forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


No shit sherlock, I would want them to feel pain. Anyways, let's all move on from the fact you were being an absolute hypocrite ("I didn't want to start an arguement" and then immediately arguing back. It takes two to tango, buddy) and talk about stuff that actually matters

Again, not wanting to argue. I wasnt saying that to argue, it was a question. But whatever, moving on.

Deleted user

There's a possibility outside life exists, but that's the only thing I'll admit.

Deleted user

There's a possibility outside life exists, but that's the only thing I'll admit.

Por que?

Deleted user

You two are super annoying.

Oh really, me? Annoying? No one's ever told me that before!

…That was heavy sarcasm, in case you couldn't tell.

We've moved on. Thanks

Deleted user

There's a possibility outside life exists, but that's the only thing I'll admit.

Por que?

Because it took Humankind thousands to millions years to even evolve to a cognitive state. Of course, the Universe is wide and spacious, but the chances of having a neat little setup with only one sun-like star in the universe with a nice gravity and a metal ball with liquid on it is very sparce. Though bacteria can live in the harshes of spaces.

Basically, I don't believe that something Human-like can exist, but different types of bacteria might.

Deleted user

Alien doesn't mean human like though. What if that race doesn't require the same things we do to survive?
There are habitable planets and stars all around us in the universe, just because it's not habitable by Humans does't mean it's not habitable at all.

Deleted user

Wasnt it proven that Mars had living bacteria?

In the same place with one living star and surrounding planets.

I'm saying outside of the Milky Way.