forum Don't Be Suspicious
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My swears are my crutches and if people can't deal with a simple coping mechanism that doesn't directly harm others then they can go fuck themselves with a toothbrush for all I care

@Mojack group

I mean, I don’t swear too much outloud. It’s more of a thing I say in my head or in my vents.

If I swear outloud, I’m either doing it because it suits the conversation, I’m writing a character who swears a lot, it’s apart of a word, I’m in a lot of pain or just really upset.

Or really weirded out.

I don’t really swear around my family members or children. It just doesn’t feel right, especially for the latter. I have replacement words I use though, sometimes. Generally my replacements are pretty easy to tell what the original word was.


Also how dare you prefer to violate kitchenware that is obviously bigger than a toothbrush in every variant besides ironic. That shit is sacred and expensive

Deleted user

hey uh swearing is for cool kids only :) B) (jk don’t kill me please)
also i got sunburned really bad and now my face is in p a i n


My eyebrows aren't yellow anymore thank the stars. That was the worst twenty four hours of my life, having near whit hair and yellow eyebrows holy s h i t

Deleted user

oh yikes yikes yikes, that’s not good.
also i think my nose is peeling he l p

Deleted user

if only. we’re at a hotel and I didn’t being my aloe (or sunscreen) because it wasn’t supposed to be this sunny


Don;t hotels usually have that non-scented lotion and shit? Try gently massaging that in, and some of the skin will come away. If it's cool, you'll have some temporary relief, too.

@Mojack group

The worst sunburn I got was one on my face. Got blisters too; that was a few years ago. Right on my forehead near my hairline. Luckily it healed up pretty well. I can’t exactly offer any advice myself but I would try the lotion.


Also how dare you prefer to violate kitchenware that is obviously bigger than a toothbrush in every variant besides ironic. That shit is sacred and expensive

Because, some toothbrushes dont deserve to be violated in such a way.


Also how dare you prefer to violate kitchenware that is obviously bigger than a toothbrush in every variant besides ironic. That shit is sacred and expensive

Because, some toothbrushes dont deserve to be violated in such a way.

So? You can always get more. Dentists tell you to replace your toothbrush frequently for a reason. Meanwhile, kitchenware lasts forever until it is either ruined or broken.

I don't see the point you're trying to make