forum Debate. Debate. Debate.
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Dude that's fucked up if you ask your friend to kill you.

Deleted user

Oh of course! I'm just saying.

People (me) tend to think 'out aloud' a lot.

Deleted user

That is such an odd thing to say "apply for suicide"


So if you're allowed to kill someone, considering they give you consent to kill them, and they've applied for suicide (XD) and have been on the list for a year, then you can kill them?
What if there's a murderer around who kills someone, then in the court case says it was because this person had given them consent. The person has, coincidentally, been on the list for a year. How easy would it be for a murderer to just pretend to be their best friend, to kill them.

Deleted user

Well I still think that there should be a contract specifying who can kill you. If the murderer's name doesnt match up then they get punished for murder.

Deleted user

That is such an odd thing to say "apply for suicide"

That sounds like something in a dystopia

exactly! Like your immortal and have to apply for death? weird af dude

@HighPockets group

That is such an odd thing to say "apply for suicide"

That sounds like something in a dystopia

exactly! Like your immortal and have to apply for death? weird af dude

Nooo I don't need any more story ideas rn lol

Deleted user

I'm literally full of them.

I should be the writing prompts guy.


Would there be a death list? Would people fight to die? Is there honor in dying in a fighting match?

Deleted user

The possibilities of an honorable death are endless.

Hail Seppuku.


I'm literally full of them.

I should be the writing prompts guy.

Please. The writing prompts are getting….strange, for lack of a better word. Now THIS is something interesting XD


Strange… ?

Well, not so much "strange" as "far-fetched". I enjoy reading them, but they're so far out there that, personally, I think it's difficult to form a story. But that's just me.


Periods make statements look serious.
Imagine getting a text from a friend, and it says "Hey"
Now imagine that text, but instead, it says "Hey."
Longer phrases/sentences don't matter as much because the period seems to be almost an afterthought, a habit for sentence structure. But in passing such as in texts or these messages on a thread, "Ah." is a freaking power move. At least, just for me haha.

Deleted user

Does anyone else find it interesting that in the age of information people look so deeply into the meaning of proper punctuation?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Periods make statements look serious.
Imagine getting a text from a friend, and it says "Hey"
Now imagine that text, but instead, it says "Hey."
Longer phrases/sentences don't matter as much because the period seems to be almost an afterthought, a habit for sentence structure. But in passing such as in texts or these messages on a thread, "Ah." is a freaking power move. At least, just for me haha.
