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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well, with that definition, you're killing something that's going to be alive in a few weeks. And it will have a mind, and feel pain, and you're going to take that away from this thing that's developing into a PERSON. It's a person. If you have doubts about it, well, you're right. Let it grow. Might be a goldfish or a lion.

No by that definition you aren't harming something that is alive. You are assisting a naturally occurring expulsion of a clump of cells that may turn into a baby. There is no guarantee that it will, by the way. It could have a defect in it's corrupted DNA and become a cancerous lump of awful. It may become neurotic.
It's not a person. Its a clump of cells. It doesnt become a fetus or a 'person' until much much later.

It very likely will. It's not a 50/50. Isn't it a fetus right after a zygote?

Deleted user

Wait what?

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa most people don't know that. The Female Body is pretty damn interesting actually. It's a shame that it is so….shameful. (eye roll)

Pregnancy may be a natural form of procreation, but it's actually the most horrible and arduous thing that a female can go through. Miscarriages are the body forcibly expelling something foreign from the body. Morning sickness is the body fighting the fetus like an illness. Being pregnant is extraordinarily dangerous.

The hell. Can you get me some fact check for this stuff?

A woman's immune system can attack the fetus. It's more common than people think.

Deleted user

What's your definition of life my dear compatriot. (Finally a challenge!)
When the gov runs healthcare, the gov decides who deserves it. And who doesn't. And they are no benevolent entity.
Wrong there. Plenty of Pro-lifers stand for a lot more than no abortions.

Life is consciousness. Life is not 2 cells coming together to create more cells. If that were the case people would be fighting for the rights of cancer and other diseases. (As always it is a most excellent pleasure to debate with you.)
The right to health and to a good life should be universal why the FADOODLE does the government get to decide who lives and dies?
What else do they stand for then? Because I do not see them actually defending life.

What if a person was unconscious? You should modify that statement I believe.
Because who pays for it?
The slogan is "From conception to natural death."

Unconscious or without consciousness? Like brain dead? Please clarify.
The Tax Payers. Not the government.
Just because that is their slogan doesnt mean it is what they actually fight for. Where are they when teenager's lives are in danger because they have cancer but cannot afford healthcare?

Deleted user

And yet that doesn't stop people

No it doesnt and that is their choice because in the end, it is the woman deciding to go through this change in order to have a family. Which is an incredible thing, but it is still a choice.

Exactly. Women know what could happen going in, but when it does happen, they want to get rid of it (not all of them just to be clear).

So do men? Men know what happens when they have sex.
Sex doesnt equal pregnancy ever single time you know. Contraception is a wonderful thing that should also be free and widely taught in all school systems.

@Pickles group

What's your definition of life my dear compatriot. (Finally a challenge!)
When the gov runs healthcare, the gov decides who deserves it. And who doesn't. And they are no benevolent entity.
Wrong there. Plenty of Pro-lifers stand for a lot more than no abortions.

Life is consciousness. Life is not 2 cells coming together to create more cells. If that were the case people would be fighting for the rights of cancer and other diseases. (As always it is a most excellent pleasure to debate with you.)
The right to health and to a good life should be universal why the FADOODLE does the government get to decide who lives and dies?
What else do they stand for then? Because I do not see them actually defending life.

What if a person was unconscious? You should modify that statement I believe.
Because who pays for it?
The slogan is "From conception to natural death."

Unconscious or without consciousness? Like brain dead? Please clarify.
The Tax Payers. Not the government.
Just because that is their slogan doesnt mean it is what they actually fight for. Where are they when teenager's lives are in danger because they have cancer but cannot afford healthcare?

why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?! (sorry I had to)


I'm just going to throw in the fact that a fetus can physically survive being born at 16 weeks, although it's unlikely.
…Just dropping my little bits of knowledge in here, not actually trying to debunk anyone's arguments.

Deleted user

Well, with that definition, you're killing something that's going to be alive in a few weeks. And it will have a mind, and feel pain, and you're going to take that away from this thing that's developing into a PERSON. It's a person. If you have doubts about it, well, you're right. Let it grow. Might be a goldfish or a lion.

No by that definition you aren't harming something that is alive. You are assisting a naturally occurring expulsion of a clump of cells that may turn into a baby. There is no guarantee that it will, by the way. It could have a defect in it's corrupted DNA and become a cancerous lump of awful. It may become neurotic.
It's not a person. Its a clump of cells. It doesnt become a fetus or a 'person' until much much later.

