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@Mojack group

I'm only afraid of how I die. Chances are I won't die peacefully in my sleep. Cancer tends to run in my family, so there's that. So does heart problems with certain people. But who knows, maybe it skipped me. What's after I die.. well, I'm not sure. I'm not going to think about that, though. I agree with death being a passage. I can also understand why people would be afraid of death in general.

Death is a pretty interesting topic.

Deleted user

Because there is killing. Though I think death is evil. In a perfect world we would be immortal.

Okay, you did mean it like this… In this case I wholeheartedly agree with the other members of this chat. Religious values or not, death is a natural part of life and until proven otherwise, completely unavoidable. If we take religious values into account, then the thing that people are basically looking forward too in some way for a lot of faiths including Christianity is some form of salvation from worldly suffering and the punishments associated with not being in their god's graces. To be immortal would result in never receiving that salvation, which would be a punishment. If you mean the immortality of the immortal soul, then you still need to die at some point if just your soul is to live on whether in a heavenly plain or not. Even I as someone who has Atheistic views of the afterlife so far would find death a punishment. Do I fear death? Of course I do, death is a subject that terrifies most people subconcsiously whether you believe in an afterlife or not. However, I would never ask to live forever, because by doing that, I have doomed myself to be in a position where if I ever love someone, whether platonically, romantically or as a family member, I will lose them eventually to time and have to continue without them


Afterlife or not, as SlytherinnyJenny said

"… living on earth forever would be more of a hell than a heaven."

Well said!

Deleted user

I am not afraid to die, if it be a nice way or a bad way. Nor am I afraid of what comes after. It's just another door you know? You walk through those all the time.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yeah, death's not evil. And imo, the end goal of life is to die because living on earth forever would be more of a hell than a heaven. As a Christian, my end goal is to die and get to heaven after living a productive and successful life

Yo Jyn. That is some newfangled theology that the Catholic (Do you still identify as?) church does not accept. Read Revelations. New heaven and new earth and all that. And it would only be hell if it was earth as it is now. If it was a new and perfect earth, then living here *there would literally be heaven as the whole point is to perfect the mortal world and make it one once more with the spiritual world.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Because there is killing. Though I think death is evil. In a perfect world we would be immortal.

Okay, you did mean it like this… In this case I wholeheartedly agree with the other members of this chat. Religious values or not, death is a natural part of life and until proven otherwise, completely unavoidable. If we take religious values into account, then the thing that people are basically looking forward too in some way for a lot of faiths including Christianity is some form of salvation from worldly suffering and the punishments associated with not being in their god's graces. To be immortal would result in never receiving that salvation, which would be a punishment. If you mean the immortality of the immortal soul, then you still need to die at some point if just your soul is to live on whether in a heavenly plain or not. Even I as someone who has Atheistic views of the afterlife so far would find death a punishment. Do I fear death? Of course I do, death is a subject that terrifies most people subconcsiously whether you believe in an afterlife or not. However, I would never ask to live forever, because by doing that, I have doomed myself to be in a position where if I ever love someone, whether platonically, romantically or as a family member, I will lose them eventually to time and have to continue without them


Afterlife or not, as SlytherinnyJenny said

"… living on earth forever would be more of a hell than a heaven."

First let me thank you for your wall of text.
Well Christians do too believe in the inevitability of death as we have no good evidence to contradict. Salvation from the worlds sufferings? To an extent. But it’s only the new guys that promise rainbows and puppies to those that follow God and forget that the symbol of our faith is a gory torture device. Many of God’s best servants died horrific deaths. It’s a new thing that bad things happen to you when you’re not right with God.
So, the end goal is to do good in this world and be allowed into the next one which will be perfection, immortality included.


Because there is killing. Though I think death is evil. In a perfect world we would be immortal.

Okay, you did mean it like this… In this case I wholeheartedly agree with the other members of this chat. Religious values or not, death is a natural part of life and until proven otherwise, completely unavoidable. If we take religious values into account, then the thing that people are basically looking forward too in some way for a lot of faiths including Christianity is some form of salvation from worldly suffering and the punishments associated with not being in their god's graces. To be immortal would result in never receiving that salvation, which would be a punishment. If you mean the immortality of the immortal soul, then you still need to die at some point if just your soul is to live on whether in a heavenly plain or not. Even I as someone who has Atheistic views of the afterlife so far would find death a punishment. Do I fear death? Of course I do, death is a subject that terrifies most people subconcsiously whether you believe in an afterlife or not. However, I would never ask to live forever, because by doing that, I have doomed myself to be in a position where if I ever love someone, whether platonically, romantically or as a family member, I will lose them eventually to time and have to continue without them


Afterlife or not, as SlytherinnyJenny said

"… living on earth forever would be more of a hell than a heaven."

