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@HighPockets group

I literally didn't learn about most of the stuff we did until my AP US History course, and even then most of it was my teacher going more in-depth than the textbooks did.

I know it's a meme to do the "lol orange man bad" thing, but my God. He's terrible. I genuinely cannot fathom how braindead someone must need to be to support him.


don't worry about him claiming he wont leave the white house. once election season is over, he'll literally be forcibly removed/arrested if he pulls a three year old and refuses to leave. there's nothing he can do to stay

my big issue is the way he nominated a supreme court justice and no one said anything, but obama couldn't nominate one during his term

@Moxie group

Weren't the officers also not in uniform?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they weren't
Also tho, I'm fairly sure they were detectives, or something like that. I'm pretty sure they weren't patrol officers. And it depends on the department's rule's, and the rules of that teams lieutenant, but they don't technically have to wear uniforms. The lieutenants decide the uniform. But their badge does have to be visible, either aound their neck or on their belt.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

my big issue is the way he nominated a supreme court justice and no one said anything, but obama couldn't nominate one during his term


Obama: I'm gonna nominate a new supreme court justice
McConnell: Nope, it's election year, don't care that you still have nine months left

Trump, like, 2 months before election day: I'm gonna nominate a new supreme court justice
McConnell: ok

@Moxie group

my big issue is the way he nominated a supreme court justice and no one said anything, but obama couldn't nominate one during his term


Obama: I'm gonna nominate a new supreme court justice
McConnell: Nope, it's election year, don't care that you still have nine months left

Trump, like, 2 months before election day: I'm gonna nominate a new supreme court justice
McConnell: ok

Fuck McConnell
Also I hate the way Trump was like Ah! A woman died. Here is another one. Another woman. Is this good? Is another woman good? They're all the same, right?

@Mojack group

On slavery and whatnot

A lot of people glaze over what happened in Canada as well, and it was pretty bad. There are some people that don’t know what The Indian Act was, and I really only learned about it in depth last year. A lot of the stuff that people did to indigenous peoples in Canada was pretty bad (like taking them away from their homes, to a school, saying they couldn’t speak their language and whatnot.)
You could quite literally spend an entire unit on just that stuff and you wouldn’t even get to know the extent of what was done, and how it still affects people today. Like there are some people living on reserves who don’t even have clean water. They have to boil water.

There was a dude elected in the Conservative party of Canada or something earlier who said “take Canada back” (sound familiar?) and I’m like…who are you taking it back from? If anything, that statement is pretty ironic.
And most of, if not all of the indigenous people don’t blame people today for what happened. They just want us to know what happened, it was bad, it still affects them today and they need us to recognize it happened.
I won’t lie when I say Canada’s a good place, but it does have its problems and people have done pretty bad stuff in the past.

On Trump, if he has to be forcibly removed that’ll be one for the history books
And not in a good way, either
2020 is gonna be its own book
On Trump again, I found out some republicans who were kind of silent have started to say “we need to get Trump out” (not exactly, but you get the drift hopefully). Not all of them have said it publicly

There were some that supported him at first, now they don’t anymore. So while the supporters who still are supporters give me major brainrot, that’s definitely nice to hear

Also iirc RBG said she didn’t want to be replaced until Trump was out of office, so…
And the Trump nomination is not good either. Like that’s gonna be screwing over millions of Americans for years to come if she does get up there. And I’m not saying it’s just her, it’s like the Supreme Court as a whole is pretty bad right now.

@Becfromthedead group

(I'm not usually on this thread, but I saw this topic come up and I'm interested.)
So, yeah, the double standard where Obama wasn't allowed to appoint a justice during election year was a problem but I don't see much of anyone talking about how this would be the THIRD Justice Trump was to appoint in his 4-year term.
That's terrifying. The way our government is set up is supposed to prevent anyone from having that kind of power, but here we are.


on the treatment of indigenous peoples in canada

america did the same. children were taken from tribes and villages and sent to catholic private schools to unlearn the beliefs they had just begun learning, were punished for speaking their languages, and often when they went home were alienated simply because of the imposed language barrier and the lack of memories of their family.

also not to mention canada's track record with indigenous people, particularly women and teen girls, going missing and the lack of effort by police to find them or investigate, but-


It feels like were coming into the second age of monopolies, I mean weak presidents, big companies and one party influencing the entirety of the government. A lack of public influence in the government. It really feels a lot like the late 1800's government.
Or I'm just reading really far into things and drawing parallels between entirely different era's.

@HighPockets group

(I'm not usually on this thread, but I saw this topic come up and I'm interested.)
So, yeah, the double standard where Obama wasn't allowed to appoint a justice during election year was a problem but I don't see much of anyone talking about how this would be the THIRD Justice Trump was to appoint in his 4-year term.
That's terrifying. The way our government is set up is supposed to prevent anyone from having that kind of power, but here we are.

Especially since the Supreme Court being mostly conservative would be hell for trying to pass equal rights laws and such.

@HighPockets group

I think they made it so that discrimination based on sexuality was illegal? I'm not entirely sure though. I know that Trump wanted to make it so that queer people can't adopt kids, and also restrict trans healthcare but I'm not sure if those were passed. Either way, the fact that he suggested them is more than slightly terrifying.


Ohh okay. I can only read headlines of articles like that, if I actually clicked to read I'd be in trouble :'( so I'm not as well-informed as I'd like to be


Yeah, discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the workplace is illegal now, so that's cool. Haven't heard anything about Trump's wacky opinions getting passed into legislature though.

@HighPockets group

Yeah, discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the workplace is illegal now, so that's cool. Haven't heard anything about Trump's wacky opinions getting passed into legislature though.

Didn't one of the conservative justices write, like, a 100+ page essay on why it should be legal or something? I thought I saw that somewhere.


Yeah, discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the workplace is illegal now, so that's cool. Haven't heard anything about Trump's wacky opinions getting passed into legislature though.

Didn't one of the conservative justices write, like, a 100+ page essay on why it should be legal or something? I thought I saw that somewhere.

I honestly hope someone wasted all that time to write that just to announce to the world what a piece of trash they are

@HighPockets group

Yeah, discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity in the workplace is illegal now, so that's cool. Haven't heard anything about Trump's wacky opinions getting passed into legislature though.

Didn't one of the conservative justices write, like, a 100+ page essay on why it should be legal or something? I thought I saw that somewhere.

I honestly hope someone wasted all that time to write that just to announce to the world what a piece of trash they are

I think it might've been Kavanaugh?