forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

That's because you have to add the flavoring. Dried fruit and brown sugar are favorites of mine. I also make my oatmeal with steamed half/half instead of water. It makes it so creamy and delicious.

Deleted user

I like apple, cinnamon, and brown sugar in my oatmeal.

@HighPockets group

Pancakes are only good if they're made right, and they're insanely easy to mess up.
Heck, my mom made pancakes this weekend and for no obvious reason they just like…started foaming and burned, so we ended up getting McDonald's pancakes instead.
Hot Take: Breakfast sandwiches and breakfast burritos are the best breakfast foods.

Deleted user

Bagels are the best breakfast food,hands down. But you have to get the right kind of bagelp

Deleted user

Eggs are disgusting. They should be ashamed to be called food.


Although when you think about them, they are kinda weird considering

Deleted user

Disagree all you want, they're literally the bane of the worlds existence and are revolting. Smelly, rubbery, mushy, ick.

Deleted user

My sister A despises oatmeal.

My entire family.
Anyone else hate cereal?

every cereal except coco puffs.

Deleted user

oatmeal is so healthy for you. Jezz. Ya'll need some class. :P

@HighPockets group

I like oatmeal in the winter.
Don't really eat cereal because I'm not supposed to drink milk or eat a ton of carbs.
I usually microwave eggs and eat whatever frozen baked goods I can find.


oatmeal is so healthy for you. Jezz. Ya'll need some class. :P

By that logic, unflavored gelatin should also be considered a delicious breakfast. Good for you does not equal good tasting.