forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@HighPockets group

it was awful. I have war flashbacks about it all the time.

I had a home run last year…sprinting around the bases with my boobs was hell but worth it.

Deleted user

I hate having boobs. Not only do the bring dysphoria, but they're just awful.

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I’m in 8th grade and thank god my boobs are small

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Because I'd like to know why someone would randomly say worm

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@Mojack group

I prefer my boobs (god, I never thought I would write that and I feel extremely uncomfortable doing so because I’ve never done it) because mine are small and thus i can do sports a little easier.

My back gets screwed up though because I’m so tall and I sit in uncomfortable chairs at school either way.

Deleted user

Our desks are like small as hell

I struggle to set my stuff on it and my friend (who is thiqqqqqqqq) struggles to sit in them lmao

Deleted user

boobs are a bit of a hassle but they’re squishy so it’s fine
also school desks are the WORST especially the ones that have that stupid little bar???

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

boobs are a bit of a hassle but they’re squishy so it’s fine
also school desks are the WORST especially the ones that have that stupid little bar???

  1. the squishiness though
  2. school desks are cruel and unusual punishment