forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

I would, but my computer is dead and I don’t want to type so much on my phone. sorry to disappoint, but maybe in the morning

Deleted user

Me, never thinking I would ever say this? More likely than you'd think.

Good job Ella, I may not particularly like you, but I do have to applaud the amount of work you put into that.

Deleted user

So what's more fair, having a terrible father and no mother figure or being slaughtered brutally when you feel the pain most intensely and cannot speak for yourself?

Debatable really, but I think everyone deserves a chance, if you can’t take care of a child, just give them to someone who can, and will love them. I’m personally against abortion since I think every human can do good in the world, even if they’re a piece of shit in high school, everyone can change. A poor child can’t understand it, they should have a chance at life.

@Pickles group

So what's more fair, having a terrible father and no mother figure or being slaughtered brutally when you feel the pain most intensely and cannot speak for yourself?

Debatable really, but I think everyone deserves a chance, if you can’t take care of a child, just give them to someone who can, and will love them. I’m personally against abortion since I think every human can do good in the world, even if they’re a piece of shit in high school, everyone can change. A poor child can’t understand it, they should have a chance at life.



My goodness I am so proud of you Nutella! You have come far in such a short amount of time. When you first started you were ignorant and inelegant. But now I think I could greatly enjoy sparring with a mind like yours.
Applauds with excitement because Nutella is so smart!

I wouldn't jump to that conclusion yet. Abortion may be one of the things I'm somewhat educated on, but I'm still pretty ignorant with most subjects…
Thanks for the compliment though :D

Deleted user

Most of everything you said was wrong and I disagree with but sure, sure…. good job.

Deleted user

I was thinking about it, but I'm getting tired of this particular argument. I've debated it on multiple threads and it's honestly just the same thing over and over. Scientific facts and women's rights are being ignored because of baseless emotional 'facts' of the pro-life supporters. It's hard to properly debate against emotion. Not to mention that you guys are set in your beliefs, so debating is just going in circles at this point. No one will give ground. Which isn't really debating its just…..boring at that point. :(

So no, I won't be bringing it down because I respect your right to think the way you do and recognize that I wont be able to change it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Scientific facts proving that the child is a separate living human and, of course, the baby's rights are also being ignored for the sake of pro-choicers pleasure, but that's none of my business. Yeah, I doubt anyone here's going to change their opinions. It's kinda pointless.

Deleted user

Don't start an argument when someone is bowing out gracefully, Ella. I told you that I respect your choices and beliefs, so you can respect mine as well.


I will. However…

Scientific facts and women's rights are being ignored because of baseless emotional 'facts' of the pro-life supporters.

Something about that part didn't sound like respecting other people's opinions or peacefully, gracefully bowing out… Just my thoughts though.

Deleted user

I love the debating going here, but I think maybe we need a change of topic? it’s getting a little boring

Deleted user

I will. However…

Scientific facts and women's rights are being ignored because of baseless emotional 'facts' of the pro-life supporters.

Something about that part didn't sound like respecting other people's opinions or peacefully, gracefully bowing out… Just my thoughts though.

Let’s not start being passive aggressive? Good debating doesn’t attack the person arguing, but the argument itself.