forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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Deleted user

Good or not good people should still be able to post it!

Deleted user

Exactly. But only critique if the author asks for it. More like how the fanfiction sites run.

Deleted user


(What is it good for?)


Deleted user

Big oof America.

Pretty much our entire history summed up in one statement


The destruction and/or displacement of hundreds of Native American tribes and their respective cultures in order to seek land and wealth, the White Man's Burden, and general racism against a non-white, non-European group of people.

"Big oof America."

But anyway, since we are on the topic of war… As for the concept of war, is it good, is it bad? No one in their right mind is going to say "Yay" to war. Or well… Almost nobody would say that. The truth is even if we are dealing with absolutes of good and evil, the war itself isn't the part that's good or evil. It's the reasons, the methods, the specific battles and all of the things that happen outside of battle as a side effect.

Let's use WWII for an example.

Was the war a good thing? Hell no, but there was something a lot worse than the war itself. The battle conditions during it. The fact that the whole war started with one man grabbing power (democratically for context) by making people pissed about the endgame of the prior war, and also putting a lot of blame for Germany's problems on groups that he just didn't like. The Jews, the Romani gypsies, the gays, etc. This war was started with reasons that were indeed horrible, but what about some of the other nations? Sure, the rest of the allies were pretty bad at stopping Hitler considering they basically let him take the areas that would become the new "Nazi Germany" that spanned way more than Germany itself, but when they started war, it was because Hitler pushed too far and he started doing unspeakable things. The allies wanted to stop him (well, mostly) and later in the war, Hitler was on everyone's door step, people who weren't already out there were fighting to defend themselves and their home from the invasion of an empire that would not stop unless it was taken out.

Would you criticise these soldiers for defending their homes?

So yeah. Some nations fought out of greed, others fought out of hatred or conquest, but there were some that fought for defense and protection. War is not a good thing at all and it is an unfortunate thing that happens, but to call war in general bad would be unfair to anyone who joined a war for a good cause.

But I'm just a young white man with no war experience who doesn't believe in black and white extremes of good and bad, what do I know? Nonetheless though, my opinion still stands.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

^^ Well said. But I still think war is evil. The causes can justify it and it is sometimes necessary. But since war at its simplest is killing a bunch of people for some reason or another. I say it is inherently bad.


^^ Well said. But I still think war is evil. The causes can justify it and it is sometimes necessary. But since war at its simplest is killing a bunch of people for some reason or another. I say it is inherently bad.

That I can agree with for the fact that some of the members of the German army were actually forced into enlisting, they had to fight and probably die for a man and his followers they might not have even agreed with.

Most if not all wars involve two people with their ideas essentially playing a big game of Civ 6 with their soldiers. Thousands or millions now have to die for one or a few men and a group that agrees with them.

Deleted user

Native Americans.


Oh, Eris already said it as I was typing my essay.

I can read minds, darlin. ;D

Deleted user

You might as well call life evil with that logic

Deleted user

But death is just apart of the journey! Even as a Christian you have to agree with that. Death grants you passage to be with your God, a path to immortality in Paradise, etc.etc.

@HighPockets group

Yeah, death's not evil. And imo, the end goal of life is to die because living on earth forever would be more of a hell than a heaven. As a Christian, my end goal is to die and get to heaven after living a productive and successful life


Because there is killing. Though I think death is evil. In a perfect world we would be immortal.

Okay, you did mean it like this… In this case I wholeheartedly agree with the other members of this chat. Religious values or not, death is a natural part of life and until proven otherwise, completely unavoidable. If we take religious values into account, then the thing that people are basically looking forward too in some way for a lot of faiths including Christianity is some form of salvation from worldly suffering and the punishments associated with not being in their god's graces. To be immortal would result in never receiving that salvation, which would be a punishment. If you mean the immortality of the immortal soul, then you still need to die at some point if just your soul is to live on whether in a heavenly plain or not. Even I as someone who has Atheistic views of the afterlife so far would find death a punishment. Do I fear death? Of course I do, death is a subject that terrifies most people subconcsiously whether you believe in an afterlife or not. However, I would never ask to live forever, because by doing that, I have doomed myself to be in a position where if I ever love someone, whether platonically, romantically or as a family member, I will lose them eventually to time and have to continue without them


Afterlife or not, as SlytherinnyJenny said

"… living on earth forever would be more of a hell than a heaven."