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Deleted user

okay, what are y'alls opinions on abortions? (BIG topic there) personally, I'm pro choice but i wouldnt get an abortion myself, you kniw?


I'm pro-choice all the way. I don't think I would get an abortion unless me or the fetus would die otherwise (or the baby be in immense pain after birth and live a life of pain). Like it's the woman's bodies so let them so what they will.

Deleted user

I don't think it should be outlawed, it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

Deleted user

right? I understand if your religion outlaws abortions for you but who gave you the right to outlaw it for everyone, because of what you believe? dumb old white man politicians


Honestly that's the issue with a lot of things. Like okay, you're against whatever because it's against your religion but that doesn't make it okay for that thing to be outlawed everywhere simply because it is against what you believe


I have to disagree here, I don't think abortion should be a thing. I personally love little kids, and I don't think killing them ever should be alright. I get that we can't outlaw things just because that's what a religion says, since that draws the line where I'd be forcing my beliefs onto others. I just think there definitely need to be more restraints, and I am personally very against it.

Deleted user

The only reasons I think abortion should be in use is for women who have been raped and has had no other option of birth control/it didn't work. As well as for parents whose child is mutilated and dying from some terrible birth defect. If they illegalize safe abortion, the unsafe abortion will come back (you know, like clothing hangers). So it won't completely stop the will of abortion if they illegalize it.


I'm pro-choice personally. Abortion is, in reality, a tough experience for the mother and/or father, and it isn't just for people to get willy-nilly, contrary to some pro-lifers' beliefs. Outlawing it won't prevent abortions, it'll just make it that much harder to have a safe one. Abortion is a safe and legal last resort, and should 100% be treated as one.


Alright, this is a topic I am very, very serious about and I’ll get some arguments/sources/etc once I get to my computer, but I am 100% Pro-life to the point where the thought of abortion makes me feel sick to my stomach. To be fair, I haven’t seen the arguments on the other side, so I’m willing to admit that I could be wrong. But to me, killing a child when it feels pain most intensely is simply evil and the fact that it’s so accepted these days hurts me.

I’ll be back with actual arguments in a moment.

Deleted user

I'm going to have to disagree there. I am pro-life, I don't believe that abortion should go on, and if it does, it should be treated as a very serious medical procedure done under diagnosis, which it is not currently. Abortion is not a last resort, not for everyone, thus one of the reasons for controversy. And you do know that the excuse, "It's not gonna stop them so I might as well let them do it." is the same as saying, "Billy's not gonna stop trying to touch the fire so I might as well let him do it." It doesn't make sense, nor is it right. But a lot of parents use that idea raising their children anyway, so meh.

There are a lot of technicalities that go into each situation. But I think lots of people fail to recognize that there are tons of things that going into abortion and ties into just how screwed our nation really is, morally that is. But morals aren't in question here.

@Pickles group

Hello. I'm gonna jump in here and say that if you don't want a child, don't have sex. Simple as that. I understand protection, because STDs and stuff (I don't like it, I think that if you want to do it with someone than you should deal with the consequences, but I understand it). But it's not your body. It's in your body and it's your child but it AIN'T YO BODY ITS ANOTHER HUMAN BEING (this seems to be a common argument). And I also completely understand the rape thing, but in that case the rape is the problem, not the abortion.


I'll definitely agree that rape is a problem, but if it happens (which it does), and a woman ends up pregnant from it, shouldn't she have the option to abort the baby legally instead of bearing the child of the person who violated her?

Deleted user

I'll definitely agree that rape is a problem, but if it happens (which it does), and a woman ends up pregnant from it, shouldn't she have the option to abort the baby legally instead of bearing the child of the person who violated her?


@HighPockets group

The only reasons I think abortion should be in use is for women who have been raped and has had no other option of birth control/it didn't work. As well as for parents whose child is mutilated and dying from some terrible birth defect. If they illegalize safe abortion, the unsafe abortion will come back (you know, like clothing hangers). So it won't completely stop the will of abortion if they illegalize it.

^^^^ Agreed.

Deleted user

I'll definitely agree that rape is a problem, but if it happens (which it does), and a woman ends up pregnant from it, shouldn't she have the option to abort the baby legally instead of bearing the child of the person who violated her?

That is a good point, but it's not going to change the fact that she was raped and could possibly be raped again, whereas it wasn't the baby's fault it occured. And who knows, she may have just given up on the one of the people in her life that would love her and cherish her more than any other despite what happened to her.


I'll definitely agree that rape is a problem, but if it happens (which it does), and a woman ends up pregnant from it, shouldn't she have the option to abort the baby legally instead of bearing the child of the person who violated her?

That is a good point, but it's not going to change the fact that she was raped and could possibly be raped again, whereas it wasn't the baby's fault it occured. And who knows, she may have just given up on the one of the people in her life that would love her and cherish her more than any other despite what happened to her.

I see your point, but I'm still on the side that it should be a last resort, and should be treated as such legally. If an abortion is what she feels is necessary, she should be allowed to. And besides, the child may love and cherish her, but children cost. A lot. She may not be able to provide for that child.

Deleted user

But you also have to consider the child’s life after being born. If a mother is not ready for or doesn’t want a baby, how do you think that child will grow up? Most likely, they won’t be given the love and support they deserve. And yes, adoption is an option, but the American adoption system is…pretty bad. I’d rather a child be aborted than forced into a life where they won’t be loved and cared for.
Also, what if the woman isn’t ready to have a baby? What if she’s a pro athlete, and having a child would wreck her career? Or what if she has career goals she has yet to achieve?
I’m not saying abortion is always right, but I think it’s better than the alternative in some cases.

@Pickles group

Question: what makes killing your child while it's inside you any different than killing it when it's outside you? You see headlines like "Woman kills her two kids after not being able to take care of them" but not "Woman gets abortion after not being able to take care of a child". If abortion is legal, then why is killing your child when they're nine illegal?

Deleted user

Exactly. A child should only be brought into the world if they're going to be loved and supported and be able to live a good life

Wait, slow down. What you're saying is, a child should only be born if it'll be able to live a struggle free life and have love? Does this apply to us already born? A parent should be able to abort a child if it doesn't love it? These are humans we're talking about, not pets, right?

Deleted user

because at nine years old, the child has lived. They’ve made friends, had experiences, dreamed dreams. During pregnancy, a child may have been alive, but they haven’t lived.

@Pickles group

But what if you can't take care of them anymore? Then they're going to suffer, and they're going to remember that. So shouldn't you want them to not suffer? And just kill them?


Well I feel like that question could be used in both arguments. How is bringing a child into a world where they're neglected and possibly killed, better than aborting a child? And if you haven't aborted, that means you're committing to raise them.