forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.

i dont get it

God told Moses a bunch of laws the Isrealites had to follow in order to get into heaven. If they broke any of these laws, they had to sacrafice an animal. When Jesus died on the cross, these laws no longer mattered because Jesus died for our sins. One of these was apparently "man lying with another man". Since Jesus died however, we no longer have to follow them and saying we still do is disrespectful

Just because Jesus died for our sins doesn't mean we should continue committing them, that's insane and quite insulting in my opinion. We may not have to sacrifice living creatures in his name anymore but that doesn't mean we can go around murdering three-year-olds with chainsaws and expect God to be like "oh, it's okay, I died and came back to life so, therefore, that's not an evil thing to do anymore. Straight to heaven you go!" without us having to feel truly sorry or do some sort of penance first.

Being gay isn't a sin but go off I guess.
If God didn't want people to be gay, He wouldn't have made them gay. Simple logic.

Deleted user

I'd also like to point out that they say nothing, nothing about gay/bisexual women. So technically. I'm not sinning. :P

Loving that technicality.

Am I wrong though?

Well obviously I think you are morally wrong. But that will never stop me from loving a lawyeresqe (jeez that word) joke.

I can't be morally wrong because your book (This is where I assume your moral is coming from) doesn't say that I am. It only specifies men.

maybe i should go to law school.


Hey, Dom! I'm curious about how homophobe has ever, in the history of the word, been used to oppress someone!

I'm not Dom, but I have seen it being thrown around (like the term "racist") at people in an attempt to damage their reputation or turn others against them.

Ella you know I love you but dude. That's still not a slur. I'd post a list of actual slurs myself if I didn't despise them with every fiber of my being.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Back from research.

"an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation."

Hmm. Sounds like a slur to me.

Your wording insinuates this is the definition of homophobe. It’s not, it’s the definition of slur. Don’t do that

And that’s not why people call homophobic people homophobes

As Nutella has said, I see it all the time. It's a joke really. Just another one of those things thrown at public figures that don't agree with the mob. Bigot, homophobe, racist, sexist ect. Ben Shapiro has been called a Nazi for crying out loud!

Deleted user

I'm fully aware that my opinion could be wrong, but unless God Himself comes and tells me, I'm sticking with it.

Lmao ignorant much

In any other topic, I wouldn't feel the same way, but considering the fact that only God knows what He meant and the wrong opinion here could send me to hell, I'm sticking to my current belief, the one that's been passed down for centuries. I know I could have the wrong opinion, which is why I'm not very strict with it and don't try to force it down the throats of others.

Firstly, Gays don't go to hell.
Secondly, God isn't going to send you to hell for believing that gays deserve to love and live lives of peace and marriage. That's ridiculous.

Kinda have a 16th century view on the whole Hell thing, don't you?

@Moxie group

“I hate when people tell me I’m going to hell for being gay, because they’re overlooking the other perfectly valid reasons I’m going to hell”
Or something along those lines

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Being gay isn't a sin but go off I guess.
If God didn't want people to be gay, He wouldn't have made them gay. Simple logic.

Well according to the Catholic, Orthodox and all other churches that can trace their roots back to the original church it is a sin.
And if God doesn't like sickness he wouldn't have invented diseases.

Deleted user

"'afraid gays will ruin the sanctity of marriage."" Well that is incorrect. The damage was done well before the gays had legal marriage.
"I have heard zero news about how the idea of marriage has been destroyed or ruined." Well you might not be in the right place to hear that. I hear such things on a somewhat regular basis. Only Wednesday I had a conversation involving that from a fellow college student I had never talked to before.

  1. How so? How were they ruining marriage before they could get married?
  2. It's not about geographical location. There are no stories about how gay people ruined marriages! If you're talking about a situation where a male in a hetero marriage left his wife for a man, that is not destroying a marriage. The male was always gay and finally have the courage to come out and live the life he actually wanted. (vise versa for my lesbian ladies out there.)
  3. What's the story?