First let me thank you for your wall of text.
Well Christians do too believe in the inevitability of death as we have no good evidence to contradict. Salvation from the worlds sufferings? To an extent. But it’s only the new guys that promise rainbows and puppies to those that follow God and forget that the symbol of our faith is a gory torture device. Many of God’s best servants died horrific deaths. It’s a new thing that bad things happen to you when you’re not right with God.
So, the end goal is to do good in this world and be allowed into the next one which will be perfection, immortality included.

So what you are referencing is the immortality of the human soul rather than the human body?

@HighPockets group

Yeah, death's not evil. And imo, the end goal of life is to die because living on earth forever would be more of a hell than a heaven. As a Christian, my end goal is to die and get to heaven after living a productive and successful life

Yo Jyn. That is some newfangled theology that the Catholic (Do you still identify as?) church does not accept. Read Revelations. New heaven and new earth and all that. And it would only be hell if it was earth as it is now. If it was a new and perfect earth, then living here *there would literally be heaven as the whole point is to perfect the mortal world and make it one once more with the spiritual world.

Yeah, I'm Catholic, and by heaven I just meant whatever comes next, be it heaven or new earth or most likely purgatory. I believe in making the most of the time I have and helping others so I can 'level up' as it were, to heaven eventually.

@HighPockets group

I would say I'm not scared of death, but of how I'll die, since I assume it won't be super peaceful and all. Immense pain scares me more than death itself because death's just the next step towards the next life, this one eternal.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So what you are referencing is the immortality of the human soul rather than the human body?

No. Sort of. In my religion the matter matters as well. So even if the bodies we have now crumble, we will have bodies in the afterlife.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I would say I'm not scared of death, but of how I'll die, since I assume it won't be super peaceful and all. Immense pain scares me more than death itself because death's just the next step towards the next life, this one eternal.

I feel.


I'm absolutely terrified of death because I have absolutely no faith in myself nor do I see myself as worthy of an eternity in heaven, but that's just me


So what you are referencing is the immortality of the human soul rather than the human body?

No. Sort of. In my religion the matter matters as well. So even if the bodies we have now crumble, we will have bodies in the afterlife.

Okay, well anyway, on the subject prior, is it the death in war or the fact that the deaths are vi the person being killed you find evil?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But it’s because I think death is terrible. As have most of you I am sure, I have had my share of death. It really sucks. It’s horrible waking up in the morning to find out that someone you love is unavailable for the rest of your life.


But it’s because I think death is terrible. As have most of you I am sure, I have had my share of death. It really sucks. It’s horrible waking up in the morning to find out that someone you love is unavailable for the rest of your life.

"via", my bad.

Okay, again, that is something I can understand. It's just when you said:

"Because there is killing. Though I think death is evil. In a perfect world we would be immortal."

I thought you meant that all death is something that should never happen and if it does, it is an "evil" thing.


But yeah. War is evil because killing people is evil.

Okay, that's what I was asking, but let me ask. Is this a conditional thing for you? Would you kill and view it as not "evil" if say… A robber was about to shoot you and/or a family member but you kill robber in self defense? Is that still evil or is self defense an exception?


A little random but a question for Dom…
Are you viewing 'death' as evil, or losing life? Because death is another door, but stepping through requires one to leave the current room, life.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But yeah. War is evil because killing people is evil.

Okay, that's what I was asking, but let me ask. Is this a conditional thing for you? Would you kill and view it as not "evil" if say… A robber was about to shoot you and/or a family member but you kill robber in self defense? Is that still evil or is self defense an exception?

It’s still evil. But an allowable and justified evil.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

A little random but a question for Dom…
Are you viewing 'death' as evil, or losing life? Because death is another door, but stepping through requires one to leave the current room, life.

What isn’t the difference between death and the losing of life? Is there any difference between cold and the absence of heat?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also, I don't know about all of you, but I found that pin a bit inspiring.

Glad you thought of it so. I personally think it is very important to know what love truly is. If it is just a feeling, all relationships are doomed. If not… it might destroy the romantic hopes of some, but it also gives truth to use as a tool to better ourselves.
Also the part about arranged marriages made me happy. They are pretty much only seen as this terrible thing, when in reality I think for the most part they are a good idea. Glad to see my culture put in a more understanding light.

@HighPockets group

I don't know if it's just my weird brain doing the logic thing, but I don't feel grief a ton. Maybe it's just because I believe that when I die I will see them again, but idk.
Again, my brain is just weird like that in general so shrug.