forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

@Moxie group

Has anyone read the shadow and bone trilogy and does anyone wanna debate about it?
Cause I’ve seen a lot of posts on instagram recently debating whether or not Mal is a shitbag and I wanna (respectfully) argue with someone about it

@HighPockets group

Has anyone read the shadow and bone trilogy and does anyone wanna debate about it?
Cause I’ve seen a lot of posts on instagram recently debating whether or not Mal is a shitbag and I wanna (respectfully) argue with someone about it

Listen, Mal may not be perfect, but he's sure as hell better for Alina than the Darkling and his development in Ruin and Rising is fantastic.

@Starfast group

My opinion could probably be swayed as I'm only about halfway through the second book but Mal seems…. ok? It does really bug me how he seems to give Alina a hard time whenever she starts spending time with another guy but for some reason it's ok for him to do the same.

I feel like calling him a shitbag is maybe a little extreme, although as I mentioned I'm not done with the series yet. I've heard a lot of people say they don't like him, and while I'm not exactly his #1 fan or anything, I feel like I've read worse characters. Unless he does something absolutely terrible in the latter half of the 2nd book or the 3rd book, I feel like so far people are making him out to be worse than he actually is.

@HighPockets group

He definitely improves in Ruin and Rising, and while he's not my favorite I still really like him. Maybe because seeing your best friend of many years suddenly change and feel inferior to their new friends is something that's happened to me, but I can sympathize with him.

@Echo_6 group

Okay let me put it this way. Unless, you can somehow naruto run at a speed faster then 2,800 mph you will not out run the bullets. I guarantee that. Plus, you are going to be running at them, how are you suppose to doge them when the military uses this thing called a mini-gun. Not if, when, they will use it. Just being logical here.

Deleted user

The people that are taking that seriously are just stupid.

@Echo_6 group

That being said however, the military is not likely to kill everyone. They are more likely to use teargas and pepper guns, and tasers and pellet guns and forty mike mike rounds. Which will put many people in pain and then many people will be arrested


Okay let me put it this way. Unless, you can somehow naruto run at a speed faster then 2,800 mph you will not out run the bullets. I guarantee that. Plus, you are going to be running at them, how are you suppose to doge them when the military uses this thing called a mini-gun. Not if, when, they will use it. Just being logical here.

naruto running is around 3000 mph so
i guess we win
(this is a joke btw im pretty sure everyone knows that)


But logically, if there was anything sensitive there at all, they would have moved it someplace more secure back when they announced area 51's existence in 2013.

Deleted user

But logically, if there was anything sensitive there at all, they would have moved it someplace more secure back when they announced area 51's existence in 2013.

But everyone knew about it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before then.

Deleted user

It's either going to turn into a big BBQ or a big rave. Low key down for both

Deleted user

Same. I have decided I will be serving as a Naruto runner.
Assuming I'm recovered from surgery by then eye roll

Deleted user
