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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Let's go straight to without consciousness.
The tax payers give the money to whom?
Well it depends on how real they are. There are also Christians that do nothing different except they go to church once a month. I personally plan on adopting at least some of my children for the reasons that Pro-lifers need to be there too if "you can choose adoption".

If someone is brain dead they are not alive. Death is a mercy. People pull the plug on them all the time.
The government. But what gives them the right to decide who gets to live or die. If your child was in the hospital dying, but could be saved, and not a single doctor was helping you because you could not afford healthcare….how would that make you feel? What gives the government the right to decide that your child has to die?
You didn't answer my question. These people that are screaming at and protesting outside of Planned Parenthoods trying to protect 'babies' are no where to be found when it comes to children dying on the streets from malnourishment and are refusing to provide aid to countless impoverished communities.

What if they are born without consciousness?
It's already happened. In Britain I believe. A child could not be taken care of by the hospitals so the parents tried to go somewhere else to get a cure. The gov disagreed and refused. Thy finally said to give them the child until he dies and they refused. (I think I have my facts right.)
I'll say it straight. They're fakers that use the movement because they are against abortion.

If they are born brain dead? Then they aren't alive! Their body cannot survive without a machine pumping air into them, without taking care of their fluids and whatnot. How is that life?


So yes, abortion is a last resort in some cases. But every child does deserve a chance at life. we can't say in advance whether or not that child will someday become a cereal killer or a president. Who should have the power to tell that unborn child they don't think it will have a happy life. No one should be able to do that, whether the government or the child's mother.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What if they are born without consciousness?
It's already happened. In Britain I believe. A child could not be taken care of by the hospitals so the parents tried to go somewhere else to get a cure. The gov disagreed and refused. Thy finally said to give them the child until he dies and they refused. (I think I have my facts right.)
I'll say it straight. They're fakers that use the movement because they are against abortion.

If they are born brain dead? Then they aren't alive! Their body cannot survive without a machine pumping air into them, without taking care of their fluids and whatnot. How is that life?

Born with the things to regulate lungs etc. but without consciousness.

Deleted user

So yes, abortion is a last resort in some cases. But every child does deserve a chance at life. we can't say in advance whether or not that child will someday become a cereal killer or a president. Who should have the power to tell that unborn child they don't think it will have a happy life. No one should be able to do that, whether the government or the child's mother.

So you would force a woman to carry something within her body that she does not want?

Women are not incubators.

Deleted user

What if they are born without consciousness?
It's already happened. In Britain I believe. A child could not be taken care of by the hospitals so the parents tried to go somewhere else to get a cure. The gov disagreed and refused. Thy finally said to give them the child until he dies and they refused. (I think I have my facts right.)
I'll say it straight. They're fakers that use the movement because they are against abortion.

If they are born brain dead? Then they aren't alive! Their body cannot survive without a machine pumping air into them, without taking care of their fluids and whatnot. How is that life?

Born with the things to regulate lungs etc. but without consciousness.

You body doesn't work without consciousness. Even if you have lungs, if you are brain dead (w/o consciousness), your lungs will not inflate and deflate without assistance.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So yes, abortion is a last resort in some cases. But every child does deserve a chance at life. we can't say in advance whether or not that child will someday become a cereal killer or a president. Who should have the power to tell that unborn child they don't think it will have a happy life. No one should be able to do that, whether the government or the child's mother.

So you would force a woman to carry something within her body that she does not want?

Women are not incubators.

If the other option was to kill the child then yes.

Deleted user

So yes, abortion is a last resort in some cases. But every child does deserve a chance at life. we can't say in advance whether or not that child will someday become a cereal killer or a president. Who should have the power to tell that unborn child they don't think it will have a happy life. No one should be able to do that, whether the government or the child's mother.

So you would force a woman to carry something within her body that she does not want?

Women are not incubators.

If the other option was to kill the child then yes.

No. No no no no. You are taking away a woman's right to her body. That's illegal. That's straight up treating a woman as nothing more than a broodmare.

Deleted user

I found a case like that. The girl was born without the part of her brain for thoughts. But her lungs and heartbeat worked I think.


Deleted user

That only works without consent.

If she wants an abortion obviously she does not consent to having a fetus grow within her.


That only works without consent.

If she wants an abortion obviously she does not consent to having a fetus grow within her.

But she consented to doing the thing that makes babies.

Is rape not in the question in this scenario?


Okay. I believe in that consent to sex is not consent to a child. Saying no one should have sex without anticipating a child is a bit ridiculous. Pushing for safe sex is always a good thing, to prevent the need for an abortion.

Deleted user

Okay. I believe in that consent to sex is not consent to a child. Saying no one should have sex without anticipating a child is a bit ridiculous. Pushing for safe sex is always a good thing, to prevent the need for an abortion.


Deleted user

Safe sex doesn't exist. Safer sex is a more proper term.

Safe sex does exist. Having a trusting partner, consent, contraception, and a clear idea about the act itself is practicing safe sex.

Deleted user

Well they are kind of inseparable so…

They are NOT inseparable. If that were so people would be getting pregnant every time they had sex.

Sex does not equal child.

Sex equals sex.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well they are kind of inseparable so…

They are NOT inseparable. If that were so people would be getting pregnant every time they had sex.

Sex does not equal child.

Sex equals sex.

But find me a child without sex first.