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Let’s imagine you do end up floating through space after the sun does its thing and explodes. I may not be an expert on the human eyes or star explosions, but I’m pretty sure too much light would cause you to go blind, and I’m also pretty sure that watching a star explode would be blinding. I also think the noise might cause you to go deaf but I’m not as sure because I’ve never personally heard a star explode while floating in space so I don’t know much about the physics of that stuff

So now you can’t see, but you’re still floating in space, forever, with no control over your direction or anything. Suddenly, every day does become the same, you have nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to taste or smell, all you feel is constant, never ending, intense pain as you float around hopelessly, eventually spiraling into complete insanity.

Doesn’t sound very fun anymore, does it? You would get sick of the chocolate cake. Even if one day something changes slightly, maybe you get hit in the nose with an asteroid, maybe you end up in a distant planet’s orbit, those little sprinkles aren’t going to make that chocolate cake any less sickening.


Wait Eris… when you say immortality do you mean you would never die of old age, or that no matter what happened it would be physically impossible to die?

Deleted user

Let’s imagine you do end up floating through space after the sun does its thing and explodes. I may not be an expert on the human eyes or star explosions, but I’m pretty sure too much light would cause you to go blind, and I’m also pretty sure that watching a star explode would be blinding. I also think the noise might cause you to go deaf but I’m not as sure because I’ve never personally heard a star explode while floating in space so I don’t know much about the physics of that stuff

So now you can’t see, but you’re still floating in space, forever, with no control over your direction or anything. Suddenly, every day does become the same, you have nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to taste or smell, all you feel is constant, never ending, intense pain as you float around hopelessly, eventually spiraling into complete insanity.

Doesn’t sound very fun anymore, does it? You would get sick of the chocolate cake. Even if one day something changes slightly, maybe you get hit in the nose with an asteroid, maybe you end up in a distant planet’s orbit, those little sprinkles aren’t going to make that chocolate cake any less sickening.

I would just like to say AGAIN that you cannot tell me how I would feel about immortality and floating through space for all time because, as I explained before, I think it would be damn cool to see all that stuff. I love space and the like so I cannot see myself getting bored of it.

Now, just so you know, there's no sound in the vacuum of space unless there is a medium for it to travel through (like oxygen) so the second I started floating around the void I'd pretty much be deaf anyway. Who cares? I don't. Why would one need to hear in space anyway? There's no people nagging at me. Also, if I'm immortal it means that my cells cannot/will not deteriorate and die, meaning that even if I stared into a supernova and my eyes got vaporized, they would just heal back to how it was.

I'm getting annoyed that you keep saying things along the lines of "all you feel is constant, never ending, intense pain as you float around hopelessly, eventually spiraling into complete insanity." When you do not know that would be the case because again you are lingering on the nonsense. Not seeing the big picture. Look past your need to be overly dramatic about something that isn't as serious as you're making it. Immortality would be fun. It's space! Floating around in absolute beauty, watching dust turn into stars, watching life form on new born planets, ride asteroids into oblivion, perhaps even find other intelligent life forms.

That, to me, would be paradise… to become part of the universe once more, but I can see how your religious values would keep you from understanding how that eternity would be okay with me.

Deleted user

Wait Eris… when you say immortality do you mean you would never die of old age, or that no matter what happened it would be physically impossible to die?

Immortal - adjective

  1. living forever; never dying or decaying.


Wait Eris… when you say immortality do you mean you would never die of old age, or that no matter what happened it would be physically impossible to die?

Immortal - adjective

  1. living forever; never dying or decaying.

So both? If a person were to come up to you and stab you 37 times, would you just… regenerate?

Deleted user

I guess? lol I've never really though about the specifics of gaining immortality, but I suppose it would be like that, or if we're extra fancy the knife would just bounce off skin.


Ooh, interesting. See, cause Ella here is talking about a star exploding, so first we need to determine how you'll even survive.


Lol, okay back on track.
Space is cool, sure. But we're not really factoring in the distance between plants, stars, asteroids, life?, etc. If you're, say, floating through space, what are the chances of actually hitting anything? And then the time between travels… you would be so bored.

@Mojack group

If I’m not wrong our sun also doesn’t have enough mass to go “boom”, if anything it’s end will be more like a woosh.

But anyways the chance of hitting something in space is low depending on your velocity and even then hitting a star very, very low. There’s a bit of reading to do with this one as well but I did some googling:

I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be able to control where you go as well despite your immortality in space so you’d just be cruising along for..billions of years, and even longer then that for the rest of the lifespan of the universe. Maybe you’d come across aliens. Maybe they’d come across you. But eventually, all things end and say we get to what might be the end of the universe (which would also be an extremely long time and be very, very boring as well). Again if I’m not wrong, the death of the universe will be very, very dark and cold. All stars will fade away into black dwarfs, which takes quadrillions of years to form (so there are no black dwarfs right now), and also; what would happen if you run into a black hole?

And I know this is only a theory, but there is a theory, that eventually, atoms will decay as well. This will be even longer than the time it takes to form black dwarfs of course, but what happens to you when that occurs?

It would be very boring especially in the long run. Maybe you’d see some things that would be interesting, but a lot of it would be just waiting, floating aimlessly in space.

Deleted user


Alright I'm over it. Thanks for your input guys, that my version of paradise is boring.

@Mojack group

Hypothetically though if the multiverse theory turns out to be true and we somehow create a device to send people to other universes then the immortal person could go through that device and live on forever by just escaping each universe whenever it's about to end so it doesn't sound that bad if we can create something along those lines


You could also hope that somehow humans have developed a way to different planets outside of our solar system. Then continue using that to explore the galaxy, universe, etc. Basically I'm saying escape the solar system before our sun explodes/dies out.

Deleted user

Did you all hear about the people that are going to storm Area 51?

Deleted user

There's a facebook page. XD

It's hilarious. Their motto is "They Can't Stop Us All."

Deleted user


You must give the inside scoop.

Mojack I nominate you as "Spy" because we are curious about the hilarity of this situation

@Mojack group

Here’s their game plan:
Ok guys, i feel like we need to formulate a game plan, Ive put together this easy to follow diagram here for a proposed plan.
The basic idea is that the Kyles form the front line, if we feed them enough psilocybin and monster energy and say that anyone in camoflague is their step dad, and the entire base is made of drywall then they will go beserk and become an impenetrable wall.
Then the Rock Throwers will throw pebbles at the inevitable resistance (we dont want to hurt them, we just want to annoy them enough to not shoot the kyles as often)
While this is all happening, the two naruto runner battallions will run full speed around the north and south flank, and shadow clone jutsu, effectively trippling our numbers, and overwhelm the base (red circle).

((Although there was a P.S at the bottom, stating))

P.S. Hello US government, this is a joke, and I do not actually intend to go ahead with this plan. I just thought it would be funny and get me some thumbsy uppies on the internet. I'm not responsible if people decide to actually storm area 51

((And here’s the image))