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Deleted user

I'm so glad that school's fully digital here, I think it's the best way to do it. Do y'all agree/disagree/whatever?

I think that it really depends on the student.
Both options should have been readily available already considering that this is the age of technology

@Mojack group

I think it depends on the person and on how it’s done. For me, it’s a bit easier on my mental health. I also like how we do it over here, which is basically two courses September-November, then the other two courses for the rest of the semester. Semester two, I may or may not attend in person, we’ll have to see how things go. Either way semester two will be the same, just different months.

I also like it because I feel safer. I have older, at risk family members who stop by occasionally, and my sister only had her first child a few months ago. In a way it’s better for my family.
But in my district, they still have both online and in-person available. I also believe that both options should be available either way.

@Pickles group

I'm so glad that school's fully digital here, I think it's the best way to do it. Do y'all agree/disagree/whatever?

I think if a schools can get its act together enough to properly do online school, then its the best option

My school doesn't have its act together at all lmao we're doing a bunch of stuff that just feels half-assed tbh


Oh hey I watch him!

Yass. I only found him a couple weeks ago, but he's my go to for political content.

Owen this is straight up brilliant.

His arguments in all his vids are 10/10 (at least from what I've seen so far 🤷🏻‍♂️)

@HighPockets group

Oh hey I watch him!

Yass. I only found him a couple weeks ago, but he's my go to for political content.

Owen this is straight up brilliant.

His arguments in all his vids are 10/10 (at least from what I've seen so far 🤷🏻‍♂️)

He got me into Breadtube, I'm glad that he's getting more recognition!


I'm prolly about to make someone salty, but this is debate chat so I have no remorse—

I think masks being mandatory is purely idiotic.

I'll gladly explain why, too, if anyone cares to know.


  Important Note: Anytime I say you in this, I am not referring directly to an individual, rather just a generalized… you. As in whoever wants to read it. This is not anything personal so plz don't think that. Even if you hate me for wanting to burn masks in my backyard and dance around the flames, I have nothing against you whatsoever. This is just my unpopular opinion on the subject. Have a good one <3  

Reason #1: Rights.
If you wanna call me a "Karen," go ahead, but I've actually seen far more Karens screaming at people to wear masks than I have seen people not wearing masks. It is illegal to tell people that they have to wear a mask. Yes, I suppose a store does have the right to decline its business to any person if they wish— but I have the right to not wear a mask if I so choose. Not to mention people who have health issues, or other valid reasons for not wearing a mask. I do not think it's right for someone to tell me that I am absolutely not allowed to wear a mask, but at the same time, I don't think it's right for them tell me I absolutely do have to wear one, either. It's my choice, not theirs.
"You selfish jerk," some die-hard mask-wearer may say, "By not wearing your mask, you're putting people at risk."
Ah, but wait. First of all, I have known people with poor immune systems, weak hearts, and other health issues who have contracted COVID-19 and came out fine. Perfectly fine. They're vibin' great right now. The death rates of COVID have been fudged, and I think that's fairly obvious. It's not as dangerous as you think it is. Not even close. But even if it were, wearing a mask has actually caused a lot of damage to people I know, including myself. I can hardly breathe while wearing a mask, and since I've been required to wear one I've been having chest pains. I don't have COVID; the mask is causing me to actually have legitimate breathing struggles. But because everyone else is spazzing out, I have to wear them.

Reason #2: Masks. Don't. Work.
Masks don't prevent the spread of COVID-19. If all that's standing between you and this supposedly deadly, horrid virus is a thin piece of fabric and 6 feet of space, then it must not be that bad to begin with. And if COVID is that bad, then, uh… why are you putting so much faith in your mask and a few feet? The masks are not stopping the spread of the virus; the best thing they might do is stop actual water droplets from entering the air if you sneeze or cough, but they don't stop any bacteria or virus particles whatsoever. I can smell things through my mask; if you can smell through your mask, that means it's absolutely not blocking out germs.

And if somehow I'm wrong and these masks do magically block out COVID, then okay. If I don't wear my mask, I'm far more at risk than the people wearing their masks. I heard somebody say that masks only block what you breathe out, not what you breathe in. Unless your mask has a special filter in it or is a legit gas mask (in which case it might actually protect you, but I'm talking the basic masks, not actual epic masks like that), that's not how it works. Basic fabric masks aren't one-way filters. They're no way filters. They're just… basic cloth.

I have literally seen, to a ridiculous degree, people screaming and cursing at people in public just because they chose not to wear a mask, and I'm so annoyed. What if that person has a health condition? What if wearing a mask gives them anxiety or panic attacks (that's a legit thing too btw so don't tell me it isn't)? I wear a mask, but I hate it. For everyone I see not wearing a mask, I say kudos to them. Idc why you're not wearing it, because it's your right not to wear it. I work in a public place, and people come through without a mask sometimes. They try to start explaining to me why they aren't wearing one, but I always interrupt them with, "Listen bud, you don't have to explain anything to me. I'm the last person who's gonna tell you you have to wear a mask."

