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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of the life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

Exactly. Abortion saves so many kids from being born into bad situations because of America's screwed up healthcare system.

Because the answer to suffering is to kill those that suffer.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hey, just a weigh in. Rape is in no way something "life throws at you" you should have to deal with. Rape is a horrible crime committed by one person to another, and if the victim is forcefully impregnated, the victim has the right to a safe and legal abortion to remove the child. Also, the child isn't alive until later in the pregnancy, by the way. The fetus isn't immediately alive from the moment of conception.

Don't say remove. Say kill. Don't be soft. It depends on what you consider alive. Since a fetus is a human, and humans are living creatures I say fetuses are alive. Not the most foolproof or eloquent definition but there it is.

A tumor is also alive, but we remove that don't we?

Fair. But it is not an independent organism isn't it? It is a dangerous anomaly. A fetus is completely natural.

Deleted user

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of the life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

Exactly. Abortion saves so many kids from being born into bad situations because of America's screwed up healthcare system.

Because the answer to suffering is to kill those that suffer.

wait wait… whom are you referring to? I definitely did not say that, but sometimes death is a mercy.

Deleted user

Hey, just a weigh in. Rape is in no way something "life throws at you" you should have to deal with. Rape is a horrible crime committed by one person to another, and if the victim is forcefully impregnated, the victim has the right to a safe and legal abortion to remove the child. Also, the child isn't alive until later in the pregnancy, by the way. The fetus isn't immediately alive from the moment of conception.

Don't say remove. Say kill. Don't be soft. It depends on what you consider alive. Since a fetus is a human, and humans are living creatures I say fetuses are alive. Not the most foolproof or eloquent definition but there it is.

A tumor is also alive, but we remove that don't we?

Fair. But it is not an independent organism isn't it? It is a dangerous anomaly. A fetus is completely natural.

Actually. The female body treats the fetus as a foreign substance for much of the pregnancy. That's why they can be so dangerous to women.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of the life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

Exactly. Abortion saves so many kids from being born into bad situations because of America's screwed up healthcare system.

Because the answer to suffering is to kill those that suffer.

wait wait… whom are you referring to? I definitely did not say that, but sometimes death is a mercy.

Well isn't that the natural progression of "kill the fetus because life would be hard"?


wow this is getting pretty heated

Nah, I'm just having a good time. And Eris is graciously providing me with a foil.

Same here. I love debating and I definitely don't judge anyone here for their opinions.

Deleted user

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of rthe life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

What's your definition of life my dear compatriot. (Finally a challenge!)
When the gov runs healthcare, the gov decides who deserves it. And who doesn't. And they are no benevolent entity.
Wrong there. Plenty of Pro-lifers stand for a lot more than no abortions.

Life is consciousness. Life is not 2 cells coming together to create more cells. If that were the case people would be fighting for the rights of cancer and other diseases. (As always it is a most excellent pleasure to debate with you.)
The right to health and to a good life should be universal why the FADOODLE does the government get to decide who lives and dies?
What else do they stand for then? Because I do not see them actually defending life.

Deleted user

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of the life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

Exactly. Abortion saves so many kids from being born into bad situations because of America's screwed up healthcare system.

Because the answer to suffering is to kill those that suffer.

wait wait… whom are you referring to? I definitely did not say that, but sometimes death is a mercy.

Well isn't that the natural progression of "kill the fetus because life would be hard"?

This is not what I was referring to at all. Death is a mercy for those who cannot be saved and are suffering. That's what I meant to say. My apologies for being unclear.

Deleted user

wow this is getting pretty heated

Nah, I'm just having a good time. And Eris is graciously providing me with a foil.

as always. XD

@Pickles group

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of rthe life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

What's your definition of life my dear compatriot. (Finally a challenge!)
When the gov runs healthcare, the gov decides who deserves it. And who doesn't. And they are no benevolent entity.
Wrong there. Plenty of Pro-lifers stand for a lot more than no abortions.