@HighPockets group

Back from research.

"an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation."

Hmm. Sounds like a slur to me.

Your wording insinuates this is the definition of homophobe. It’s not, it’s the definition of slur. Don’t do that

And that’s not why people call homophobic people homophobes

As Nutella has said, I see it all the time. It's a joke really. Just another one of those things thrown at public figures that don't agree with the mob. Bigot, homophobe, racist, sexist ect. Ben Shapiro has been called a Nazi for crying out loud!

Maybe…..people are being called racists, sexists, and homophobes……because they're being racist, sexist, and homophobic…..idk just a crazy though I had!

Deleted user

If God didn't want people to be gay, He wouldn't have made them gay. Simple logic.

Once more and a little louder for the people in the back

@Moxie group

Back from research.

"an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation."

Hmm. Sounds like a slur to me.

Your wording insinuates this is the definition of homophobe. It’s not, it’s the definition of slur. Don’t do that

And that’s not why people call homophobic people homophobes

As Nutella has said, I see it all the time. It's a joke really. Just another one of those things thrown at public figures that don't agree with the mob. Bigot, homophobe, racist, sexist ect. Ben Shapiro has been called a Nazi for crying out loud!


Very few people actually call people homophobic for the sake of dmamaging their reputation. They call them homophobic because of their hatred for members of the lgbtq+ community, or thinking that “it’s wrong”


Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.

i dont get it

God told Moses a bunch of laws the Isrealites had to follow in order to get into heaven. If they broke any of these laws, they had to sacrafice an animal. When Jesus died on the cross, these laws no longer mattered because Jesus died for our sins. One of these was apparently "man lying with another man". Since Jesus died however, we no longer have to follow them and saying we still do is disrespectful

But there are scriptures in 1 Cor and Romans that say the same thing

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm fully aware that my opinion could be wrong, but unless God Himself comes and tells me, I'm sticking with it.

Lmao ignorant much

In any other topic, I wouldn't feel the same way, but considering the fact that only God knows what He meant and the wrong opinion here could send me to hell, I'm sticking to my current belief, the one that's been passed down for centuries. I know I could have the wrong opinion, which is why I'm not very strict with it and don't try to force it down the throats of others.

Firstly, Gays don't go to hell.
Secondly, God isn't going to send you to hell for believing that gays deserve to love and live lives of peace and marriage. That's ridiculous.

Kinda have a 16th century view on the whole Hell thing, don't you?

Well it does say so in the Bible. To be fair it also says all liars (and magic users and adulterers)so take it as you will I suppose.

@HighPockets group

Being gay isn't a sin but go off I guess.
If God didn't want people to be gay, He wouldn't have made them gay. Simple logic.

Well according to the Catholic, Orthodox and all other churches that can trace their roots back to the original church it is a sin.
And if God doesn't like sickness he wouldn't have invented diseases.

Like I said, it isn't.
And that's potentially the worst example you could've used.
So if Ford didn't want car crashes, they just….wouldn't have invented cars?
Come back with a logical argument.

@HighPockets group

Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.

i dont get it

God told Moses a bunch of laws the Isrealites had to follow in order to get into heaven. If they broke any of these laws, they had to sacrafice an animal. When Jesus died on the cross, these laws no longer mattered because Jesus died for our sins. One of these was apparently "man lying with another man". Since Jesus died however, we no longer have to follow them and saying we still do is disrespectful

But there are scriptures in 1 Cor and Romans that say the same thing

Which weren't said by Jesus.


If God didn't want people to be gay, He wouldn't have made them gay. Simple logic.