This virus might be real, but it's been blown out of proportion majorly. And again— if it were as deadly as they say, I'd never trust a flimsy mask to protect my life. If you really think you or a family member is at risk, please, protect yourself. But don't put so much faith in a piece of cloth that somebody put over their mouth.

And again, if you want to wear a mask, go ahead. That's totally fine by me. You can wear as many masks as you want. That's your right to do so. But it's my right not to wear one if I don't want to. Or at least, it should be. Apparently it's not anymore.

And there's my rant for the day.


All I have to say is anecdotal evidence is not evidence.
Sure, I agree with you for most of the first part, regarding political rights. For privately owned stores, they can tell you to wear whatever they want and if you wanna shop there you have to comply. But for actual public, no, no one should be able to impose that type of dress code on you, legally.
But the real question is should you wear a mask. And to that I say yes.
For the second section, please do your research if you plan on defending those claims. I'm kinda over debating the virus and masks, just look at the science.

Deleted user

All I have to say is anecdotal evidence is not evidence.
Sure, I agree with you for most of the first part, regarding political rights. For privately owned stores, they can tell you to wear whatever they want and if you wanna shop there you have to comply. But for actual public, no, no one should be able to impose that type of dress code on you, legally.
But the real question is should you wear a mask. And to that I say yes.
For the second section, please do your research if you plan on defending those claims. I'm kinda over debating the virus and masks, just look at the science.

My thoughts are the same on this subject.


I said at the beginning that it was an unpopular opinion. But on the package of every mask I have ever seen, it literally says that it doesn't really do anything to prevent coronavirus. I also think that if COVID really is a big deal, we should be doing more to prevent it than what is currently being done. The whole deal of forcing certain things and only halfway pushing others is really weird to me and makes me doubt this whole scenario.

I'm not really trying to convince anyone to agree with me, for the record. I'm just stating my unpopular opinion, because I am the king of unpopular opinions and like to see how many of them make people salty. Most people on this site probably already hate me, and if I expressed all of my opinions, everyone probably would. Except maybe like 3 ppl. I'm cool with that.

OH, but also, just because it's really worth stating, @Owen and others, I would like to say big respect to you. I really like it when I do say something that people disagree with and you can actually disagree with me in a respectable way without being salty and/or a jerk. Idc if you disagree with me on everything ever; that deserves respect

Deleted user

All I will include on this (as someone who went to med school and had to wear a mask 90% of the time) is that masks work.

There is nothing on this planet that will save you 100% from anything.

But wearing a mask will protect you from 'toxins' 99% of the time.

I promise you that struggling a bit with your healthy lungs right now is worlds better than being on oxygen for the rest of your life.
Or being connected to a machine that breathes for you.
Or being immunocompromised for the rest of your life.
Or, you know, being dead.


Ok, here is why I dissagree with you.

  1. Masks work to a degree, they aren't perfect, no one claimes that they're going to stop every little bit of bacteria, any one who says that is an idiot, but it stops a majority of them, it stops some of them, it lessens the risk. It does not eliminate the risk, but it lessens it. A mask is like a chain link fence, it keeps most things out/in but it's not perfect.
  2. You legit stated the reason why everyone needs to wear a mask, it keeps your bacteria in more then it keeps others out, aka, you're not wearing it for you, you're wearing it for the people around you. So yeah if you don't wear a mask not only are you uping your chances of getting it your upping everyone else's chances of getting it. So really unless you have a legit reason like the ones you stated, you are hurting other people out of your own selfish desiers to what, Be more comfortable? To avoid mask Acne?
  3. Fudged numbers you say? Please don't tell me you think professionals are making this up, that is the most ridiculous thing. Why, why would they make this up? Do you think they get any benefit from it? No! Because there is a rule that every one needs to wear a mask there are shortages it makes their jobs harder because suddenly they don't have the supplies to deal with it. You want to tell me that professionals like being worked around the clock? do you think they like being pressured to find a solution faster than is safe? Do you think the government is getting something out of the world being shut down? No! The Economy is suffering, that hurts the government, why would they fudge number's all that does is cause confusion and panic, you think that they are promoting panic when it would make their jobs even more difficult?
  4. If you're so bent on talking about the legal side of this let me quote some legal documents for you. To quote the preamble of the constitution a government's purpose is , " in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." OK now you may be asking so what, well let me point out a few key words, Welfare, Common defense
    Now by enforcing the mask rule what is the government trying to do? They're drying to protect the people in any way shape or form possible. That's called adding a defense to protect people, aka, the governments job.

I'm struggling to keep my language civil so I will stop hear, that's the closest I have come to swearing in a really long time.