forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I don’t care if an OG is involved, if I find something annoying, I’m going to bring it up, especially in this rudeness chat. So it wouldn’t matter who it was or who was involved.


hey bishes
i dont have anything against anyone in this chat
just people in general

i hate , and i mean raging burning hatred, when older people say that LGBTQ+ people are "sick" or "not right"

You called? Wanna chat?



I don’t care if an OG is involved, if I find something annoying, I’m going to bring it up, especially in this rudeness chat. So it wouldn’t matter who it was or who was involved.

Same here, I've just noticed that I don't ever get taken seriously until an OG agrees with me…


I know, and I agree. I just find it absolutely ridiculous how everyone immediately gets angry every single time Grammar Queen says anything, even when it's not a response to things from 30 pages ago

Deleted user

I don’t get mad at her every time she says something, I try to keep the mad-getting to a minimum. I can’t say much for other people, but the only times I have gotten involved were specifically when she brought up old issues.


well I personally understand what it's like to be stressed out and tired, which is what was happening with her at least one of the times she said something that got on people's nerves, but still if what you're saying is at all annoying to anybody then you're probably gonna hear about it. But, since all of this stuff is old, let's just drop it?


Alright I've had enough of this and so have other people.


Don't bring up old issues. If you have beef with someone thats like 9 pages ago. Take it to PM.

quoted from page 81

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

hey bishes
i dont have anything against anyone in this chat
just people in general

i hate , and i mean raging burning hatred, when older people say that LGBTQ+ people are "sick" or "not right"

You called? Wanna chat?


Wassup? I'm one of those dudes you might have a raging burning hatred against. I think it's messed up to be gay etc. But I always think talking things out has a good chance for leading to understanding and respect.

Deleted user

Well, I think that’s a little bit sad, and I wholeheartedly disagree, but I’ll respect your opinion as long as you respect me? -a gay


hey bishes
i dont have anything against anyone in this chat
just people in general

i hate , and i mean raging burning hatred, when older people say that LGBTQ+ people are "sick" or "not right"

You called? Wanna chat?


Wassup? I'm one of those dudes you might have a raging burning hatred against. I think it's messed up to be gay etc. But I always think talking things out has a good chance for leading to understanding and respect.

what is your opinion on someone who loves both men and women?

Deleted user

I don’t really understand how someone can think love is bad…simply because of genitalia/biology/whatever, but i realize that some people are raised that way, and that that is all they’ve ever been taught. Ideally, no one would be prejudiced against someone else but…

Deleted user

You what, fuck the Bible. It's all a bunch of nonsense. God creating everything? That's not right, there isn't a superior overlord God that just sounds completely ridiculous. Science is the true explanation, where do you think we got all the dinosaur fossils from? Good ol God didn't make those did he? I have nothing against religious people, believe what you want to believe but I'm atheist so I will disagree with your religion.

Deleted user

Okay, I get that you’re upset, but let’s not go around telling people their beliefs are wrong. Personally, I agree with you, but to some people, religion is really important as we need to respect that, kay?


(Thank you Moony for being respectful, I really do appreciate that.)

Honestly, the possibility of a superior overlord God isn’t that far off. There is no scientific evidence to prove He exists, but there’s no evidence against Him either.

How do you know He didn’t create dinosaurs, have them go extinct after many years, and then create the first humans? Sure the Bible story says He created the world in 7 days, but back then there was no concept of day or night because the sun didn’t exist, so each “day” might’ve actually been millions of years. Fossils don’t prove anything.

(Fun fact: The Big Bang theory, something commonly used to try and debunk religion, was created by a Catholic priest)


Well just because it was created by a priest doesn’t change the fact that it’s no longer a theory. Samples of various different comets, as well as stone samples taken from rifts caused by tectonic plates shifting (canyons, for example) have proven that the Big Bang did happen, just the exact details are still a little difficult to find


Never said it didn’t. But this ain’t the debate chat, this is the rudeness chat. Not exactly the right place to launch into a debate

Deleted user

Yeah I’m sorry, I’m just saying I myself don’t believe it, I don’t have a problem with anyone’s beliefs.


I know it isn't, especially when the same exact debate is going on in another chat
(BTW, No, I did not abandon it. I was extremely tired yesterday and I keep a little rule for myself to never jump into debates/heated arguments when I'm tired…)