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Deleted user

I'm still stuck on the fact that you said it's okay to force a woman to have an unwanted child.


What about a parent who, 9 years into parenting, decides, hey, I'm done with kids. They go and decide to kill their kids, is that fair? It isn't the child's fault. Some kids are unwanted, what about twins? Maybe we should kill all the second ones just because their parents weren't expecting two.


Killing a nine year old in cold blood and getting an abortion because of an unwanted pregnancy are VERY different things.

Deleted user

My rule of thumb is that if it doesn't involve you in any way you don't get an opinion. (levels a gaze at old white men)

someone can have an opinion all they want and there’s nothing you can do about it. Suppression of speech is against everything American; and I believe that if you attempt to suppress dissenting opinions then that is a very slippery slope.

Deleted user

but sometimes the voices of the oppressed are silenced by people who aren’t effected by the issue.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Killing a nine year old in cold blood and getting an abortion because of an unwanted pregnancy are VERY different things.

Why? They are the same creature, only at different points of development.

Deleted user

but sometimes the voices of the oppressed are silenced by people who aren’t effected by the issue.

So you're saying old white men can't be effected by abortions?

not just old white men, any men. Men will never get an abortion, unless they're trans. So yes, they can have an opinion but its not nearly as vital as the people who are more affected.


No, but they could be the fathers of the child getting aborted. Everyone's effected eventually, just some significantly more than others.

Deleted user

i suppose, but they aren't the ones who will have to suffer and endure months of pain and discomfort. Did you ever come across that textpost written by a man in a similar situation? His then-girlfriend had gotten pregnant, and wanted to get an abortion, but he convinced her not to.The man and his now ex-girlfriend agreed that she would give birth, and he would take the baby. The woman agreed to pay child support, but made it clear she would not be in the child's life. He thought that "once she gave birth the motherly instincts would kick in" but they did not. So he goes on the internet, and stars whining about how his life had gotten soo much worse becuase of this baby, etc etc. how is that fair to the poor kid?


So what's more fair, having a terrible father and no mother figure or being slaughtered brutally when you feel the pain most intensely and cannot speak for yourself?

Deleted user

neither are good, and i wouldn't use the term "slaughtered brutally" becuase that would indicate some form of malice, or wrongdoing. but that's just me i gues.s

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

No, but they could be the fathers of the child getting aborted. Everyone's effected eventually, just some significantly more than others.

^ Exactly. I know a father of a child killed by an abortion. He's this big tough dude. But I've seen him break down sobbing about it. It was terrifying in a way. Seeing someone like that so destroyed.

Deleted user

but the only late term abortions are caused by some kind of problem- like the baby is going to die anyways, and take the mother with it. I’m sure most mothers who had to endure a late term abortion wanted a child and weren’t just frivolously getting rid of a baby they’ve carried for moths. sooooo maybe let’s not bring that into the “abortion is murder” narrative, because it can make already grieving mothers feel even worse.