forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Wassup? I'm one of those dudes you might have a raging burning hatred against. I think it's messed up to be gay etc. But I always think talking things out has a good chance for leading to understanding and respect.

Since when do you think I'm sick? I thought we were homies?????

Deleted user

FYI - I do not mind debates in this chat, but you don't have to be nice in said debates. (This chat ain't like the others.)

Deleted user

(Fun fact: The Big Bang theory, something commonly used to try and debunk religion, was created by a Catholic priest)

This isn't exactly correct. The Theory is commonly used to debunk the religious teaching that the earth is only 6000 (or 2000, or whatever people are saying right now) years old.


hey bishes
i dont have anything against anyone in this chat
just people in general

i hate , and i mean raging burning hatred, when older people say that LGBTQ+ people are "sick" or "not right"

You called? Wanna chat?


Wassup? I'm one of those dudes you might have a raging burning hatred against. I think it's messed up to be gay etc. But I always think talking things out has a good chance for leading to understanding and respect.

This is the rudeness chat so I'm just going to speak my mind here
You're not going into much detail on your opinion here but if you're the kind of person who would treat a person unfairly just because of their sexuality, seriously fuck off you homophobic asshole
Even if you're not going to treat them unfairly, why do you care? The fact that somebody is gay has nothing to do with you.

Deleted user

The fact that somebody is gay has nothing to do with you.

This is the most overlooked statement in the history of modern humanity.

Deleted user

I second Eris' statement to the edges of space and back.


Well anyways, back to Dom's opinion… mentally prepares for the consequences of saying this in a chat made for drama

I agree with him.

Yeah, it might be wrong, and yes, my main excuse for it is the Bible. I believe that being sexually attracted to your own gender is extremely sinful/lustful/messed up and I'd rather be known as a "Homophobic Bigoted Christian A–hat" than risk a life of eternal torment.
However, you know what else is considered sinful in the Bible? Judgment, hatred, wrath, lack of compassion, an unforgiving heart… Etc. Which is why I will never see anyone as any less of a person for being gay, no matter how wrong I think it is. You're still humans no matter how sinful, and you deserve to be treated equally. I've done some things in the past that I would consider messed up, a lot of people have, actually, It's a part of being human.


Also I have a question
How do I politely tell somebody to fuck off if they're my friend? This guy I know is cool and all but I'm currently exhausted and want him to leave me alone (he doesn't shut up sometimes and I'm actually about to snap at him) but I don't want to upset him

Deleted user

(Sorry Jensen that wasn't directed towards you at all)


Okay, I just needed to pop in and say a few things. Number one, the idea that God exists is an amazing idea, and it's not something that anyone really understands completely. But nobody understands the big bang theory completely either, and to me, that is more ridiculous. Do you really mean to tell me that if you saw a house, you would have to believe that someone built it, but the earth can just come into existence? The earth is a billion times more complicated. Thing in nature are so complex and precise, that I find it hard to believe that a god doesn't exist. Just saying. But I totally respect your opinion if you believe otherwise.

@HighPockets group

Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.


Well anyways, back to Dom's opinion… mentally prepares for the consequences of saying this in a chat made for drama

I agree with him.

Yeah, it might be wrong, and yes, my main excuse for it is the Bible. I believe that being sexually attracted to your own gender is extremely sinful/lustful/messed up and I'd rather be known as a "Homophobic Bigoted Christian A–hat" than risk a life of eternal torment.
However, you know what else is considered sinful in the Bible? Judgment, hatred, wrath, lack of compassion, an unforgiving heart… Etc. Which is why I will never see anyone as any less of a person for being gay, no matter how wrong I think it is. You're still humans no matter how sinful, and you deserve to be treated equally. I've done some things in the past that I would consider messed up, a lot of people have, actually, It's a part of being human.

this. you explained it perfectly.


Okay, I just needed to pop in and say a few things. Number one, the idea that God exists is an amazing idea, and it's not something that anyone really understands completely. But nobody understands the big bang theory completely either, and to me, that is more ridiculous. Do you really mean to tell me that if you saw a house, you would have to believe that someone built it, but the earth can just come into existence? The earth is a billion times more complicated. Thing in nature are so complex and precise, that I find it hard to believe that a god doesn't exist. Just saying. But I totally respect your opinion if you believe otherwise.



Well anyways, back to Dom's opinion… mentally prepares for the consequences of saying this in a chat made for drama

I agree with him.

Yeah, it might be wrong, and yes, my main excuse for it is the Bible. I believe that being sexually attracted to your own gender is extremely sinful/lustful/messed up and I'd rather be known as a "Homophobic Bigoted Christian A–hat" than risk a life of eternal torment.
However, you know what else is considered sinful in the Bible? Judgment, hatred, wrath, lack of compassion, an unforgiving heart… Etc. Which is why I will never see anyone as any less of a person for being gay, no matter how wrong I think it is. You're still humans no matter how sinful, and you deserve to be treated equally. I've done some things in the past that I would consider messed up, a lot of people have, actually, It's a part of being human.

Somewhat understandable, but I still don't like it

Deleted user

Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.

I'm pretty sure this is more accurate than that of Ella's statement.



Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.

I'm going to add to the drama and probably make some Christians angry

Being gay is not a sin. A lot of people who say it is are just using it as an excuse to cover up their irrational disgust of gay people. (I'm not saying all people are like that, just to be clear)


Alright, the homophobia bit in the Bible? Purposely misinterpreted and then made into newer copies as a “real” translation! At the time Jesus was around, male prostitution, specifically as church servants were very common, particularly those younger than 15. The piece people say is anti-homosexuality stems from the essential context of the passage being about a disciple sending a letter to a Greek church saying underaged prostitution is bad being omitted and later amalgamated into saying the gays are bad. So sorry hon, can’t use the Bible to make excuses for homophobia :)

@HighPockets group

Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.

I'm pretty sure this is more accurate than that of Ella's statement.


And also the 'man shall not sleep with man' passage people site is mistranslated. It was originally 'man shall not sleep with boy', speaking against pedophilia and the purchasing/child grooming of young boys to sleep with.

Deleted user

Jesus didn't say anything about being gay, the only time it was mentioned was in Leviticus which was negated by Jesus dying on the cross. So if you say that being gay is a sin, you're saying that Jesus's death accomplished nothing, which is fully inaccurate.

I'm pretty sure this is more accurate than that of Ella's statement.


And also the 'man shall not sleep with man' passage people site is mistranslated. It was originally 'man shall not sleep with boy', speaking against pedophilia and the purchasing/child grooming of young boys to sleep with.

(See Octane's last comment)