forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

Yes.. so no debates at the moment there's only one thing I can think of
Dog people or cat people?


Guinea pigs.

Deleted user

Yes.. so no debates at the moment there's only one thing I can think of
Dog people or cat people?


Guinea pigs.

Snakes eat them tiny things.

Deleted user

Yes.. so no debates at the moment there's only one thing I can think of
Dog people or cat people?


Guinea pigs.

Snakes eat them tiny things.

Actually not all of them do.

Only larger cobras and pythons do.

Fact check yourself before you hit me with that.

Also guinea pigs are almost two feet long when stretched out all the way, and quite fat, it's not easy to eat one.

Deleted user

Yes.. so no debates at the moment there's only one thing I can think of
Dog people or cat people?


Guinea pigs.

Snakes eat them tiny things.

Actually not all of them do.

Only larger cobras and pythons do.

Fact check yourself before you hit me with that.

Also guinea pigs are almost two feet long when stretched out all the way, and quite fat, it's not easy to eat one.

*Some snakes eat them tiny things.

Also, I have mastiffs as dogs, most pets seem small to me.


My most debate-worthy unpopular opinions would probably be:

  • Immodest clothing does not empower women, sure you can wear it but don't shove it in my face or force me to.
  • There's no such thing as bad taste in music.
  • Saying that someone's pain is invalid because "some people have it worse" is extremely パンケーキing rude and doesn't help anything.
  • Klance wasn't that great of a ship, people should calm down about it. But then again I only watched half a season of Voltron before getting bored, so maybe I'm missing out on something…? My best friend agrees with me though and she's watched the whole series.
  • Opossums are pancaking precious, anyone who disagrees is obviously blind to the truth and needs to do their research. (I'm only partially joking here)

Deleted user

agree with (most) of the above. and i'd love to debate nicely with someone about well..anything?

Deleted user

Anything a woman wears empowers her if she feels like it does.

Deleted user

My rule of thumb is that if it doesn't involve you in any way you don't get an opinion. (levels a gaze at old white men)

Deleted user

Anything a woman wears empowers her if she feels like it does.

I agree, when I have more feminine days, I wear what makes me feel good. (This is usually a dress or a long skirt with a sweater.)

Deleted user

My rule of thumb is that if it doesn't involve you in any way you don't get an opinion. (levels a gaze at old white men)

Well, everyone gets an opinion, you can't take that away from anyone (unless you silence them, however that may be) The consequences of that opinion, if thus shared, and whether or not that opinion will be adopted as right or wrong in society is what matters. And it's not always old white men, it can be condescending and conservative women (usually older) as well. Returns to corner

Deleted user

Oof. Fair point Loti, fair point.

(turns glare to all Baby Boomers that have destroyed everything and are grumpy conservatives.)


to be fair, I'm a young sometimes condescending and usually conservative girl and I do feel very opinionated about clothes sometimes.


I might be able to debate you on that… I don't want to be argumentative though, and you do have a point. It just feels like a lot of the time there's a pressure to wear the right stuff.

Deleted user

If people understood that it's not any of their business what others wear and/or what makes them feel good about their bodies then there would be no issue. But everyone has to be all up in everyone else's lives.

Deleted user

to be fair, I'm a young sometimes condescending and usually conservative girl and I do feel very opinionated about clothes sometimes.

Which you have every right to, the same can go with the woman who dresses in that certain fashion. Many aspects of this controversy are rooted to details of appropriate time and place and personal beliefs. Overall, you have no power over anyone else's choices without the title of authority that comes with a state being (e.g. A boss, you are in the state of being over someone else because you are; you do something(s) which give you the that title/state of being.) But, it is that's person's choice on whether or not they will give that opinion value in their lives. They can either judge someone for judging them, or they can choose to dismiss it. That's seems to be where the issue arises.

Deleted user

That just because your popular or rich (or both) doesn't mean you can be a dick head. Being overly safe, oh, also, stairs. I don't like them. I'd rather jump down TBH.
(No idea why I don't like stairs, I just don't)

Deleted user

okay, on the topic of rights, I don't care if you think/ or believe that certain people don't get rights. I personally think its wrong to dictate who does and doesn't get to live, but if your religion or moral codes say something different, that's alright. But its when you try and push your beliefs onto others that it crosses a line.
Like if you're Catholic, and you believe that gay people are wrong, okay whatever. But if you're Catholic and you try to make sure gay people as a whole get no rights, you're an ass.


Yeah, I agree. I'm not Catholic but I do share views about gay people being wrong. However, I completely understand that it's also wrong to force my beliefs onto anyone else. There's a really thin line where you have to keep from letting others push their beliefs onto you without pushing your own onto others.

Deleted user

Yes! Thank you so much for being respectful and open minded


You're welcome. This site has a lot of things I disagree with, but so far I've been able to avoid it. My only problem is the amount of bad language. It's everywhere and it's super frustrating, does anyone else get annoyed with it?

Deleted user

Well, a majority of the site is teens and legal adults… It does get annoying to some people though. Not to me, I swear like I'm getting paid to do it.