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Deleted user



Deleted user

Respectfully, I don't have one.

I choose to be bad juju free.

Deleted user

I have an entire threat dedicated to smut

Why do you think it's bad though?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Because it is the literary equivalent to porn and I think the porn industry is pushing the cultural view to men people that women are to be regarded as sexual objects with the purpose of existing to satisfy the desires of men.

Deleted user

Oh no. That's fine. I meant smut = porn = men objectifying women

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It happens in stages, gradually. My experience with pornography generally, but with pornography that deals on a violent level of sexuality, is once you become addicted to it -and I look at this as a kind of addiction like other kinds of addiction- I would keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material. Until you reach a point where the pornography only goes so far, you reach that jumping off point where you begin to wonder if maybe actually doing it would give you that which is beyond just reading it or looking at it.

~Ted Bundy

@Pickles group

To be fair, at the beginning of what I think was that interview, he was saying that porn had nothing to do with it. The people interviewing him were trying to use him as an example of why it's bad (not saying it's good. Not at all), and he told them what they wanted to hear. Okay, I'm done. Back to stalking! (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't done much research on him.)

@Pickles group

It was Ina documentary I watched. But that was all they were talking about, so I got frustrated and only watched half or so.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Okay, before we go any further, it is important to me that people… believe what I’m saying, and to tell you that I’m not blaming pornography. I’m not saying that it caused me to go out and do certain things. I take full responsibility for whatever I’ve done and all the things I’ve done. That’s not the question here. The question… and the issue is how this kind of literature contributed and helped mold and shape the kinds of violent behavior.

(Interviewer) “It fueled your fantasies.”

Fueled… Well in the beginning, it fuels this kind of… thought process. Then, at a certain time, it is instrumental in crystallizing it, making it into something which is… almost a separate entity inside. And that points you at the verge, I was at the verge of acting out this kind of fantasy.


I kinda agree with you about the porn/smut thing. I think a lot of it does objectify women, or fetishize other underrepresented members of society. But that same argument can be argued for tons of media. Comic books often objectified women's bodies. Video games. Etc. So really I think the problem isn't the medium, but the audience with the taste for such things.


Female video game character: wears bikini
People: This is portraying women as sex objects to appeal to the male fantasy. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

Woman in real life: wears bikini