It very likely will. It's not a 50/50. Isn't it a fetus right after a zygote?

Yes, but it's not instantaneous. But Fetus is not synonymous with person or baby. It's still a little alien looking thing.

@Pickles group

And yet that doesn't stop people

No it doesnt and that is their choice because in the end, it is the woman deciding to go through this change in order to have a family. Which is an incredible thing, but it is still a choice.

Exactly. Women know what could happen going in, but when it does happen, they want to get rid of it (not all of them just to be clear).

So do men? Men know what happens when they have sex.
Sex doesnt equal pregnancy ever single time you know. Contraception is a wonderful thing that should also be free and widely taught in all school systems.

Of course it doesn't, but it's a very real possibility. If you don't want to face a possible consequence of a thing, why are you doing the thing? And yes, men also know what can happen, they also have to deal with consequences, and some also choose to do it anyway. But there are also men that have opinions on abortions

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What if a person was unconscious? You should modify that statement I believe.
Because who pays for it?
The slogan is "From conception to natural death."

Unconscious or without consciousness? Like brain dead? Please clarify.
The Tax Payers. Not the government.
Just because that is their slogan doesnt mean it is what they actually fight for. Where are they when teenager's lives are in danger because they have cancer but cannot afford healthcare?

Let's go straight to without consciousness.
The tax payers give the money to whom?
Well it depends on how real they are. There are also Christians that do nothing different except they go to church once a month. I personally plan on adopting at least some of my children for the reasons that Pro-lifers need to be there too if "you can choose adoption".

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And yet that doesn't stop people

No it doesnt and that is their choice because in the end, it is the woman deciding to go through this change in order to have a family. Which is an incredible thing, but it is still a choice.

Exactly. Women know what could happen going in, but when it does happen, they want to get rid of it (not all of them just to be clear).

So do men? Men know what happens when they have sex.
Sex doesnt equal pregnancy ever single time you know. Contraception is a wonderful thing that should also be free and widely taught in all school systems.

That doesn't always work. Anyone knows that. If a guy goes out shooting to a place he knows people rarely go to and shoots someone he is still responsible.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well, with that definition, you're killing something that's going to be alive in a few weeks. And it will have a mind, and feel pain, and you're going to take that away from this thing that's developing into a PERSON. It's a person. If you have doubts about it, well, you're right. Let it grow. Might be a goldfish or a lion.

No by that definition you aren't harming something that is alive. You are assisting a naturally occurring expulsion of a clump of cells that may turn into a baby. There is no guarantee that it will, by the way. It could have a defect in it's corrupted DNA and become a cancerous lump of awful. It may become neurotic.
It's not a person. Its a clump of cells. It doesnt become a fetus or a 'person' until much much later.

It very likely will. It's not a 50/50. Isn't it a fetus right after a zygote?

Yes, but it's not instantaneous. But Fetus is not synonymous with person or baby. It's still a little alien looking thing.

What's the difference between fetus and baby. Does baby even have a concrete meaning besides young of an animal?

Deleted user

And yet that doesn't stop people

No it doesnt and that is their choice because in the end, it is the woman deciding to go through this change in order to have a family. Which is an incredible thing, but it is still a choice.

Exactly. Women know what could happen going in, but when it does happen, they want to get rid of it (not all of them just to be clear).

So do men? Men know what happens when they have sex.
Sex doesnt equal pregnancy ever single time you know. Contraception is a wonderful thing that should also be free and widely taught in all school systems.

Of course it doesn't, but it's a very real possibility. If you don't want to face a possible consequence of a thing, why are you doing the thing? And yes, men also know what can happen, they also have to deal with consequences, and some also choose to do it anyway. But there are also men that have opinions on abortions

Why do people do anything? There are consequences for literally everything that you can do in life and yet people still do them. Why? Because it's fun, it can be an amazing and intimate experience that you are sharing with that other person. Accidents happen, there is no need to be punished for something that happened with zero fault.

Deleted user

What if a person was unconscious? You should modify that statement I believe.
Because who pays for it?
The slogan is "From conception to natural death."

Unconscious or without consciousness? Like brain dead? Please clarify.
The Tax Payers. Not the government.
Just because that is their slogan doesnt mean it is what they actually fight for. Where are they when teenager's lives are in danger because they have cancer but cannot afford healthcare?

