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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Excuse me– no one underage should be handling an assault rifle (period) across state lines to go to a protest.

That is a recipe for violence.

@Moxie group

We can't start defending people who see fit to hand out vigilante justice. This wasn't okay. He wasn't supposed to be there. It wasn't his job to be there. I get it. He was "defending property". But that doesn't make it okay. That comes dangerously close to valuing property over lives. It wasn't just the gun (which he definitely had no good reason to be holding. Not "probably"). It was the fact that he had no right to be there at all.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

We can't start defending people who see fit to hand out vigilante justice. This wasn't okay. He wasn't supposed to be there. It wasn't his job to be there. I get it. He was "defending property". But that doesn't make it okay. That comes dangerously close to valuing property over lives. It wasn't just the gun (which he definitely had no good reason to be holding. Not "probably"). It was the fact that he had no right to be there at all.

You have a point. Especially with the property vs lives.

@Moxie group

Dominic he killed people

That's true. And I don't mean to take from the gravity of that.

You literally said you support him and that beyond having an illegal gun he "seems clean".
You called him shooty boy. How does that not take away from the gravity of the fact that he killed people?

@Moxie group

We can't start defending people who see fit to hand out vigilante justice. This wasn't okay. He wasn't supposed to be there. It wasn't his job to be there. I get it. He was "defending property". But that doesn't make it okay. That comes dangerously close to valuing property over lives. It wasn't just the gun (which he definitely had no good reason to be holding. Not "probably"). It was the fact that he had no right to be there at all.

You have a point. Especially with the property vs lives.

Thank you.
I'm satisfied.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But what other ways besides having armed guards can a person defend their property from a mob. If a mob tried to torch my house or business I sure as hell would do what I could to protect it. Granted I wouldn't kill anyone if I could shoot arms and legs or avoid shooting at all.

Deleted user

But what other ways besides having armed guards can a person defend their property from a mob. If a mob tried to torch my house or business I sure as hell would do what I could to protect it. Granted I wouldn't kill anyone if I could shoot arms and legs or avoid shooting at all.

It wasn't his property. Nowhere near it considering he crossed state lines. He stuck himself into a situation he had NO business being in.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dominic he killed people

That's true. And I don't mean to take from the gravity of that.

You literally said you support him and that beyond having an illegal gun he "seems clean".
You called him shooty boy. How does that not take away from the gravity of the fact that he killed people?

Well I'm shifting my opinion as more information comes in and I chat with people. But I still think he shouldn't be demonized. They guy had a mob on him. I don't blame him for shooting the people after him, one throwing a not nice thing ar him, one trying to take his gun he was using to defend himself, and the other opening the conversation by pointing a gun at his face. I don't think he should have killed them, but I can see how it might be difficult, at least with 2 and 3. But I don't know guns so I can't examine him on that count.
Ah. Dark sense of not quite humor. It's what he's known for so that's his new name.


Kyle should not have been there.
Kyle should not have been there with a gun.
Kyle put himself into a very dangerous situation.
There's a fine line between bravery and stupidity, Kyle. You were dancing on it. Badly.
even though it was his mistake to be there in the first place, I don't think that killing the people out of self-defense was wrong. I do not think any killing out of self-defense is wrong unless the person was not really a threat to you or some other element changes the circumstances. I don't think people should be demonizing him as much as they are. Was he right? Maybe not. But that doesn't mean he's an evil horrible person, either.

Deleted user

Regardless if he is a horrible person or not, he still committed a crime and should be held accountable for those actions. He chose to go out with a weapon that is used for extreme combat and 'protect' property that wasn't his and didn't work at (yes I checked) across state lines.

violence only begets more violence

this is not a "boys will be boys" type of thing.

He made a choice and lives were lost. It is only fair that the law hold him responsible.

People have gone to jail for far less.

Deleted user

Ah. Dark sense of not quite humor. It's what he's known for so that's his new name.

no… it's not.

@Moxie group

I'm so glad that school's fully digital here, I think it's the best way to do it. Do y'all agree/disagree/whatever?

I think if a schools can get its act together enough to properly do online school, then its the best option