and Daisy Ridley is really cute, but I can't connect those particular dots.

they dropped the new trailer?