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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Why is that racist? (What is your race/nationality if I may ask?)

It is due to the fact that anime is the Japanese equivalent of American cartoons, and by accepting one and not the other you are technically being racist.

Or maybe the teacher simply really didn’t like that art style. Not inherently racist.


I've had art teachers who would accept American cartoons but not anime. I mean, racist much?!

That could just be personal preference, not actual racism. I know some people who prefer anime over American cartoons, not because they’re racist, but simply because they like the style.

Also, most art teachers don’t allow anime styles because they want their student to learn the rules of proper, realistic anatomy before breaking them, not because of racism.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Why is that racist? (What is your race/nationality if I may ask?)

It is due to the fact that anime is the Japanese equivalent of American cartoons, and by accepting one and not the other you are technically being racist.

but anime and cartoons are not the same.

That is why I said the equivalent.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I've had art teachers who would accept American cartoons but not anime. I mean, racist much?!

That could just be personal preference, not actual racism. I know some people who prefer anime over American cartoons, not because they’re racist, but simply because they like the style.

Also, most art teachers don’t allow anime styles because they want their student to learn the rules of proper, realistic anatomy before breaking them, not because of racism.

But is it not true that American cartoons actually break the laws of anatomy more so than anime? Yes, anime can have larger eyes and longer legs, but it is not as exaggerated as many American cartoons.

Deleted user

I think that is a bit of a stretch, but I can see where someone like a teacher would think something like that.

Deleted user

I've had art teachers who would accept American cartoons but not anime. I mean, racist much?!

That could just be personal preference, not actual racism. I know some people who prefer anime over American cartoons, not because they’re racist, but simply because they like the style.

Also, most art teachers don’t allow anime styles because they want their student to learn the rules of proper, realistic anatomy before breaking them, not because of racism.

But is it not true that American cartoons actually break the laws of anatomy more so than anime? Yes, anime can have larger eyes and longer legs, but it is not as exaggerated as many American cartoons.

Adventure Time

@HighPockets group

Just curious real quick, do your schools count sociology and psychology as a part of social studies? Because my school does but it's also really weird, so idk if it's just us.

Mine does, but you have to be a sophomore or older to take them, and you still need to do whatever history class that year is. So as a sophomore you can take psych, but you also need to do American History.


I’m pretty sure most people who draw cartoon styles that exaggerated know that arms aren’t actually spaghetti noodles and heads are not usually shaped like sideways lemons. Anime, on the other hand, is closer to realism and (speaking from experience here) when you learn to draw in a way that’s close to reality but not quite, it can make realism way harder to learn because you have to break so many old drawing habits to create something so similar.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I’m pretty sure most people who draw cartoon styles that exaggerated know that arms aren’t actually spaghetti noodles and heads are not usually shaped like sideways lemons. Anime, on the other hand, is closer to realism and (speaking from experience here) when you learn to draw in a way that’s close to reality but not quite, it can make realism way harder to learn because you have to break so many old drawing habits to create something so similar.

I have also gone through this, and I have to agree with you. However, anime also taught me how the human body is able to move. With cartoons, this is very fluid and unrealistic, while with anime you learn about joints and points of movement. So, there are pros and cons for learning how to draw anime, just like all other art forms.


Well, you’re not completely pancaking wrong. I like them only when they’re topped with jelly, strawberries, and whipped cream instead of syrup

Deleted user

Gross. Soggy cake is just awful.

Waffles are so much better in taste and more appealing.

Deleted user

Gross. Soggy cake is just awful.

Waffles are so much better in taste and more appealing.

E x a c t l y

Deleted user

Actually….breakfast food itself is a nasty experience. Except for hash browns, oatmeal ,and waffles. Everything else is really an icky, soggy, mess of unattractive flavors and such.


The only “normal” breakfast foods I actually enjoy are crepes, hash browns, avocado on toast, hardboiled eggs, and occasionally bagels. Unpopular opinion #5,670: Oatmeal is just flavorless mush