forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

@Mojack group

There’s no Chick Fil A where I live so I haven’t had it either

Actually I think there’s only one in my entire country, but it isn’t even in my province


Greetings all. I've returned from my extremely long period of having no way to communicate with you. Having a lively discussion?


I have an unpopular opinion. Fruit and chocolate shouldn’t be mixed. Get your cherry and raspberry stuff out of my cake.

Agreed. It's hella gross

Deleted user

Unpopular Opinion:
Something Shady© was going on in sister Salem and caused the witch trials, it was not caused by the afflicted girls wanting attention or being bored.

@GameMaster group

Actually the water was contaminated with a fungus from which LSD is derived and A legitimate theory is that everyone in the town was just tripping balls.