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If you follow this judgment, then those who believe that what they are doing is right are to be considered not fully at fault. And yet most terrorists believe that what they're doing is for the good go the world.
When one is judged, one is judged against the norm. As far as I know, the norm understands and obeys the 'classic' definition of sinning.

@HighPockets group

I think the death penalty could be beneficial in some very extreme cases but I don’t think it should be legal because of the institutionalized racism in America (I don’t know about other countries). I also think there should be a more humane way to do it if it is legal because there is currently no painless way to receive the death penalty.

I think it should be legal, but rare. Just like handling a weapon means one must be even more responsible, the death penalty should be used only rarely. For people who serial rape and murder and people who torture others to death without justification.

I agree. And they should need to have been proven guilty with very little (if any) possible evidence to the contrary.


Why spend all those funds murdering someone instead of spending it on something more valuable. Like spending it on the murder victim's family for things like counseling and such.


I don't know that it would cost that much. And, listen, we're not talking about brutal deaths like beatings or the electric chair or anything. All those methods are revolting and should never again see the light of death. We're talking quick and painless deaths.
And, we're saving so much money by limiting the resources used for prisons, since there are less inmates.


IMO, no matter how painless it is, it's pretty hard going to sleep at night knowing that you wiped someone off the face of the earth


In that video they mentioned the Pettit case. That's a circumstance where, sorry not sorry, I'd sleep better if I knew they were dead.


I don't know. In a way, I see where they're coming from. They've had more life experience and chances they do know what they're talking about.
But they still should respect us as a group with another type of valuable opinion, and we do know more about some things.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If you follow this judgment, then those who believe that what they are doing is right are to be considered not fully at fault. And yet most terrorists believe that what they're doing is for the good go the world.
When one is judged, one is judged against the norm. As far as I know, the norm understands and obeys the 'classic' definition of sinning.

Not quite. I was talking about those who didn’t understand right and wrong. I don’t think those people ever deserve the death penalty.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Not that unpopular opinion: If your "elders" don't treat you with respect, you don't owe them any respect in return.

I say we owe them first off, the respect and dignity deserved of all mankind, and second, respected for what they have seen and know. Thirdly, and this follows I think in the same line as chivalry, we should help and honor the elderly because we are younger and stronger and (a lot of the time) think and see etc. better.



If you follow this judgment, then those who believe that what they are doing is right are to be considered not fully at fault. And yet most terrorists believe that what they're doing is for the good go the world.
When one is judged, one is judged against the norm. As far as I know, the norm understands and obeys the 'classic' definition of sinning.

Not quite. I was talking about those who didn’t understand right and wrong. I don’t think those people ever deserve the death penalty.

Okay, yes. That's a different story. They deserve mercy, patience and teaching.