forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

So me literally saying that I didn't want to argue it anymore is ignored?
I respect that science and women's rights are against the pro-life argument. It gives me a chance to debate my own opinions. That's what I said pretty much this entire time. Don't pick apart my statements and put things out of context so you can make me look like a 'bad guy' or that I'm bitter about the argument because I'm not. Please recognize that my 'tone' is not disrespectful or grouchy or bitter or upset. It's literally just me stating facts.
I respect that you guys have your own beliefs. It's great that we all get a chance to debate all this as the younger generation since so much of the world doesn't listen to the youth, but I will not be dragged back into an argument that I said I was tired of at this point in time.

So no, I won't be bringing it down because I respect your right to think the way you do and recognize that I wont be able to change it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

This is me bowing out gracefully. Again. ^^^

Deleted user

Whats your opinion on people being able to refuse service? Such as that bakery that wouldn’t serve the gay couple, etc?

Deleted user

I think on a private level, it’s okay, but on a corporate level it’s not

Deleted user

They donated to anti LGBT groups, using funds they got from selling food. It’s kinda wrong because hundreds of LGBT people have bought food from there, and inadvertently supported groups that hate them.


I'm not actually sure how I feel about this one. As a gay person I would be very miffed if someone refused me service, but I see the argument for the other side.

@Pickles group

Gah! I'm just gonna state my opinion and then just stalk. I think you should have the right to refuse service, but not simply because that person isn't like you. You should have a reason like, I don't know, THEY'RE RUDE

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

A business has the right to choose to only serve black people with freckles if they so choose. Their place, their rules. The gov shouldn’t be able to force them to do what they don’t want to do.

Deleted user

It might be morally and ethically wrong to refuse service to people based on looks/otherwise, but it’s not right for the law to stop them

Deleted user

okay, another debate topic if y’all are bored: is asexuality part of LGBTQ?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I had this thing which was “It’s just about that you don’t want it, not that it’s different.” In case it wasn’t clear I’m now not 100% certain anymore when I look from the other side.

Deleted user

to be honest, i’ve always thought that the asexual/aromantic community like, deserved their own space. Like they’re all totally valid, but I feel like cramming it into LGBTQ is unnecessary. Something like AVEN, but less bad.

Deleted user

I don't think things should be divided based on sexuality. Creating all these groups is just creating more unrest.