forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


hey bishes
i dont have anything against anyone in this chat
just people in general

i hate , and i mean raging burning hatred, when older people say that LGBTQ+ people are "sick" or "not right"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

hey bishes
i dont have anything against anyone in this chat
just people in general

i hate , and i mean raging burning hatred, when older people say that LGBTQ+ people are "sick" or "not right"

You called? Wanna chat?

Deleted user

Grammer Queen, shut the fuck up.

Did you miss the part where Fae said "Please for the love of god, don't tell people what to do?"

Deleted user

Grammer Queen, shut the fuck up.

Did you miss the part where Fae said "Please for the love of god, don't tell people what to do?"

Maybe you should have heeded that rule, too.

Deleted user

Wasn't that argument like 10+ pages ago?


Deleted user

ohhh my GOD grammar queen PLEASE stop bringing up old stuff. it’s unnecessary and annoying. if you really care that much please PM the person. it’s not really my place to say but i think i’m not the only one who’s annoyed here.


Guys, leave Grammar Queen alone. You've been unnecessarily bitter towards her and it's starting to make me angry…

(Also, just because someone isn't Eris doesn't mean they can't make a flipping suggestion for crying out loud.)

Deleted user

Guys, leave Grammar Queen alone. You've been unnecessarily bitter towards her and it's starting to make me angry…

Up to a point, yes. But bringing up old issues from pages ago clogs up the chat, and annoys people, especially if someone does it every time they log on it’s unnecessary, and it should be taken to pm if it’s actually that big of a deal.


Well, there are a lot of things on here that annoy people and yet no one pays any sort of attention or makes any effort to stop it unless an OG gets involved…
Just saying.