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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Also- the internet is not a safe place. If you are posting your art online you know full well that it can be stolen and used by other people. There is no law protecting you (unless you copy write it) so in the end you can blame no one but yourself.
If you want your art to remain protected, do not post it.

Deleted user

How would anyone post it, if the artists didn't already upload it?


Also- the internet is not a safe place. If you are posting your art online you know full well that it can be stolen and used by other people.

Of course the internet isn't a safe place, neither is the real world. Everything can be stolen, but that doesn't make it right.

There is no law protecting you (unless you copy write it)

According to some research… I'm pretty sure there is.

What does copyright protect?

Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.

When is my work protected?

Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.


so in the end, you can blame no one but yourself.

If the artist had done absolutely nothing to protect their art from theft, then yes, this point stands. However, in most cases, the artist will sign the image, post samples of artwork in extremely low quality, watermark the heck out of it, avoid sketchy websites, disable the right-click function, crop the image, and/or take immediate action every time someone copies the work, but still end up with stolen art. In those cases, it was completely out of the artist's control, and therefore it's not their fault.

Are we going to start blaming and/or punishing banks for robberies instead of the criminals?

If you want your art to remain protected, do not post it.

By that logic, if studios don't want their movies stolen, they shouldn't make them in the first place.
If songwriters don't want their music stolen, they shouldn't make it available to anyone.
If animators don't want their animations stolen, they shouldn't post them.
If seamstresses don't want their works stolen, they shouldn't sell them.
If you don't want something to be stolen, don't make/buy/provide it in the first place, because nothing's ever safe.

…These are people's careers, it's how they earn a living, they're going to post stuff whether it ends up stolen or not.

No one is entitled to another person's hard work and effort.
If an artist has some of their work only available for their Patreon supporters, her fans that can't afford to support her business won't be able to see the Patreon-exclusive artwork, but does that mean her paying fans should be allowed to screenshot the artwork and share it with non-paying fans?
No. That's cheating the artist out of their money. If you don't pay, you don't get to see it, simple as that.

And besides, it's very possible to live a normal, happy life without seeing that artwork/show. Art is a luxury, you don't need it to survive. It might make you happy, but so would a mansion in the middle of a tropical island, and we can't be giving away free mansions just cause some people can't afford them.

Deleted user

I never said that stealing was right I just said that it can be avoided and that authors/artists really can't boohoo over stolen work when they post it on the internet. The human race kinda sucks in that regard but its the truth.
Not to mention that people rarely if ever take people to court and/or sue people for stealing their work on the internet because at the end of the day you are choosing to put it out into a medium that has no rhyme or reason and in which bad people/ people who have no regard for laws are going to take advantage of it.

It's more or less a kind of situation where you just shrug and go "oh well."

Deleted user


Deleted user

Lol. With me being as clumsy as I am, I just imagined myself tripping and falling down a couple flights of stairs.

@HighPockets group

Is anything more annoying than when you're in a car and you drive a little too close to the side of the road and it does the squeaky screechy thing?

Deleted user

That's why i used it. lol

I haven't the foggiest….?

Deleted user

My friend asks if you mean rumble strips.

What are these????