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@Becfromthedead group

Not to mention people trying to act as "moderators" telling me not to "stoop to their level." I'm literally not. I'm speaking my mind and you guys don't like it. I said nothing personally offensive either, sooo I don't see the problem.
I'm just saying, people who stop the flow 9f debate to say "but we're all still civil here, don't stoop to their level uwu" need to like… not. They piss me off just as much as people like the guy I was debating.

@HighPockets group

I got into a heated debate with someone in my graduating class group chat afterwards. Like God, he was so fucking irritating.
The thing is, he's not a Trumpie. He just thinks "Biden's worse."
He basically denied any bigotry on the part of Trump through actual policy. He kept asking for "hard examples" of Trump making policy that reflected a thing we said. Attempted Muslim ban. Trans military ban. Etc. Like bro, are you dumb?

obviously yes, he was. i liken people like that to my little sister when it comes to arguing. all they do is repeat the same dick-ish question, ask you for facts when you've already given them, and then they sit there and just repeat something like 'no, i'm right because [bullshit]' every time you try to counter them

Yeah, it's basically just the "nanananana I can't hear you~" retort that children give.

@Becfromthedead group

I said "at least Biden isn't a fascist," and he was like "Trump isn't a fascist."
We provided a shitton of evidence to suggest otherwise, and he kept repeating his point.
We had an exchange that was just:
"That's what the three branches are for. To keep anyone from getting too much power"
"Trump didn't put them there."

@HighPockets group

Ah yes, there's nothing fascist at all about wanting to ban the teaching of courses you don't like, and demanding a "patriotic education"
Nothing fascist at all.


it is! imagine calling yourself devil's advocate and then repeating the same four sentences like an npc's dialogue options. it's so funny too because you know if they tried to go for a debate club, the admin/teacher/whatever would boot their ass so hard after the first two times they tried that. and yet they still act like they're winning something


Ah yes, there's nothing fascist at all about wanting to ban the teaching of courses you don't like, and demanding a "patriotic education"
Nothing fascist at all.

do we want to bring up him refusing to denounce white supremacists and telling them to 'stand by' and how afterwards a bunch of well known white supremacists on twitter went apeshit in excitement

@HighPockets group

it is! imagine calling yourself devil's advocate and then repeating the same four sentences like an npc's dialogue options. it's so funny too because you know if they tried to go for a debate club, the admin/teacher/whatever would boot their ass so hard after the first two times they tried that. and yet they still act like they're winning something

Honestly I lose respect for people who argue the devil's advocate position just for the sake of being edgy. If you're trying to play devil's advocate to people having basic human rights, you drop the 'advocate' bit.

@HighPockets group

Ah yes, there's nothing fascist at all about wanting to ban the teaching of courses you don't like, and demanding a "patriotic education"
Nothing fascist at all.

do we want to bring up him refusing to denounce white supremacists and telling them to 'stand by' and how afterwards a bunch of well known white supremacists on twitter went apeshit in excitement

Or when a peaceful protester was murdered by neo-nazis in Charlottesville and instead of condemning the neo-nazis, he did the whole "well there are good and bad people on both sides…" shit.

@Moxie group

I said "at least Biden isn't a fascist," and he was like "Trump isn't a fascist."
We provided a shitton of evidence to suggest otherwise, and he kept repeating his point.

I hate that this was lowkey what happened at the debate
I hated the points where Biden or the moderator would bring something up and Trump would just say "no. no that's not true" when it definitely was. "No." Isn't an argument

@HighPockets group

Or how he wants to designate antifa (which isn't even an organization) as a terrorist group, but not the KKK or the Proud Boys.
Or trying to restrict the rights of queer people, be it through the trans military ban, rolling back trans healthcare, or attempting to ban LGBTQ+ people from adopting.

@HighPockets group

But also!!! Georgia is basically a swing statr this year apparently and I'm super excited about that because maybe my vote will actually mean something!

That's exciting!


Remember when the moderator asked Trump if he could condemn the white supremacists and vow to a peaceful transfer of power and Trump was just like
"iTs The RADICAL LEFT oUt tHerE coMmiTinG tHe VioLenCe" and then told Proud Boys to "stand by"

@HighPockets group

I saw a Tumblr post that said we should just switch back to the full "anti-fascist" name, so ppl will basically have to admit they're pro-fascism

Honestly yeah, I agree.
Although I do like the little look of "??" on a person's face when I say "if you're anti anti-fascist, what does that make you?"

Deleted user

I dislike Biden far more than I dislike trump.

Better get ready for the shitshow.

Deleted user

Well, I for one lean to the right in multiple areas excepting the LGBTQ movement for the most part, I believe in the citizens right to arm themselves, I believe in life at conception, and I am somewhat religious.

Trump tends to align himself more with my beliefs than the left side of politics/biden. While Trump is not the best president he's done a lot better than some previous ones, therefore I would rather him win until a better candidate comes along.

@HighPockets group

Yeah, he's doing better than andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) Jackson and that's about it.
K but the Trump administration has been actively taking and attempting to take the rights away from LGBTQ people


I honestly believe that both presidential candidates are shitty, and that this years election is just picking between two evils, so to speak. Biden is on the verge of senility if he hasn't already, and Kamala Harris's politics are…questionable. She's a little too far left for my tastes. Trump, on the other hand, is…just no. I can't handle another four years of him in office. So if I was old enough to vote, I'd vote Biden, but only because I don't want Trump

Deleted user

I would rather not have anarchy thanks.

Editing really quick: I think a lot of people don't realize the amount of security we already have on guns. You cannot physically buy a gun without a background check, background checks are mandatory. No the AR-15 is not an assault weapon A stands for Armalite. Perhaps I've run into the wrong type of people but most of the left leaning people I've talked to have very much advocated for buybacks. and/or straight up bans.

Honestly, with my standpoint on things, I really don't mind at least the attempt at barring trans people from the military. Let me explain,

So soldiers have higher suicide rates due to PTSD. And as far as I know ATM Trans people also have slightly higher suicide rates because depression. Now pair both of those. It doesn't really look good for back at home survival rates if you went into a stressful position. Plus you get into the area where we get strength and stamina gaps because of body types and the amount of stress ones body is able to take and shit gets complicated.