forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers


I think the only issue with that is becoming dependent on technology for everything.
Like yay progression but also being dependent on technology is scary and makes me think of Wall-e.

Deleted user

You mean like society progressing? Who would be opposed to that? I feel like I'm missing something of it's that simple.

It’s not really like that, though it does have to do with progression. Transhumanism is kind of like humanity transcending our current physical and mental limits through science and technology. While some people are supportive of society progressing, there are others who would prefer to take it to another level.

And there are people who oppose the progression of society.


Yeah, I'm all for technology advancement but the only way you can actually improve the human condition is to start on a human level. Technology can connect us, and it's done a great job of that, but we can't smother our flaws with the latest gadgets. There's other stuff to tend to.


how do you not know what to make of a group of officers opening fire on a woman's home while she slept and only a single officer being charged for anything, and instead of it being the bullets that killed her, it was for the bullets that missed her house and could have hit a neighbor.


i'm sorry if that sounded rude, but breonna's death isn't something i really think we should be debating about. she was murdered. it's that simple. i don't mind talking about it but this kinda implies scrambling for a topic and picking one that shouldn't have any other side, nor should it be debated for fun. that's a real person's death. that's recent.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

i'm sorry if that sounded rude, but breonna's death isn't something i really think we should be debating about. she was murdered. it's that simple. i don't mind talking about it but this kinda implies scrambling for a topic and picking one that shouldn't have any other side, nor should it be debated for fun. that's a real person's death. that's recent.

Nah I feel you. But I heard that the whole story wasn't that. Not saying the cops are clean or anything, but that it was the right house for the dude they were looking for, they actually knocked, and then shot when they were shot at. I don't belive it yet, but I was opening it for conversation. You're right that it shouldn't be debated. But I figured this chat was the best place to talk about thus stuff.


i'm sorry if that sounded rude, but breonna's death isn't something i really think we should be debating about. she was murdered. it's that simple. i don't mind talking about it but this kinda implies scrambling for a topic and picking one that shouldn't have any other side, nor should it be debated for fun. that's a real person's death. that's recent.

Nah I feel you. But I heard that the whole story wasn't that. Not saying the cops are clean or anything, but that it was the right house for the dude they were looking for, they actually knocked, and then shot when they were shot at. I don't belive it yet, but I was opening it for conversation. You're right that it shouldn't be debated. But I figured this chat was the best place to talk about thus stuff.

no you're good, i'm sorry for getting a bit bitchy there

this article explains it really well, but basically what happened was breonna lived in an apartment with her current boyfriend, and the apartment had been tied to a drug dealer the police were after, who was her ex. mind you, he was in custody during this time in a different station miles away. her boyfriend got out of bed to the banging at the door, grabbing his legally owned firearm in case of issue(likely because of her ex, or because the banging was aggressive. who knows). when they didn't immediately get an answer, the police used a battering ram, and kenneth walker(her boyfriend) fired. obviously, because when someone breaks down your door, you assume the worst and that you need to protect yourself and your girlfriend.

the police then opened fire into the apartment, killing breonna, who was still in bed, and sending bullets into neighboring apartments. all of which is bad, but the only charges were one officer being charged for three cases of first degree wanton endangerment, meaning he wasn't charged for the murder, or the people in that apartment. only for the people who may have been shot in other apartments. despite the fact that breonna never resisted arrest, didn't even know what was happening or have any ties to her exe's illicit activities.


My dad tried to say it was Ms. Taylor's fault and I just.. stood there. How do you even respond to that. I hope he just doesn't know much about the case yet.
Thanks for explaining that Crocs. Pig should've been charged with voluntary manslaughter AT THE LEAST.


literally the only ones you could even slightly blame who weren't the cops are the drug dealing ex, or her boyfriend. and even there, you can't really blame him, because he fully thought they were being robbed or broken into. it's literally not that hard to knock and shout 'police, please open up and speak with us' like. or even shout police when you break down the door because no one answered quick enough


actually, not anymore.

and it was claimed that it had been changes to a knock and announce warrant, but only one of the 11 neighbors interviewed claimed to have heard the announcement and said in all the commotion it was likely they had missed it

@Moxie group

It's called a no-knock warrant, unfortunately it's legal

They're supposed to be super, super hard to get a judge to sign off on. And then when you do get one, you're supposed to be really careful


actually, not anymore.

Actually I think it depends on the state

no yeah but the state that this happened in is at least in the process of making them illegal, because of the deserved backlash from the shooting

@HighPockets group

Did anyone else see the "patriotic education" thing that Trump's talking about? Because wow, as a history buff I am scared.
I love learning about American history, it's one of my special interests and also one of my favorite classes. I believe that we cannot change the future if we don't learn from our past, and it is incredibly fucking important to learn about the many flaws and atrocities in our past. The idea that """"the left"""" has been """corrupting the education system"""" with """aNtI-aMeRiCaN pRoPaGaNdA-"" is asinine. Our history textbooks majorly glaze over all of the awful shit that we did in favor of deifying the founding fathers and going "but we did a Good! we ended slavery!" and that's incredibly toxic. Glazing over our past is how we wind up with the "make America great again!!" dipshits in the first place :/
Also, "Patriotic Education" genuinely sounds like something out of a dystopian novel…."sir, we caught you reading a forbidden book. you are to be taken away for patriotic education."


i cant wait to be taken away by men in suits and brainwashed in a dark room for telling a kid that we once fought a war over oil in a country that wasn't ours and killed their citizens just cause

@HighPockets group

Can't wait to be strapped down and have my eyes pinned open like I'm in A Clockwork Orange for telling a kid about the Trail of Tears and the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

@Pickles group

Did anyone else see the "patriotic education" thing that Trump's talking about? Because wow, as a history buff I am scared.
I love learning about American history, it's one of my special interests and also one of my favorite classes. I believe that we cannot change the future if we don't learn from our past, and it is incredibly fucking important to learn about the many flaws and atrocities in our past. The idea that """"the left"""" has been """corrupting the education system"""" with """aNtI-aMeRiCaN pRoPaGaNdA-"" is asinine. Our history textbooks majorly glaze over all of the awful shit that we did in favor of deifying the founding fathers and going "but we did a Good! we ended slavery!" and that's incredibly toxic. Glazing over our past is how we wind up with the "make America great again!!" dipshits in the first place :/
Also, "Patriotic Education" genuinely sounds like something out of a dystopian novel…."sir, we caught you reading a forbidden book. you are to be taken away for patriotic education."

We literally already don't learn about so much shit America has done and he wants to erase that even more??? I'm so fucking scared about what he's going to do to this country

Also I saw something saying he said he wasn't leaving if he didn't get reelected, does anyone know where it was? Because that's spooky as hell