Okay, just… I see your point, but if you change the subject even slightly you'll realize this simple logic is actually quite broken…

"If God didn't want people to hurt, He wouldn't have made them feel pain"
"If God didn't want people to be pedophiles, He wouldn't have made them pedophiles"
"If God didn't want people to be angry or jealous, He wouldn't have made them angry/jealous"
"If God didn't want people to hate, He wouldn't have made them hateful"
"If God didn't want people to disobey His laws, He wouldn't have given them free will"

I know what you're going for, but that's not the greatest logic

@HighPockets group

If God didn't want people to be gay, He wouldn't have made them gay. Simple logic.

Once more and a little louder for the people in the back


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Back from research.

"an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation."

Hmm. Sounds like a slur to me.

Your wording insinuates this is the definition of homophobe. It’s not, it’s the definition of slur. Don’t do that

And that’s not why people call homophobic people homophobes

As Nutella has said, I see it all the time. It's a joke really. Just another one of those things thrown at public figures that don't agree with the mob. Bigot, homophobe, racist, sexist ect. Ben Shapiro has been called a Nazi for crying out loud!

Maybe…..people are being called racists, sexists, and homophobes……because they're being racist, sexist, and homophobic…..idk just a crazy though I had!

And I'm sure Ben Shapiro is secretly a Nazi.

@HighPockets group

If God didn't want people to be gay, He wouldn't have made them gay. Simple logic.

Okay, just… I see your point, but if you change the subject even slightly you'll realize this simple logic is actually quite broken…

"If God didn't want people to hurt, He wouldn't have made them feel pain"
"If God didn't want people to be pedophiles, He wouldn't have made them pedophiles"
"If God didn't want people to be angry or jealous, He wouldn't have made them angry/jealous"
"If God didn't want people to hate, He wouldn't have made them hateful"
"If God didn't want people to disobey His laws, He wouldn't have given them free will"

I know what you're going for, but that's not the greatest logic

Yeah, except God didn't create pain, Satan did. God gives us free will to choose to hate, or choose to be angry or jealous, but being gay isn't a choice.
So come at me when you've got some better logic, honey.

Deleted user

Being gay isn't a sin but go off I guess.
If God didn't want people to be gay, He wouldn't have made them gay. Simple logic.

Well according to the Catholic, Orthodox and all other churches that can trace their roots back to the original church it is a sin.
And if God doesn't like sickness he wouldn't have invented diseases.

If we're going to call being gay a sickness let's discuss diseases with the ex med student shall we?

Diseases leave a mark/imprint/sign on the body that it is destroying it or that it is there within the host. Even mental illnesses can show up upon a brain scan or an electrode test. Yes? Yes.

Being gay doesn't show up on anything. ZIP. Not a single shred of ANYTHING on tests. Being Gay is not a disease or mental sickness or anything of the sort. You cannot medically see or prove that someone is gay.
Enough of this bullshit.

Deleted user

Seriously 3+ pages of this shit. Come on, most of you arguing against it are just pushing against fact and using an old book.

Stop. Let's just end this stupid thing.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"'afraid gays will ruin the sanctity of marriage."" Well that is incorrect. The damage was done well before the gays had legal marriage.
"I have heard zero news about how the idea of marriage has been destroyed or ruined." Well you might not be in the right place to hear that. I hear such things on a somewhat regular basis. Only Wednesday I had a conversation involving that from a fellow college student I had never talked to before.

  1. How so? How were they ruining marriage before they could get married?
  2. It's not about geographical location. There are no stories about how gay people ruined marriages! If you're talking about a situation where a male in a hetero marriage left his wife for a man, that is not destroying a marriage. The male was always gay and finally have the courage to come out and live the life he actually wanted. (vise versa for my lesbian ladies out there.)
  3. What's the story?
  1. Lol you're taking a too narrow view of it. The straight people can do it too! Lol.
  2. Think about the kids or the wife. That is putting yourself above the person you made an oath to. If you think being an oathbreaker for your own benefit is courageous we have different views on honor.
  3. Not now. (Busy)


Seriously 3+ pages of this shit. Come on, most of you arguing against it are just pushing against fact and using an old book.

Stop. Let's just end this stupid thing.

A g r e e d