forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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It depends on what you consider communication, I my self split it into a few different categories but there are two main ones for me.
Social Media is good with information and very effective for anything entirely informational. But lit begins to falter when emotion is involved because words alone aren't great at expressing emotion, for example, If I just type the words, I hate you. that only tells you the informational side, and therefore doesn't as someone standing in front of you and saying "I hate you" you get so much more information, the tone of their voice their facial expression and posture, the delivery matters almost more than the words do.
But then you consider video and such and things get even more complicated.

In summery it depends.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oof. I've never had a cavity, but my sister has. Don't chew the inside of your cheek, cuz your brain won't register the pain until it's too late.

Yeah. My face is low key paralyzed though and I feel it’s like that when I wake up I’m going to complain. Makes drinking water a little funny but the joy drains out (as does the water).

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It depends on what you consider communication, I my self split it into a few different categories but there are two main ones for me.
Social Media is good with information and very effective for anything entirely informational. But lit begins to falter when emotion is involved because words alone aren't great at expressing emotion, for example, If I just type the words, I hate you. that only tells you the informational side, and therefore doesn't as someone standing in front of you and saying "I hate you" you get so much more information, the tone of their voice their facial expression and posture, the delivery matters almost more than the words do.
But then you consider video and such and things get even more complicated.

In summery it depends.

But in terms of information social media is kind of terrible. Think of the memes that people take as gospel and the fact that you actually can’t really trust whatever anyone says about anything because they can just say anything.


that depends on where you're going for sources, and whether or not you're fact checking yourself on top of it. i've read plenty of legit articles posted by friends and people i follow, and when i googled the information being given, it matched up completely to the general official consensus. it also really helps with spreading awareness of issues that you wouldn't know about if you didn't regularly scour the news, such as the police brutality in hong kong, the horrible things happening to muslims in china(the death count has passed that of jewish people in the holocaust, i'm pretty sure. and it keeps going up). social media is a very very good source if you're smart, and stick to legitimate information/people spreading it, and always check yourself

@Milani eco

i honestly cant be botherred rn to read everyone elses things, so i dont know if anybody has written what i will. I think that social media impedes communication in the process of improving it. Whilst everyone is sending messages back and forth on instagram, snapchat, and facebook, they are not sending paragraph long messages. If a transcript of a 5 minute conversation is written down into text messages with the modern day texting speech, then it would most likely be shortened by about 1/3. Just what im thinking, not actual science.


(To anyone that saw my initial response I realized it was kinda rude and so now I have to make it nice because I feel bad)
Perhaps in the future, consider either not responding at all, or not starting a debate when you don't have the energy to participate.


why would anyone want to type paragraphs lmao my verbal conversations and text conversations are only distinguishable with context and varying circumstance

I actually would say that there are people who do want to type out paragraphs occasionally, my self being one of them.
.Guitly of finding joy in writing out paragraphs describing my day to a friend who does the same as a form of self expression to try to emulate some form of actual conversation because we would normally have very lengthy conversations with one another and the only way to even get close to replicating that is through very long descriptive paragraphs and messages.


I'm entirely exhausted so I spaced on that and was thinking with a 'two word response' kinda mindset so my b

I LOVE doing the same with all honesty, but usually those, again, have specific circumstances, like me ranting or gushing or having an idea. but yes fully valid

Deleted user

i honestly cant be botherred rn to read everyone elses things,


I second this most bodaciously

Deleted user

Imagine: A large mansion in the middle of a forest. It's raining heavily, with the occasional flash of lightning. Inside the mansion, in the building's large parlor, sits Eris. Sipping a martini and browsing Notebook.

"Imagine"? Pfft. You cannot convince me that that is not reality.


Im just your 'friendly', 'neighborhood' vampire.

Deleted user

Opinions on Transhumanism?

Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.