forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Well now it got fucking annoying.

I was having a good day.

@Moxie group

Yeah but the great thing about debating in this chat is that we don’t have to stick to the courtesy rules of debates. We can be as rude as we want. It’s glorious

Deleted user

Um don't mind it, being an avid one myself and being in a public high school.


I am personally fine with swearing but I despise those people that cannot control themselves. Like I get that you swear. Maybe try to tone it down in front of those who hate it?

Deleted user

I absolutely hate it but if other people want to curse I guess they can, just don't get mad at me for not joining in.

Though you have gotten upset over people cussing.