forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Mhm. I've heard people say that "They aren't in the community unless they're gender-queer." and I'm just like… Boi.

@Moxie group

Do you mean asexual and heteroromantic? As in doesn't experience sexual feelings but experiences sexual feelings towards the opposite gender? Because asexual and heterosexual is an oxymoron.

Deleted user

Alright guys give me your thoughts on:


And other odd forms of people that are popping up out of the snow like daisies lately.

Deleted user

Deleted user

Alright guys give me your thoughts on:


I think furries, and even otherkins are pretty fine, tbh. They’re just doing their Hong and having fun, even if it is a little odd. Trans-species is where I draw the line though, because it can reflect badly on actual trans peopel

@Moxie group

Yeah, I agree, it makes the LGBTQ+ community look like a joke, and then cishet people assume every trans person is like that.

Deleted user

I'm intrigued by the fact that most people don't draw similarities between Otherkins and those with DID or MPD because they are really similar from what it sounds like.

(Or maybe they do in psychology I havent researched it yet.)

Deleted user

You’re right, It kinda does, with the phantom limbs and the like.

Deleted user

^^^ Exactly.
If anyone knows a lot about this I'd love to hear it, because to most people these 'labels' actually sound like they may be mental disorders and not a trait like someone's sexuality would be.

@Mojack group

I’ve never heard of trans-species so I don’t have a good enough opinion about it to say anything.

Most furries I’d say I’m fine with. I’m in the community myself, after all (wouldn’t say directly involved in it considering all the drama in it that happened a few months back.)

Otherkins.. also unsure about them. They interest me, I should say. I don’t really want to say this, but even then, the idea of otherkin is kinda weird.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

^^^ Exactly.
If anyone knows a lot about this I'd love to hear it, because to most people these 'labels' actually sound like they may be mental disorders and not a trait like someone's sexuality would be.

Well I would say that all trans stuff is a mental disorder.

Deleted user

shrugs I don't really have an opinion on this. The transpeople that I know insist that it isn't a mental disorder.

I know I, for one can't, say otherwise because I don't know. I'm just a Bisexual Shark™.

Deleted user

I know from an economical standpoint, it’s better for trans people if being trans is labeled a mental illness, because they can get the help they need possibly under insurance


I know from an economical standpoint, it’s better for trans people if being trans is labeled a mental illness, because they can get the help they need possibly under insurance

That's what influenced my decision a lot on this issue. I wish we didn't have to worry about what insurance covers and what it doesn't. Sigh. In a perfect world.


There's a lot that would be available in a perfect world that isn't now. Will it ever be a perfect world, and are people capable of having a perfect world? (I'm having one of those days where I ponder the meaning of life)


I don't think perfect worlds will ever exist. I don't think they are possible with the world we live in. We can't go back and change what has already happened and we continue to make mistakes like the ones we've made in the past because we are human. And humans are not perfect. We never will be. We could achieve what was considered perfect years ago but it won't be perfect now because things change.
Anyway that's my very tired brain speaking with my single hour of sleep.


In a perfect world healthcare would be universal.

Actually, in a truly perfect world, there wouldn't be a need for healthcare. There would never be any pain, suffering, anger, sadness, grief, guilt, mistakes, injuries, or even death. Money would be useless, everyone would get along, pain would be non-existent, everything would be perfect. Which, in this life, is completely impossible.