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@HighPockets group

Anarchy? Please, if you seriously think that anyone involved in politics right now is an anarchist, you're delusional.

Not every position in the military involves active combat, and yet they're banned from them all. Higher suicide rates for transgender people tend to be due to a lack of acceptance/inability to socially and physically transition, which they will have done before joining the military unless they're still in the closet. Also, most trans people who would be joining the military would be on hormones already, and hormones–at least for ftm trans people–increase muscle gain by a lot.
Anyways, it's still discrimination based on gender and should not be allowed as a ban.


basically, by barring trans people from the military–which you shouldn't do in the first place, because why would you want to limit how many good people want to support the country–just pushes them further into the place that breeds those suicidal tendencies. your point means well, dude, but you're not quite acknowledging a deeper issue beyond the one you've picked out

@Pickles group

basically, by barring trans people from the military–which you shouldn't do in the first place, because why would you want to limit how many good people want to support the country–just pushes them further into the place that breeds those suicidal tendencies. your point means well, dude, but you're not quite acknowledging a deeper issue beyond the one you've picked out

^^^ It's because he's transphobic, that's why he wants it. There's no getting around it, there's no actual good reason that has research behind it for banning trans people from joining the military.


basically, by barring trans people from the military–which you shouldn't do in the first place, because why would you want to limit how many good people want to support the country–just pushes them further into the place that breeds those suicidal tendencies. your point means well, dude, but you're not quite acknowledging a deeper issue beyond the one you've picked out

^^^ It's because he's transphobic, that's why he wants it. There's no getting around it, there's no actual good reason that has research behind it for banning trans people from joining the military.

Except that it "mAkeS PeOpLe UnCoMfOrTaBlE"


I agree with you that political parties are stupid, but

I believe we have a fairly good political system.

Why tho

Deleted user

I don't know much about Biden's goals. The debate didn't shine a lot of light on those and I tend to avoid the news seeing as its all a bunch of fucking fear mongering left and right nowadays. But I don't think the man has the mental capacity to be FOR anything. He can barely but together a competent sentence.

@Pickles group

basically, by barring trans people from the military–which you shouldn't do in the first place, because why would you want to limit how many good people want to support the country–just pushes them further into the place that breeds those suicidal tendencies. your point means well, dude, but you're not quite acknowledging a deeper issue beyond the one you've picked out

^^^ It's because he's transphobic, that's why he wants it. There's no getting around it, there's no actual good reason that has research behind it for banning trans people from joining the military.

Except that it "mAkeS PeOpLe UnCoMfOrTaBlE"

Oh right, besides making other transphobes more comfortable, forgot about that


I don't know much about Biden's goals. The debate didn't shine a lot of light on those and I tend to avoid the news seeing as its all a bunch of fucking fear mongering left and right nowadays. But I don't think the man has the mental capacity to be FOR anything. He can barely but together a competent sentence.

The debate couldn't shine a light on them because Trump couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut and let Biden talk when it was his turn to talk


I don't know much about Biden's goals. The debate didn't shine a lot of light on those and I tend to avoid the news seeing as its all a bunch of fucking fear mongering left and right nowadays. But I don't think the man has the mental capacity to be FOR anything. He can barely but together a competent sentence.

google exists

@HighPockets group

And all Trump did at the debate was bitch about spooky scary aNtIfA (which isn't even an organization, just an ideology), insult Biden and his children, and refuse to disavow white nationalists. Oh, and interrupt Biden so he couldn't get a point in edgewise.


I don't know much about Biden's goals. The debate didn't shine a lot of light on those and I tend to avoid the news seeing as its all a bunch of fucking fear mongering left and right nowadays. But I don't think the man has the mental capacity to be FOR anything. He can barely but together a competent sentence.

Yeah because Trump can't wait his turn lol
If you watched that and still support Trump, I just- bruh.
What makes you think Trump has the mental capacity for anything? What has he done that impresses you?

@Pickles group

I don't know much about Biden's goals. The debate didn't shine a lot of light on those and I tend to avoid the news seeing as its all a bunch of fucking fear mongering left and right nowadays. But I don't think the man has the mental capacity to be FOR anything. He can barely but together a competent sentence.

I feel like you can probably find his views pretty easily


And all Trump did at the debate was bitch about spooky scary aNtIfA (which isn't even an organization, just an ideology), insult Biden and his children, and refuse to disavow white nationalists.

And talk about how he was going to "keep making this country great"

Deleted user

As far as I know they were both insulting each other. Antifa is strange, they like to ride around on busses to protest and get run out of towns. Rather fun to watch honestly.


As far as I know they were both insulting each other. Antifa is strange, they like to ride around on busses to protest and get run out of towns. Rather fun to watch honestly.

Did you watch the entire debate? Because that's not what happened at all, and I sat through the whole. fucking. thing

Deleted user

I didn't have the patience to sit through the entire debate. I needed to sleep and it was going nowhere.

@HighPockets group

Biden called Trump a clown and apologized for it.
Trump insulted Biden's kids for being a drug addict and for being killed in service.
But of course, as a Rational Centrist, I must say these are totally equal.


As far as I know they were both insulting each other. Antifa is strange, they like to ride around on busses to protest and get run out of towns. Rather fun to watch honestly.

Biden told Trump to shut up a couple times but he never hurled personal insults- like Trump did regarding Biden's son, which is highly inappropriate. And I think it's strange Trump can't directly condemn white supremacy.


As far as I know they were both insulting each other. Antifa is strange, they like to ride around on busses to protest and get run out of towns. Rather fun to watch honestly.

Biden told Trump to shut up a couple times but he never hurled personal insults- like Trump did regarding Biden's son, which is highly inappropriate. And I think it's strange Trump can't directly condemn white supremacy.

Can't, or won't?

@Pickles group

As far as I know they were both insulting each other. Antifa is strange, they like to ride around on busses to protest and get run out of towns. Rather fun to watch honestly.

Biden told Trump to shut up a couple times but he never hurled personal insults- like Trump did regarding Biden's son, which is highly inappropriate. And I think it's strange Trump can't directly condemn white supremacy.

Can't, or won't?



I didn't have the patience to sit through the entire debate. I needed to sleep and it was going nowhere.

Okay, so don't make generalizations. Yes, in the beginning it was…not great, but as the thing went on, you know who did all of the interrupting? Trump. Trump couldn't abide by the rules that his campaign had agreed to follow. In any professional or other such debate, he would have been kicked out