Let's go straight to without consciousness.
The tax payers give the money to whom?
Well it depends on how real they are. There are also Christians that do nothing different except they go to church once a month. I personally plan on adopting at least some of my children for the reasons that Pro-lifers need to be there too if "you can choose adoption".

If someone is brain dead they are not alive. Death is a mercy. People pull the plug on them all the time.
The government. But what gives them the right to decide who gets to live or die. If your child was in the hospital dying, but could be saved, and not a single doctor was helping you because you could not afford healthcare….how would that make you feel? What gives the government the right to decide that your child has to die?
You didn't answer my question. These people that are screaming at and protesting outside of Planned Parenthoods trying to protect 'babies' are no where to be found when it comes to children dying on the streets from malnourishment and are refusing to provide aid to countless impoverished communities.

@Pickles group

And yet that doesn't stop people

No it doesnt and that is their choice because in the end, it is the woman deciding to go through this change in order to have a family. Which is an incredible thing, but it is still a choice.

Exactly. Women know what could happen going in, but when it does happen, they want to get rid of it (not all of them just to be clear).

So do men? Men know what happens when they have sex.
Sex doesnt equal pregnancy ever single time you know. Contraception is a wonderful thing that should also be free and widely taught in all school systems.

Of course it doesn't, but it's a very real possibility. If you don't want to face a possible consequence of a thing, why are you doing the thing? And yes, men also know what can happen, they also have to deal with consequences, and some also choose to do it anyway. But there are also men that have opinions on abortions

Why do people do anything? There are consequences for literally everything that you can do in life and yet people still do them. Why? Because it's fun, it can be an amazing and intimate experience that you are sharing with that other person. Accidents happen, there is no need to be punished for something that happened with zero fault.

But it is a fault. You choose to do it, knowing you could create something but have the intent of killing it if you do create it.

Deleted user

Well, with that definition, you're killing something that's going to be alive in a few weeks. And it will have a mind, and feel pain, and you're going to take that away from this thing that's developing into a PERSON. It's a person. If you have doubts about it, well, you're right. Let it grow. Might be a goldfish or a lion.

No by that definition you aren't harming something that is alive. You are assisting a naturally occurring expulsion of a clump of cells that may turn into a baby. There is no guarantee that it will, by the way. It could have a defect in it's corrupted DNA and become a cancerous lump of awful. It may become neurotic.
It's not a person. Its a clump of cells. It doesnt become a fetus or a 'person' until much much later.

It very likely will. It's not a 50/50. Isn't it a fetus right after a zygote?

Yes, but it's not instantaneous. But Fetus is not synonymous with person or baby. It's still a little alien looking thing.

What's the difference between fetus and baby. Does baby even have a concrete meaning besides young of an animal?

Baby can survive on it's own outside of the mother. A fetus is a fetus until it is born. (Medical terminology I got from med school.)

Deleted user

If something happened because someone did something how can you say there can be zero fault?

Because no one plans to get pregnant on accident. It's no one's fault. It's an accident.

@Pickles group

What if a person was unconscious? You should modify that statement I believe.
Because who pays for it?
The slogan is "From conception to natural death."

Unconscious or without consciousness? Like brain dead? Please clarify.
The Tax Payers. Not the government.
Just because that is their slogan doesnt mean it is what they actually fight for. Where are they when teenager's lives are in danger because they have cancer but cannot afford healthcare?

Let's go straight to without consciousness.
The tax payers give the money to whom?
Well it depends on how real they are. There are also Christians that do nothing different except they go to church once a month. I personally plan on adopting at least some of my children for the reasons that Pro-lifers need to be there too if "you can choose adoption".

If someone is brain dead they are not alive. Death is a mercy. People pull the plug on them all the time.
The government. But what gives them the right to decide who gets to live or die. If your child was in the hospital dying, but could be saved, and not a single doctor was helping you because you could not afford healthcare….how would that make you feel? What gives the government the right to decide that your child has to die?
You didn't answer my question. These people that are screaming at and protesting outside of Planned Parenthoods trying to protect 'babies' are no where to be found when it comes to children dying on the streets from malnourishment and are refusing to provide aid to countless impoverished communities.

