forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

@Mojack group

10 lives 100 years.

I’m fine with poly dating as well. I personally don’t know if I’d be able to do it, but as long as everyone agrees and is healthy in it, then yes.


I wouldn't do it but I don't think there's anything wrong with poly-dating. As long as everyone in the relationship is cognizant and accepts it.

@HighPockets group

As long as everyone knows about it and they all consent to it, then yes. If it's "A is dating B and C, they both know and are fine with it" then it's fine, if it's "A is dating B and seeing C behind B's back" then no.

Deleted user

Well no, not exactly. It's only cheating if you've expressed that persons A & B decided to be exclusive. If it's just casual then person A can date whoever.


I suppose, although is it really 'going behind someone's back' if you've made it clear it's not an exclusive relationship?

@GameMaster group

I’m wondering what you guys think of morphology based phylogeny Aka; humans didn’t really take a lot into account when putting stuff in categories.

@GameMaster group

Like what are we even supposed to do with the platypus. Aquatic mammal that lays eggs and is venomous and also the eggs have bird and reptile traits and it has extra senses for some reason.

@GameMaster group

It’s like Plato defined humans as featherless bipeds and then Diogenes ran in with a plucked chicken yelling “BEHOLD A MAN.” Now that kangaroo bears are a thing the human race is just shooting blanks in the whole distinguishing department.

@GameMaster group

Ikr like by some standards hummingbirds are insects like what are we even supposed to do about that. It’s the whole is a tomato a fruit or vegetable thing.