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people_alt 109 followers

@HighPockets group

As far as I know they were both insulting each other. Antifa is strange, they like to ride around on busses to protest and get run out of towns. Rather fun to watch honestly.

Biden told Trump to shut up a couple times but he never hurled personal insults- like Trump did regarding Biden's son, which is highly inappropriate. And I think it's strange Trump can't directly condemn white supremacy.

Can't, or won't?

Can't risk losing the base

Deleted user

Also, antifa stands for anti-fascists. So if you're anti antifa, that makes you an anti anti-fascist, which makes you a fascist. Just saying

So I can no longer be against something with a neutral view. Interesting.

@HighPockets group

Also, antifa stands for anti-fascists. So if you're anti antifa, that makes you an anti anti-fascist, which makes you a fascist. Just saying

So I can no longer be against something with a neutral view. Interesting.

Did you even comprehend what she wrote or are you just being purposefully ignorant?

Deleted user

Also, antifa stands for anti-fascists. So if you're anti antifa, that makes you an anti anti-fascist, which makes you a fascist. Just saying

So I can no longer be against something with a neutral view. Interesting.

Did you even comprehend what she wrote or are you just being purposefully ignorant?

What I am saying here is. Based on the statement, I cannot look at something now and have a neutral view on it. Just because I dislike Antifa does not automatically make me Facist. Just like how somebody dislikes let's say, the state of Oklahoma doesn't make them anti America.

And in answer you your question @beans , I don't believe so. If I am acting like one feel free to tell me/

@Pickles group

Also, I don't understand how you can look at someone and think "yeah I don't agree with them on the subject of human rights but you know, they're clearly better than the person I know nothing about so I think we should vote for the other person and let them take away people's rights" but like okay


What I am saying here is. Based on the statement, I cannot look at something now and have a neutral view on it. Just because I dislike Antifa does not automatically make me Facist. Just like how somebody dislikes let's say, the state of Oklahoma doesn't make them anti America.

Except this isn't a grey issue. This is one or the other. You're either a racist or you aren't, a sexist or you aren't, a fascist or you aren't. It's not "I don't know if I like chicken" or "I think I like poptarts." It's black and white. One or the other.


you keep referring to antifa like an organization, instead of just an anti fascist stance. and because it's nothing more than a stance, your dislike of it does make you at least come off as a fascist.

also the oklahoma thing is bullshit. because oklahoma is a part of a whole thing, where antifascists are not part of some overarching anything for you to be against

Deleted user

I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

Deleted user

I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

I don't ✌️

I mean I could always try asking people to take a moment to breath but I don't think that will work.

@HighPockets group

I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

Because your stances are getting progressively more asinine. Please tell me, is playing the devil's advocate when you know fuck-all about what you're talking about some sort of sex thing? Is that what gets you on? Because you have yet to make one decent point in this debate.


lmao, you're funny. if this seems angry, you'd love me being actually angry.

i'm just incredibly disappointed in your apparent inability to do your own research and the fact that you seem to have no comprehension of what antifa even is.

Deleted user

I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

Because your stances are getting progressively more asinine. Please tell me, is playing the devil's advocate when you know fuck-all about what you're talking about some sort of sex thing? Is that what gets you on? Because you have yet to make one decent point in this debate.

For all you know I could just be throwing random points out there to see how you react, so far its not impressed me.


I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

I like how you're not even making a case for why you support Trump.
No but seriously dude, what has he done that impresses you. What has he done that you want to see more of.


I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

Because your stances are getting progressively more asinine. Please tell me, is playing the devil's advocate when you know fuck-all about what you're talking about some sort of sex thing? Is that what gets you on? Because you have yet to make one decent point in this debate.

For all you know I could just be throwing random points out there to see how you react, so far its not impressed me.

how tragic


I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

Because your stances are getting progressively more asinine. Please tell me, is playing the devil's advocate when you know fuck-all about what you're talking about some sort of sex thing? Is that what gets you on? Because you have yet to make one decent point in this debate.

For all you know I could just be throwing random points out there to see how you react, so far its not impressed me.

Bruh nice cover 👌

@Pickles group

I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

Because your stances are getting progressively more asinine. Please tell me, is playing the devil's advocate when you know fuck-all about what you're talking about some sort of sex thing? Is that what gets you on? Because you have yet to make one decent point in this debate.

For all you know I could just be throwing random points out there to see how you react, so far its not impressed me.

So. Uh. Sounds like a sex thing, good to know.
Pretending you don't actually mean any of the things you said, nice, very original, extremely convincing.

@HighPockets group

I like how all of the tones to these messages are getting progressively angrier.

Because your stances are getting progressively more asinine. Please tell me, is playing the devil's advocate when you know fuck-all about what you're talking about some sort of sex thing? Is that what gets you on? Because you have yet to make one decent point in this debate.

For all you know I could just be throwing random points out there to see how you react, so far its not impressed me.

Funnily enough, I do not give a single fuck about if I've "impressed" some random probably-fascist on the internet. And, of course, God forbid that the people who would be directly harmed by Trump's policies react in a way that isn't super friendly and wholesome to someone trying to argue for his views.

Deleted user

Indeed. The state of the world is truly sad,

Dominus vobiscum.