Don't most hospitals try to help you and then figure out payment later? If you go into a hospital bleeding out, they're not going to be all "woah can u pay?"

Deleted user

And yet that doesn't stop people

No it doesnt and that is their choice because in the end, it is the woman deciding to go through this change in order to have a family. Which is an incredible thing, but it is still a choice.

Exactly. Women know what could happen going in, but when it does happen, they want to get rid of it (not all of them just to be clear).

So do men? Men know what happens when they have sex.
Sex doesnt equal pregnancy ever single time you know. Contraception is a wonderful thing that should also be free and widely taught in all school systems.

Of course it doesn't, but it's a very real possibility. If you don't want to face a possible consequence of a thing, why are you doing the thing? And yes, men also know what can happen, they also have to deal with consequences, and some also choose to do it anyway. But there are also men that have opinions on abortions

Why do people do anything? There are consequences for literally everything that you can do in life and yet people still do them. Why? Because it's fun, it can be an amazing and intimate experience that you are sharing with that other person. Accidents happen, there is no need to be punished for something that happened with zero fault.

But it is a fault. You choose to do it, knowing you could create something but have the intent of killing it if you do create it.

Dude. You honestly think people have sex to get pregnant on accident and then abort it. You really think people plan that?

People choose to go skydiving but is it someone's fault if they sprain their ankle while landing?

Deleted user

What if a person was unconscious? You should modify that statement I believe.
Because who pays for it?
The slogan is "From conception to natural death."

Unconscious or without consciousness? Like brain dead? Please clarify.
The Tax Payers. Not the government.
Just because that is their slogan doesnt mean it is what they actually fight for. Where are they when teenager's lives are in danger because they have cancer but cannot afford healthcare?

Let's go straight to without consciousness.
The tax payers give the money to whom?
Well it depends on how real they are. There are also Christians that do nothing different except they go to church once a month. I personally plan on adopting at least some of my children for the reasons that Pro-lifers need to be there too if "you can choose adoption".

If someone is brain dead they are not alive. Death is a mercy. People pull the plug on them all the time.
The government. But what gives them the right to decide who gets to live or die. If your child was in the hospital dying, but could be saved, and not a single doctor was helping you because you could not afford healthcare….how would that make you feel? What gives the government the right to decide that your child has to die?
You didn't answer my question. These people that are screaming at and protesting outside of Planned Parenthoods trying to protect 'babies' are no where to be found when it comes to children dying on the streets from malnourishment and are refusing to provide aid to countless impoverished communities.

Don't most hospitals try to help you and then figure out payment later? If you go into a hospital bleeding out, they're not going to be all "woah can u pay?"

Actually no. Hospitals have the right to turn people away if they cant pay.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Let's go straight to without consciousness.
The tax payers give the money to whom?
Well it depends on how real they are. There are also Christians that do nothing different except they go to church once a month. I personally plan on adopting at least some of my children for the reasons that Pro-lifers need to be there too if "you can choose adoption".

If someone is brain dead they are not alive. Death is a mercy. People pull the plug on them all the time.
The government. But what gives them the right to decide who gets to live or die. If your child was in the hospital dying, but could be saved, and not a single doctor was helping you because you could not afford healthcare….how would that make you feel? What gives the government the right to decide that your child has to die?
You didn't answer my question. These people that are screaming at and protesting outside of Planned Parenthoods trying to protect 'babies' are no where to be found when it comes to children dying on the streets from malnourishment and are refusing to provide aid to countless impoverished communities.

What if they are born without consciousness?
It's already happened. In Britain I believe. A child could not be taken care of by the hospitals so the parents tried to go somewhere else to get a cure. The gov disagreed and refused. Thy finally said to give them the child until he dies and they refused. (I think I have my facts right.)
I'll say it straight. They're fakers that use the movement because they are against abortion.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What's the difference between fetus and baby. Does baby even have a concrete meaning besides young of an animal?

Baby can survive on it's own outside of the mother. A fetus is a fetus until it is born. (Medical terminology I got from med school.)

So sixrteen weeks. That is when the baby ca survive outside the womb. And as medical science advances the age will be less.

Deleted user

This is not a common case though, Ella. This is actually extremely rare. 5-10% of survival. Nor is "The Chive" a proper site source.
The proper 'age of vitality' for a fetus to survive with more than 50% chance is about 22 weeks. Just over half way of baking in the oven.