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@Pickles group

Except it’s not her body! That “clump of cells” is not just some hideous growth that you can dispose of if it inconveniences you, it’s a growing child with it’s own DNA, it’s own body, it’s own future, it’s own heartbeat… The list grows and grows. It is not the woman’s right to kill it off, it is not simply her choice.

It is her body Ella. That clump of cells she created. The woman can decide what she wants to do with it.
It's her body that the fetus is growing inside of, changing, stealing nutrients from. Technically, a fetus is a 'malignant' growth. (I mean this in the medical terminology way. Meaning- that the growth continues to grow and affect the nature of its host.)

But…she's not the only one that created it. And it's in her body, not her body. And so she might have to lay off some bad habits like smoking and drinking and eat healthier. Emphasis on bad habits and healthier. And her point (I think, correct me if I'm wrong Ella) is that it will have it's own DNA, etc even if it doesn't right now.


There are some subjects that easily tick me off even when the arguments given are calm and/or reasonable, and this just happens to be one of them. None of you did anything wrong, I’ll be cool in a minute, just taking a little precaution. Everything’s fine, we’re all good, go ahead and keep debating things, yeah.

In other words, ignore me

Deleted user

This is going to sound really rude, but NutElla, if you're going to leave the debate for a bit. You don't have to announce that you're pissed off. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I don't care.

Deleted user

Except it’s not her body!

It is. It always is. That woman has bodily autonomy. Everything that happens in her body is her choice .
Pregnancy is not fun. Your body changes so much in a few months, and there’s literally thousands of side effects. It’s not for everyone, and it’s a sacrifice only people who really want a baby should have to make. I don’t ever want to be pregnant, which is a choice I, and only I can make. That’s how it works. Your body, your rules.

Deleted user

(I wish there was a 'Like' button so I can aggressively like your comment moony. Well said.)

@Mojack group

Alright, I’m just gonna put my opinions on abortion here if y’all don’t mind.

I’m alright with abortion in certain cases. Such as the mother’s life being threatened, or in cases of rape (I don’t really like talking about that either). I have a link that somewhat explains my stances on abortion itself. It’s just a list of reasons for it. As well as some extra info.
I’m a iffy about government policy reason though. It also does talk about some of the problems in abortion (the parts that I’m not okay with as well.)

Here’s the link if you’re willing to read it.

Also Moony I do agree with you a lot, thanks for saying that.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

"abortion for the sake of the mother's health
including her mental health" This can mean pretty much anything.
"abortion where the child of the pregnancy would have an ' unacceptable quality of life' such as cases where the child would have
serious physical handicaps,
serious genetic problems,
serious mental defects" It's assumed here that they would be better dead
"abortion as a matter of government policy
as a way of regulating population size
as a way of regulating groups within a population
as a way of improving the population" What!

Deleted user

Info peeps!

These videos are not 'info' Dom. These are wildly biased towards Pro Life meant to scare people, especially women. Where are the credentials for this man? Show true medical videos created by hospitals that are used to teach then I will accept this as evidence.

And the bit where the woman can SEE the fetus after expulsion is completely incorrect.

As I mentioned before, medication is taken to make sure that the fetus has 'died' before being aborted, no where does this "doctor" mention that, instead showing an animation that shows the fetus as still being viable. This is incorrect.

Deleted user

I also avoided going into super detail about what happens in the later abortions because it can be graphic. Too graphic for this kind of website and minors. I would prefer it if you took the videos down.

Deleted user

No worries! I just didnt want to trigger anyone. Just in case. :D

Deleted user

why do my fellow small government conservatives want government to be able to infringe on someone’s right to do what they want to do? Isn’t that antithetical to libertarian ideals? and I completely agree that abortion is wrong and should be confined to certain circumstances


Alright, so theoretically, the abortion is painless. And sometimes necessary, and we don't want to cause a woman pain she didn't ask for or want. But does that change that the little clump of cells, which maybe don't have DNA yet, will soon? That clump of cells has a life that no one should just be able to take away. It has a future where it can live an amazing life and do amazing things, no matter how inconvenient those nine months are. I am a girl, and I realize that if something like this would happen to me, those nine months would be awful. But sometimes you just have to deal with awful things. (Sorry this is fast I'm rushing)


I have a really really long thingy that I doubt I'll finish typing before my WiFi goes out, just announcing so no one thinks I'm dead or ignoring things.

Deleted user

The thing people seem all too happy to forget is that the woman has a life too. A life that could be put on hold, or even ruined by having a child. Having a child is hard. It takes commitment. It’s unfiar to both the woman and the child to force them into a life they don’t want, or can’t enjoy.


Well, things are going to be unfair no matter what, neither the woman or the child deserves punishment. But which punishment is worse, 9 months of slowly increasing but (usually) temporary pain or outright death?

Deleted user

it's not just nine months. and that pain isn't temporary. When your body changes that much you can;t ever get is just like it was before. Close, but not perfect. Your stomach will never quite be the same, or your back. And let's not forget that postpartum depression exists. Having a child isn't just carrying it for nine months- its paying hospital bills, feeding, providing shelter, caring for, and loving a small, utterly helpless human being. Its a big deal, and your life never goes back to the way it was before.
For some people, that could mean the end of their lives, their careers, their friendships, their habits. Having a child is a big-frickin-deal (substitute stronger language) and should only be done when the person having the child is ready and willing

Deleted user

it's not just nine months. and that pain isn't temporary. When your body changes that much you can;t ever get is just like it was before. Close, but not perfect. Your stomach will never quite be the same, or your back. And let's not forget that postpartum depression exists. Having a child isn't just carrying it for nine months- its paying hospital bills, feeding, providing shelter, caring for, and loving a small, utterly helpless human being. Its a big deal, and your life never goes back to the way it was before.
For some people, that could mean the end of their lives, their careers, their friendships, their habits. Having a child is a big-frickin-deal (substitute stronger language) and should only be done when the person having the child is ready and willing

and c'mon, lets be real. if people really cared about children as much as they claim when abortion is mentioned, they'd put a lot more money into schools, and the foster care system. But they don't because usually, they couldn't care less about the child after they're born.


She doesn't have a right to the baby's life. Her say in the matter starts before she gets pregnant, taking the necessary precautions, acknowledging and accepting the possibility of a child, or even not doing the baby-making thing without the intent of making babies. What she does with her body is completely her choice, but once there's another living, growing human involved, it's not her right anymore.

Deleted user

Okay. As an asexual, this is probably going to come out wrong. Isn't sex is usually used as something to make the partners feel good. Not to necessarily produce offspring.