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Yeah, I get that. It just seems to be everywhere and I can't help wondering if some incredibly creative eight year old kid is going to get on someday and be so shocked by all of it that it'll end up killing that child's innocence. Maybe it's just me, as I grew up very sheltered.

Deleted user

Innocence? What's that? Hm, yeah. I also grew up pretty sheltered, but not from swearing as I grew up with red-necks.

Deleted user

Meh, sounds about right. My red necks are more of the "Let's go to football games and rodeos! And drink beer!"

Deleted user

I can pop in and say, I was the little girl who cried when her dad cussed and asked her mom to ask him not to.
However, he did not listen, hence where I mainly found my sparse dictionary of insults and cusses. Am I proud of it? No, and I doubt a lot of people are. I think it's just a way we feel we can express ourselves, even though some of us are writers.

Deleted user

Yeah, I'm not proud of my… Colorful vocabulary, but I refuse to stop because it helps me express myself, when I can not in otherways.


Yeah, that makes sense. I think it goes back to rights and stuff, freedom and speech. Unless there are little impressionable kids in the area it is kind of a rights thing and no one should be able to stop you unless it's getting to a point where the way you're using it or when you're using it is really bad.

Deleted user

And I can agree with that @BrennaKadavsky, because I have actually talked to a couple colorful-tongued kids on my bus. They curse collectively more than what a high schooler does! I was floored, so I brought it up, and to this day, her vocabulary is still colorful and full of cusses.
So when you say "too far" I can definitely say cases like that exist. That's mainly why I tried to stop her, because it was a school bus.


You're welcome. This site has a lot of things I disagree with, but so far I've been able to avoid it. My only problem is the amount of bad language. It's everywhere and it's super frustrating, does anyone else get annoyed with it?

Me… I’ve gotten used to it at this point, but as someone who’s never cussed in her entire life, it makes me a bit uncomfortable at times.

Deleted user

I cuss a lot, probably too much . But I'd rather cuss than revert back to some worse habits I used to use when I was angry. I dont' really understand why some words are perceived as more offensive than others, but if it bothers y'all I can stop

Deleted user

My dad always says: "It's not the words that should bother someone, it's the meaning behind them."

@Mojack group

I swear in other languages usually, sometimes in English. I rarely ever swear though unless needed or I’m in a lot of pain which thankfully hasn’t happened yet, or if I’m really mad about something. Rarely do I do it outloud though and even if I’m in pain it’ll more be like “fffffff” but not the full word.

As far as I’m aware my family is okay with the words as long as they’re used responsibly.

Deleted user

My dad cusses like a sailor, and my mom swears occasionally, so maybe bad words just come naturally to me. idk


I personally don't cuss a lot, and I don't really care if you do. But I also feel like there is a too far and I never say anything but there are people I know who can't go a sentence without a curse word and I just find it really annoying.


Exactly. What started me being so annoyed with it was when I reread a book I read years ago, and realizing how bad the language was. They used extremely bad words every few pages, and I didn't realize that at the age I read it. The same thing happened to me with a lot of books, now that I look back on the books I started reading when I found an online library of ebooks that didn't tell my young self which books were adult books and which were safe for my age.

Deleted user

I had the same problem with sexual or suggestive content. Like I had a high reading level, so I often got books from the YA section, but most if not all of the ones I usually got had some sort of suggestive scene. It was so annoying, and being a little twelve year old, I didn’t know when to skip pages and stuff. Super annoying.

Deleted user

Right? Especially in books that had LGBTQ characters, I was so desperate to read about some gays like me that i didn’t consider how much more mature those books would be. :/


Hello! As an opinionated teenage character myself, I'd love to weigh in on any topic I have opinions on. But first, how are y'all doing?


I'm doing good, for the most part. I had a good day, ate some good food, did some stuff, drew things… Pretty average, yet right now I feel like screaming excessively because my siblings are freaking nightmares. Yeah. :/