Life is consciousness. Life is not 2 cells coming together to create more cells. If that were the case people would be fighting for the rights of cancer and other diseases. (As always it is a most excellent pleasure to debate with you.)
The right to health and to a good life should be universal why the FADOODLE does the government get to decide who lives and dies?
What else do they stand for then? Because I do not see them actually defending life.

Well, with that definition, you're killing something that's going to be alive in a few weeks. And it will have a mind, and feel pain, and you're going to take that away from this thing that's developing into a PERSON. It's a person. If you have doubts about it, well, you're right. Let it grow. Might be a goldfish or a lion.

Deleted user

Wait what?

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa most people don't know that. The Female Body is pretty damn interesting actually. It's a shame that it is so….shameful. (eye roll)

Pregnancy may be a natural form of procreation, but it's actually the most horrible and arduous thing that a female can go through. Miscarriages are the body forcibly expelling something foreign from the body. Morning sickness is the body fighting the fetus like an illness. Being pregnant is extraordinarily dangerous.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Wait what?

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa most people don't know that. The Female Body is pretty damn interesting actually. It's a shame that it is so….shameful. (eye roll)

Pregnancy may be a natural form of procreation, but it's actually the most horrible and arduous thing that a female can go through. Miscarriages are the body forcibly expelling something foreign from the body. Morning sickness is the body fighting the fetus like an illness. Being pregnant is extraordinarily dangerous.

The hell. Can you get me some fact check for this stuff?

Deleted user

Eris is just going to throw in her extremely scientific fact that "Life does not begin at conception."
Also- Pro lifers are the same people that want to limit and regulate healthcare instead of making it universal so that young mother's can take care of the children that they are forced to have because they made abortion illegal. Where are all the Pro Lifers when a child is suffering in neonatal? They argue of rthe life of an unborn child but will do nothing once it is born.

What's your definition of life my dear compatriot. (Finally a challenge!)
When the gov runs healthcare, the gov decides who deserves it. And who doesn't. And they are no benevolent entity.
Wrong there. Plenty of Pro-lifers stand for a lot more than no abortions.

Life is consciousness. Life is not 2 cells coming together to create more cells. If that were the case people would be fighting for the rights of cancer and other diseases. (As always it is a most excellent pleasure to debate with you.)
The right to health and to a good life should be universal why the FADOODLE does the government get to decide who lives and dies?
What else do they stand for then? Because I do not see them actually defending life.

Well, with that definition, you're killing something that's going to be alive in a few weeks. And it will have a mind, and feel pain, and you're going to take that away from this thing that's developing into a PERSON. It's a person. If you have doubts about it, well, you're right. Let it grow. Might be a goldfish or a lion.

No by that definition you aren't harming something that is alive. You are assisting a naturally occurring expulsion of a clump of cells that may turn into a baby. There is no guarantee that it will, by the way. It could have a defect in it's corrupted DNA and become a cancerous lump of awful. It may become neurotic.
It's not a person. Its a clump of cells. It doesnt become a fetus or a 'person' until much much later.

Deleted user

And yet that doesn't stop people

No it doesnt and that is their choice because in the end, it is the woman deciding to go through this change in order to have a family. Which is an incredible thing, but it is still a choice.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

What's your definition of life my dear compatriot. (Finally a challenge!)
When the gov runs healthcare, the gov decides who deserves it. And who doesn't. And they are no benevolent entity.
Wrong there. Plenty of Pro-lifers stand for a lot more than no abortions.

Life is consciousness. Life is not 2 cells coming together to create more cells. If that were the case people would be fighting for the rights of cancer and other diseases. (As always it is a most excellent pleasure to debate with you.)
The right to health and to a good life should be universal why the FADOODLE does the government get to decide who lives and dies?
What else do they stand for then? Because I do not see them actually defending life.

What if a person was unconscious? You should modify that statement I believe.
Because who pays for it?
The slogan is "From conception to natural death."

@Pickles group

And yet that doesn't stop people

No it doesnt and that is their choice because in the end, it is the woman deciding to go through this change in order to have a family. Which is an incredible thing, but it is still a choice.

Exactly. Women know what could happen going in, but when it does happen, they want to get rid of it (not all of them just to be clear).