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Deleted user

There is only one true Drag Queen and that is Frank N Furter.

This has been a PSA

@GameMaster group

Drag is weird because in one way it's a kind of art form like acting and a culture. In the other way, it's kinda fetishized and has made the LGBTQ+ community into a joke.


Wasn't aware of drag being a controversial topic? It's a form of self expression that literally isn't harming anyone. Why would it be harmful to the LGBT community?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I thought the same thing. Then I ran across some research. It turns out it is the sexist equivalent of blackface. Back in the day it was a comedic tool that was used to demean women. In fact, they would go hand in hand with traveling entertainers.
Plus of course the movements for young children to get into it and then people are shocked when pedos love it.


Have y'all ever seen that meme from its always sunny
"that doesn't sound right but i dont know enough about (insert topic here) to refute it"
That's me right now lol

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Before I discovered this I actually had no problems with it. Not my thing, but personally freedom. Of course I wouldn’t try to make someone stop just because it was offensive. But I now have no support for it.

@GameMaster group

But there's also a bunch of different kinds of drag. I think the insulting one is high drag which really accentuates female feature like hair, chest, butt in a comedic manner. Fishy drag is also considered offensive because it's playing with the idea of actually looking like a woman while completely identifying as male. I see nothing wrong with play drag which is about entertainment or drag that's just meant to challenge our ideas of gender (can't remember the name for it).

Deleted user

I find nothing offensive about drag? Actually most women don't see it as 'blackface' for women at all?

It can get a little over the top for my taste but I mean that's kind of the point. Its supposed to be wild and fun. There's a major line between Drag and Trans. Many men that do Drag don't identify as women at all, they just like having this wild alter ego. I have a friend that does drag and is very comfortable with his gender and what not. Their actors having fun. I see no issue with it.


If it were, then the cultural significance would still be there…I mean most people know blackface is not okay, why would drag (being, according to you, comparable to blackface) be okay now?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Who knows? There are some that are still very offended by it. But I think people see it as part of a movement they subscribe to and have forgotten its history and see it only as harmless play.


Honestly, if it were that offensive, I don't think people would have forgotten… the comparison to blackface just feels icky to me. Blackface was, and is, so, so terrible. Drag just…isn't.

Deleted user

People see it as offensive because they correlate it with the LGBT community.

Where yes there is a lot of over lap between the two (Le Goddess Ru Paul) it should be seen as separate. The basis for the hatred of Drag is that is is 'gay' for a man to dress as a woman.


That's what I always assumed, because my parents hate drag for "turning men gay" or "furthering some agenda". Drag seems innocuous to me, besides obviously kids in drag (which is the same as pageants tbh).