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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

(Well this is a very interesting read, don’t mind me I’m going to stalk this while talking to myself)


Exactly. A child should only be brought into the world if they're going to be loved and supported and be able to live a good life

Wait, slow down. What you're saying is, a child should only be born if it'll be able to live a struggle free life and have love? Does this apply to us already born? A parent should be able to abort a child if it doesn't love it? These are humans we're talking about, not pets, right?

No. I'm saying that they should be able to have a chance. Life comes with struggles. A child should only be born if their parent is committed to raising them. Humans are allowed to love and be loved. They're granted that right. And if a parent isn't committed to raising and loving the child, they should be able to abort it. Why bring a child into a world when there's no one to care for them?

@Pickles group

Or the parents could just…. gasp live with the consequences of their actions and commit to the consequences. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD and it doesn't make it right.


Or the parents could just…. gasp live with the consequences of their actions and commit to the consequences. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD and it doesn't make it right.

Well yeah I'm not saying abortions are right all the time. But people should be able to have the choice of whether or not they want a kid. Some people don't want kids. Some didn't have a choice when they got pregnant. Some aren't ready. There's a ton of circumstances and things that have to be considered.

Deleted user

The human has the will to fight, we always have and always will. And if a parent won't fight for a child then there will be others who will. We shouldn't have the ability to reject someone life because it'll be too hard for them. There are families that desire those children and if adoption is an option than go with that. Those children will find love one day, even if it wasn't from their parents. We don't get to decide whether or not someone gets to live based on how easy it's gonna be for them. Not ever. Who our parents are doesn't define us. Where we grew up doesn't define us. We are who make ourselves to be, who we mold ourselves as, and what we dream of becoming and work to achieve.

@Pickles group

Or the parents could just…. gasp live with the consequences of their actions and commit to the consequences. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD and it doesn't make it right.

Well yeah I'm not saying abortions are right all the time. But people should be able to have the choice of whether or not they want a kid. Some people don't want kids. Some didn't have a choice when they got pregnant. Some aren't ready. There's a ton of circumstances and things that have to be considered.

Well, if they don't want kids, why are they having sex? They need to realize that getting pregnant is a possibility, and offering abortion is just a way of telling them that their actions don't matter and they won't be held accountable


Or the parents could just…. gasp live with the consequences of their actions and commit to the consequences. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD and it doesn't make it right.

Well yeah I'm not saying abortions are right all the time. But people should be able to have the choice of whether or not they want a kid. Some people don't want kids. Some didn't have a choice when they got pregnant. Some aren't ready. There's a ton of circumstances and things that have to be considered.

Well, if they don't want kids, why are they having sex? They need to realize that getting pregnant is a possibility, and offering abortion is just a way of telling them that their actions don't matter and they won't be held accountable

But what about rape?

Deleted user

and consent to sex is in NO WAY consent to a child. Some people like to have intimate relationships with partners, but aren’t ready for kids and that’s okay.

@Pickles group

Or the parents could just…. gasp live with the consequences of their actions and commit to the consequences. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you SHOULD and it doesn't make it right.

Well yeah I'm not saying abortions are right all the time. But people should be able to have the choice of whether or not they want a kid. Some people don't want kids. Some didn't have a choice when they got pregnant. Some aren't ready. There's a ton of circumstances and things that have to be considered.

Well, if they don't want kids, why are they having sex? They need to realize that getting pregnant is a possibility, and offering abortion is just a way of telling them that their actions don't matter and they won't be held accountable

But what about rape?

That's not the child's fault, though. So why are you punishing the child instead of realizing that sometimes life throws stuff at you and you have to deal.

Deleted user

Woah, woah, woah. Imagine you get raped, and then you get pregnant, and then you have to live with the reminder of your trauma for the rest of your life. It’s not the child’s fault but it’s not the mothers fault either.

Deleted user

and consent to sex is in NO WAY consent to a child. Some people like to have intimate relationships with partners, but aren’t ready for kids and that’s okay.

I have a question for you. How many of your friends were born out of wedlock?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So you're saying that if someone gets raped, the mother should be forced to carry the rapist's child? A reminder of what happened?

Actually many mothers consider the child a sort of redemption. Like the good that came out of something evil. Also it's a child of it's own. Not a rapists child. S/he shouldn't be defined by the crimes of his/her parents.


Hey, just a weigh in. Rape is in no way something "life throws at you" you should have to deal with. Rape is a horrible crime committed by one person to another, and if the victim is forcefully impregnated, the victim has the right to a safe and legal abortion to remove the child. Also, the child isn't alive until later in the pregnancy, by the way. The fetus isn't immediately alive from the moment of conception.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hey, just a weigh in. Rape is in no way something "life throws at you" you should have to deal with. Rape is a horrible crime committed by one person to another, and if the victim is forcefully impregnated, the victim has the right to a safe and legal abortion to remove the child. Also, the child isn't alive until later in the pregnancy, by the way. The fetus isn't immediately alive from the moment of conception.

Don't say remove. Say kill. Don't be soft. It depends on what you consider alive. Since a fetus is a human, and humans are living creatures I say fetuses are alive. Not the most foolproof or eloquent definition but there it is.

Deleted user

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of rthe life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

Deleted user

Hey, just a weigh in. Rape is in no way something "life throws at you" you should have to deal with. Rape is a horrible crime committed by one person to another, and if the victim is forcefully impregnated, the victim has the right to a safe and legal abortion to remove the child. Also, the child isn't alive until later in the pregnancy, by the way. The fetus isn't immediately alive from the moment of conception.

Don't say remove. Say kill. Don't be soft. It depends on what you consider alive. Since a fetus is a human, and humans are living creatures I say fetuses are alive. Not the most foolproof or eloquent definition but there it is.

A tumor is also alive, but we remove that don't we?


Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of the life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

Exactly. Abortion saves so many kids from being born into bad situations because of America's screwed up healthcare system.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of rthe life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

What's your definition of life my dear compatriot. (Finally a challenge!)
When the gov runs healthcare, the gov decides who deserves it. And who doesn't. And they are no benevolent entity.
Wrong there. Plenty of Pro-lifers stand for a lot more than no abortions.